A look back on the Pistons-Pacers brawl

Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

-I was at a Warriors game many years back where the same thing happened, yet its NEVER talked about. Chris Mills and Rasheed Wallace (a Blazer at the time) got into a fight, and when Wallace was ejected, someone dumped a drink on him as he was walking out. Wallace then ran into the stands and had to be restrained. Granted, no punches were thrown at fans, but I never understood why no one ever talked about this. It wasnt as bad as the fight in Detroit, although it could have been (Gilbert Arenas grabbed a chair and started running onto the court, but a Warrior coach grabbed the chair out of his hand).
I thought this was crazy when it first happened. After the game was over didn't Chris Mills pull up in front of the Blazers bus and challenge the WHOLE team to a fight?
Yeah, I think it was Gunna who was taling about this in the most hardbody NBA player thread a while back.
Chris Mills was no joke
Originally Posted by Mr Supreme Stussy

Originally Posted by bigtomgetsgwap

Originally Posted by SoHi 23

I FR3SH I wrote:



When I first saw that I was
at the same time
He came out of no where.
I had to rewind this part when i saw it today...

But as far as the incident goes someone called me when I was on the way to my mans house and I could not believe what I was seeing...David Stern was not playing when he gave out those suspensions

i was just about to make a gif too.
saved me the trouble. +1

man i watched that part 30 times easy.
The whole thing was crazy. The Pacers were wicked good that year.

Still don't get how the Pistons got off so easy. Something should have been done to punish the team. Maybe not allowing fans to attend games for a while.

Ben Wallace had to +$*+ with Artest after. He straight up pushed him right in the face and !%!$.
Craziness. I was at a bachelor party when it happened. Not one person was paying the strippers any mind at that point lol. I can't front, I enjoyed thatmelee tremendously.
You're saying this in regards against Artest when Ben Wallace was the one who wanted to start a fight? Sounding a little biased there.
None of the players were fighting with eachother. Ben Wallace pushed him which happens all the time in sports. Pushing is not fighting and heprobally had no intentions on fighting he just wanted to make his statement he didnt like what happened. Where as Artest runs in the stands throwing punches ata fan. Idk about you but i see a difference.
He probably had no intentions of fighting?



Color me 'stupid', but he sure the heck looked like he wanted to fight to me. "Hey, I'm going to get in your face, push you in your face,approach you aggressively, keep instigating things after people have separated us two... but I really don't want to fight. I just want to send a message.The message? I'm a hardcore bad-a who doesn't fight. Fool. Rekanize."

Sure thing, bud. You just keep believing with your biased opinion here that Ben Wallace 'probably didn't want to fight', and that Artest, on theother hand, actually went into the game wishing that he could fight someone.

"This is a disgrace. Much like when the Navajo tribe ransacked the village of Bumbleville on the banks of the Shipshewana river prior to the escalation of the Battle of Little Big Toe."
If JO didn't slip on beer with his front foot, he woulda killed the dude.
exactly. If he planted that foot, it woulda been SAYONARA (sp) .

the lead story woulda been , "Jermain Oneal has just killed a fan with a single punch"

to this day I still crack up
ing @ that french open clay court sliding punch
I remember turning on the game towards the end just sort of having it on as I was doing other things. I just happened to look up a few seconds before the big fight when Artest got pushed in the back on the other side of thefloor. I knew something would happen, obviously not people in the stands happen, but something. So I actually stopped what I was doing to see if anything came, and not more then 15 seconds later, I was rewarded.

I kept jumping up and down screaming "holy sh*^, holy sh*^!!"

My wife came in from outside furious at me making so much noise and then sat her a** down and started watching it withme. I was on my feet bouncing around like a boxer just laughin my a** off.

Right away my phone started blowin up and the "did you see?'s" started flowing.

I kept saying that night that this would change sports. But in reality, it reallyhasn't yet. I thought everyone would overreact and have armed guards every ten feet, but I don't really seethat. I think the leagues are more aware of things, they probably pay a little closer attention, but they didn't doanything rash like putting up the hockey glass type barrier like some people were screaming for.

Turns out it was just the one incident, and it'll be a while before we see anything like it again.
i din't believe it when i turn on the TV and seen the brawl but some nice punch by J-ONEAL ,Capt Jack, and Artest
Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

-I was at a Warriors game many years back where the same thing happened, yet its NEVER talked about. Chris Mills and Rasheed Wallace (a Blazer at the time) got into a fight, and when Wallace was ejected, someone dumped a drink on him as he was walking out. Wallace then ran into the stands and had to be restrained. Granted, no punches were thrown at fans, but I never understood why no one ever talked about this. It wasnt as bad as the fight in Detroit, although it could have been (Gilbert Arenas grabbed a chair and started running onto the court, but a Warrior coach grabbed the chair out of his hand).
I thought this was crazy when it first happened. After the game was over didn't Chris Mills pull up in front of the Blazers bus and challenge the WHOLE team to a fight?
The story goes, when the Blazers bus was in the one lane exit out of the stadium, Chris Mills stood in front of the bus to block it from leaving,while holding a handgun. Obviously this was never proven, but this is how the story is explained.
Originally Posted by Jehlers02

You're saying this in regards against Artest when Ben Wallace was the one who wanted to start a fight? Sounding a little biased there.
None of the players were fighting with eachother. Ben Wallace pushed him which happens all the time in sports. Pushing is not fighting and he probally had no intentions on fighting he just wanted to make his statement he didnt like what happened. Where as Artest runs in the stands throwing punches at a fan. Idk about you but i see a difference.

I dont know what video clips you were watching, but you are 100% wrong. Ben Wallace wanted to fight, but had to be restrained. And there is a bigdifference between a normal push, and the agressive shove that Wallace put on him. Ben wanted to fight. If there was no restraints, there would have beenpunches thrown.

And I also would love to know which clips you are watching that shows Artest running in the stands throwing punches. He runs up to the guy he thinks threw thecup and grabs him. In no way was he running in the stands throwing blows. I am not saying Artest did not want to kill the guy who threw the cup, but hecertainly was not running in the stands throwing punches like you said. It wasnt until he was getting shots thrown at him, that he started throwing his own.

I understand people are biased and hate Artest, hell I dont really like him either. But try to be open minded here. I know everyone is entitled to theiropinion, but Jehlers, your opinion is flat out wrong in this case.
im so happy i was watching this as it unfolded...i couldnt even bring my self to call anyone to tell them about until it was over cuz i didnt wanna missanything. But this was definitely the greatest thing to ever happen in the NBA...like 6:30

the lead story woulda been , "Jermain Oneal has just killed a fan with a single punch"

Color me 'stupid', but he sure the heck looked like he wanted to fight to me. "Hey, I'm going to get in your face, push you in your face, approach you aggressively, keep instigating things after people have separated us two... but I really don't want to fight. I just want to send a message. The message? I'm a hardcore bad-a who doesn't fight. Fool. Rekanize."

Sure thing, bud. You just keep believing with your biased opinion here that Ben Wallace 'probably didn't want to fight', and that Artest, on the other hand, actually went into the game wishing that he could fight someone.
Again people push people all the time in sports and i personally think its to show that you didnt like what just happened. I garuntee you in thisnext wizards and cavs series there will be pushing and shoving without a fight. Yea there will be refs splitting it up, but if Wallace had that chance hecoulda stuck him same with artest. If youve seen sporting events with fights theres no in between buisness with a fight punches are thrown immediatly. Wallacepushed him and didnt like what artest did. It was a hard push but there is no way i see wallace throwing punches unless artest strikes first thats just me idcwhat others think thats what i think.

And I also would love to know which clips you are watching that shows Artest running in the stands throwing punches. He runs up to the guy he thinks threw the cup and grabs him. In no way was he running in the stands throwing blows. I am not saying Artest did not want to kill the guy who threw the cup, but he certainly was not running in the stands throwing punches like you said. It wasnt until he was getting shots thrown at him, that he started throwing his own.
Yea i just watched the video he ran up tackled dude and was punching him while other fans were trying to pull him off...u were watching the videoon the first page right cuz thats the one i was watching
Originally Posted by CP1708

I kept jumping up and down screaming "holy sh*^, holy sh*^!!"
My wife came in from outside furious at me making so much noise and then sat her a** down and started watching it with me. I was on my feet bouncing around like a boxer just laughin my a** off.
Originally Posted by Jehlers02

Color me 'stupid', but he sure the heck looked like he wanted to fight to me. "Hey, I'm going to get in your face, push you in your face, approach you aggressively, keep instigating things after people have separated us two... but I really don't want to fight. I just want to send a message. The message? I'm a hardcore bad-a who doesn't fight. Fool. Rekanize."

Sure thing, bud. You just keep believing with your biased opinion here that Ben Wallace 'probably didn't want to fight', and that Artest, on the other hand, actually went into the game wishing that he could fight someone.
Again people push people all the time in sports and i personally think its to show that you didnt like what just happened. I garuntee you in this next wizards and cavs series there will be pushing and shoving without a fight. Yea there will be refs splitting it up, but if Wallace had that chance he coulda stuck him same with artest. If youve seen sporting events with fights theres no in between buisness with a fight punches are thrown immediatly. Wallace pushed him and didnt like what artest did. It was a hard push but there is no way i see wallace throwing punches unless artest strikes first thats just me idc what others think thats what i think.

And I also would love to know which clips you are watching that shows Artest running in the stands throwing punches. He runs up to the guy he thinks threw the cup and grabs him. In no way was he running in the stands throwing blows. I am not saying Artest did not want to kill the guy who threw the cup, but he certainly was not running in the stands throwing punches like you said. It wasnt until he was getting shots thrown at him, that he started throwing his own.
Yea i just watched the video he ran up tackled dude and was punching him while other fans were trying to pull him off...u were watching the video on the first page right cuz thats the one i was watching

Are you ignoring the part of the video where Wallace is continually going after Artest after the push? Are you missing the players and coaches trying tohold Wallace back? Ben isnt going after Artest to have a discussion.

Ben isnt going after Artest to have a discussion.
He ran up to him tackled him and tried to punch him u can even see him bring his elbow back. He was gettin held back but dude what do u thinkArtest was running at the fan for to have a discussion? are u joking?

Are you ignoring the part of the video where Wallace is continually going after Artest after the push? Are you missing the players and coaches trying to hold Wallace back? Ben isnt going after Artest to have a discussion.


Lol whatever im not Ben idk what he was thinking its just my opinion i dont see him throwing punches until artest does it first. And yes i do seepeople run at others and yell in their faces all the time. But whatever i really dont care.
All i wanted to see was when J.O. stuck the pistons fan with a fat one in the jaw...........Priceless shot right there, cant get any better than that
If Wallace pushing Artest is because he wants to have a friendly discussion, then why is it unreasonable to assume that Artest just wants to have a friendlydiscussion with the fan he tackled?

Wallace anted to fight Artest; Artest wanted to fight the fan.

If you assume that Wallace did NOT want to fight even though he displaying actions that suggest he wanted to fight, but you assume Artest DID want to fightafter displaying actions that suggest he wanted to fight, you need to take a look at how contradictory and biased your perspective.
^ I know GUNNA was joking earlier that we would have read a headline like that if O'Neal hadn't slipped, but in all seriousness, Jermaine DEFINITELYwould have done some real damage if he hadn't slipped. Because he knocked fatty BACK a couple feet.. and that was WITHOUT a solid foundation to punch with.If he would have had a solid footing...
Fat kid would have definitely been unconscious, at LEAST.
Originally Posted by SCuse7

The whole thing was crazy. The Pacers were wicked good that year.

Still don't get how the Pistons got off so easy. Something should have been done to punish the team. Maybe not allowing fans to attend games for a while.

Ben Wallace had to +$*+ with Artest after. He straight up pushed him right in the face and !%!$.

SMH, what did anyone on the pistons do to warrant a longer suspension/punishment? nothing. I dont recall anyone of the pistons players chargining into thestands, throwing things, punching fans.
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