A girl tells you she has a boyfriend but still proceeds to give you the digits, what's the deal?

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by jbpkickz

she wanted you to gas her up, gotta hit the dusty trail op

probably been in a long term relationship for some time now.

 thanks to you she now knows she's "still got it" and will go home and pleasure her man with a newfound confidence and vigor
i love you club... paws
shes not interested. you were just a source of validation for her in regards to her self worth. women in relationships always seek an "outside opinion" to validate that they are desirable either because they are worried their man doesn't find them beautiful anymore or she was just bored that night and needed some sort of short term thrill. after you validated her self worth/ calmed her insecurities / boosted her ego, you meant nothing to her. 9/10 women just love attention, not necessarily you, remember that. I'm not hating, I'm just sharing cause I've learned from past experience. trust me, when she truly wants it, you will know, but from your situation, it doesn't seem that way bro. 
Originally Posted by DC SOUNDS

shes not interested. you were just a source of validation for her in regards to her self worth. women in relationships always seek an "outside opinion" to validate that they are desirable either because they are worried their man doesn't find them beautiful anymore or she was just bored that night and needed some sort of short term thrill. after you validated her self worth/ calmed her insecurities / boosted her ego, you meant nothing to her. 9/10 women just love attention, not necessarily you, remember that. I'm not hating, I'm just sharing cause I've learned from past experience. trust me, when she truly wants it, you will know, but from your situation, it doesn't seem that way bro. 

This man knows what the f*ck he's talking about. Hats off.
Okay pause... she left to find her friends after chit chatting with you. That means she was never really in to you to begin with. She most likely gave you her number out of pity and to get you off of her. Women do that. And after you hit us up, we delete the call history and we curl up in bed with our main.
And contrary to popular belief that entire "she did it to get her ego stroked" isn't necessarily true. A woman who knows she's attractive doesn't need to do that, the real ego boost is when you guys fall for a hair flip or two and proceed to make yourself look like a naive boy when you ask.

Duh. Don't call, don't text.
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by jbpkickz

she wanted you to gas her up, gotta hit the dusty trail op

probably been in a long term relationship for some time now.

 thanks to you she now knows she's "still got it" and will go home and pleasure her man with a newfound confidence and vigor
It means she doesn't respect her current man...nor will she respect the next one she's in a relationship with.
Future reference to our up and coming padawans.. If a chick has a dude, its memorial weekend, you get the number.. go in THAT night.. You cant play it cool, expect to build a relationship with a chick already in one.
Put it down, and have her ask you those questions later.
If a girl gave me the digits and told me she had a boyfriend...i'd get a pen, write those digits down on a large piece of paper, crumple that %!!# up, pour some overproof on it, light it up and then throw it at her for wasting my time.

It seems that integrity is all but lost on my generation and the one's that follow.
Everthing everyone already saidOR...
Originally Posted by AyoDun

She wants you to be her jo son!

This. Shes just letting you know, in case you not down for creeping or plan on cathing any feelings.
Originally Posted by DC SOUNDS

shes not interested. you were just a source of validation for her in regards to her self worth. women in relationships always seek an "outside opinion" to validate that they are desirable either because they are worried their man doesn't find them beautiful anymore or she was just bored that night and needed some sort of short term thrill. after you validated her self worth/ calmed her insecurities / boosted her ego, you meant nothing to her. 9/10 women just love attention, not necessarily you, remember that. I'm not hating, I'm just sharing cause I've learned from past experience. trust me, when she truly wants it, you will know, but from your situation, it doesn't seem that way bro. 

1) She's not happy with her bf
2) She likes the attention, regardless if she's happy with her bf or not
3) She's actually interested in you
4) She's just being nice because she doesn't want to hurt your feelings
5) She doesn't know how to say no to giving you her number
I wouldn't even sweat this girl, but since you made a post about it I am taking it you are. Anyway, like most said the girl more than likely was looking for attention/validation. You will most likely never hear from this girl again and calling her will prob result in you reaching her voicemail. I wouldn't worry about it, it happens to the best of us. I have collected so many numbers from randoms in the past, some work out and some don't. Its a game of numbers (no pun intended), just be outgoing and if you find a girl attractive/interesting get the digits, the more you get the more likely you will succeed, sounds easy enough but a lot of dudes get caught up in the one or two situations that don't work out ...
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