A Ma Maniere AJ4

I dropped a video talking about the release information and requirements. Guess we have to submit a video.

Wow, I don't think anybody was expecting that. I think it's a phenomenal idea.

But to be completely honest, I'm not at all active into political issues. Are there things I care about? Of course - I think we all have things we care about. But do I go out there and actively voice my opinion on these issues? Not at all.

So if I load up my camera and drop some speech about how much I care about so and so issues and then tag my local representatives, it won't be genuine at all because then I'm only doing it because there is an opportunity to purchase a SNEAKER OF THE YEAR. If that opportunity wasn't there, I wouldn't be doing things like that. That feels really fake to me and, believe it or not, I've got a tiny bit of integrity in me :emoji_laughing:.

So.... I'll just have to admire the SNEAKER OF THE YEAR from the bench 😎 .

So I'm sorry to disappoint you guys S ShaSam and @vinotwofour
Facts it comes off disingenuous. I wouldn’t have made the video if the shoes weren’f attached. Almost like selling out imo.
Thought about hitting up James just to give him a different viewpoint, but after thinking about it, I know his response will be "That's cool, this release ain't for you then." And you know what? Maybe he's right. Sure, this will get some lames to make some dumb videos but it'll also spark a couple kids and maybe create some conversation on some things that actually matter. I'll probably still end up with a pair, but if I don't and have to go to StockX, it's whatever. This stuff means a lot to James. His shoe, his release. Hope people can step back a second and see his view too.
My whole thing with him is that when you go to the AMM twitter page, they have a pinned post at the top. I don’t sway politically to any side, but you can tell the direction they are going (totally fine). My thing is that what if someone makes a video and their issues don’t align with AMM’s stances; does that disqualify their entry? We live in a “wokeism” climate right now.
lol the length?

dare people create content to shed light on POC access to mental health support

And that’s cringe to you?

Big yikes
It’s a little cringe because most people don’t really care (not saying you). This is all for some shoes.

And I hate that POC term; what does that even mean. I know the answer I’m just saying.
My whole thing with him is that when you go to the AMM twitter page, they have a pinned post at the top. I don’t sway politically to any side, but you can tell the direction they are going (totally fine). My thing is that what if someone makes a video and their issues don’t align with AMM’s stances; does that disqualify their entry? We live in a “wokeism” climate right now.
lol woke isn't real, it's a made up boogeyman by right wing media. And yea, you get up there spouting off some Candace Owen's ********, go buy some skechers.
Thanks bro! I hope you win too. For me it's not even about the shoes, hopefully my video can resonate with someone who's going through something and will make them feel like they're not alone in what they're going through. The shoes are nice and if I win, its a added bonus

Naw I feel you. Lol you know my angry *** isn't political but I did feel good getting my feelings out about schools. But I'm hoping the DM I got is a W.
This just in ..the foot apps have announced that before you buy a hot release shoe in store you need to ride a unicycle and spin plates with both hands all at the same time. All while being recorded after signing a waiver that the video of your performance will be used for marketing purposes.
The length people will go just to enter a raffle for SHOES. Whole thing is cringe.

Yall stand in lines outside a store for hours just to take an L. Yet this is cringe ok.... if they did a FCFS release yall would cry about how it doesnt favor working folks. either way people going to complain.

There is always the online release. AMM usually only does local raffles so half the people crying don't even live near a TWG location. so they would have been SOL anyways.

that and people just pay resell and be happy to say my time is money like it took me 10 min to make my vid and discuss what motivates me to vote which is my daughters.
AMM got some of yall just exposing ur self in 4K

remember when footlocker had yall driving around town just to check in for a headstart, oh and the stores and sites that said you get extra entries if you tag 3 friends sign up fo the news letter and post on your ig.

Yall were happy to jump through all those hoops.
AMM got some of yall just exposing ur self in 4K

remember when footlocker had yall driving around town just to check in for a headstart, oh and the stores and sites that said you get extra entries if you tag 3 friends sign up fo the news letter and post on your ig.

Yall were happy to jump through all those hoops.
Making good points. I would definitely do this if I wanted the shoes but I would just sell them so it ain’t feel right. But this is honestly one of the easiest ways to get a nice collab shoe compared to other releases. Just posting something you’re passionate about or even discover something for this shoe. Think he knows people aren’t SJWs but it forces everyone to think about these issues. Like an tv ad it isn’t to sell the product but to create that awareness. Plants that seed and some of these posters may really think about the issues and possibly shift their life or at least head in the right direction. Think his goal is for people to start thinking about things more than shoes and does a good job cuz you care about how you come off in a video so you are going to do some reasearch.

TL DR who cares.
ya'll know trump getting reelected. too many magas. dont matter what you think lol.
Making good points. I would definitely do this if I wanted the shoes but I would just sell them so it ain’t feel right. But this is honestly one of the easiest ways to get a nice collab shoe compared to other releases. Just posting something you’re passionate about or even discover something for this shoe. Think he knows people aren’t SJWs but it forces everyone to think about these issues. Like an tv ad it isn’t to sell the product but to create that awareness. Plants that seed and some of these posters may really think about the issues and possibly shift their life or at least head in the right direction. Think his goal is for people to start thinking about things more than shoes and does a good job cuz you care about how you come off in a video so you are going to do some reasearch.

TL DR who cares.

Some people are posting about issues they are passionate about and is a hot topic. Saw one dude talking about pro life and another about right to bare arms. Also it’s not like you gotta show ur face either.
Some people are posting about issues they are passionate about and is a hot topic. Saw one dude talking about pro life and another about right to bare arms. Also it’s not like you gotta show ur face either.

Betting odds at -100000000000000000000000000 that they will not catch a W.
and this is why this release is so flawed and our country is divisive, people cannot stomach other's opinions that do not fall in line with theirs
and this is why this release is so flawed and our country is divisive, people cannot stomach other's opinions that do not fall in line with theirs
"I want to control a woman's body and play pew pew while I cosplay"


Go buy some Skechers, buddy.
and this is why this release is so flawed and our country is divisive, people cannot stomach other's opinions that do not fall in line with theirs

You know people don't have to share or accept someone's opinion/beliefs. You're free to have and express em but that's about it. And if you know the person you want something from won't like the opinion why participate let alone do business with them? It's not hard to choose to shop elsewhere.
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