A girl tells you she has a boyfriend but still proceeds to give you the digits, what's the deal?

Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

She just wanted the attention and thrill for the time being. She was not interested in the first place. 

True.  On to the next bro
Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

Originally Posted by DC SOUNDS

shes not interested. you were just a source of validation for her in regards to her self worth. women in relationships always seek an "outside opinion" to validate that they are desirable either because they are worried their man doesn't find them beautiful anymore or she was just bored that night and needed some sort of short term thrill. after you validated her self worth/ calmed her insecurities / boosted her ego, you meant nothing to her. 9/10 women just love attention, not necessarily you, remember that. I'm not hating, I'm just sharing cause I've learned from past experience. trust me, when she truly wants it, you will know, but from your situation, it doesn't seem that way bro. 

This man knows what the f*ck he's talking about. Hats off.

Why you text her the NIGHT she gave you the number?


Shoudda waited a few days.
Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

She just wanted the attention and thrill for the time being. She was not interested in the first place. 

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

It seems that integrity is all but lost on my generation and the one's that follow.
Ain't that the truth. That and respect and loyalty. It's sad and scary man
chances are if you get with her, you will want to be serious with her. chances are she will eventually cheat you like she did before to her ex
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