A real debate on Hip Hop Vol. Are Hip Hop Fans fickle?

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by LLCoolMichael

Originally Posted by LarryDavidSwag

no, the real reason hip hop is hurting is because the market has shifted.

around 98, record companies stopped signing, promoting and developing artists to pitch at the black community...

their target audience is suburban kids between the ages of 12-23.....

for the most part, suburban kids are white.

the music is being marketed for consumption by white america....

THATS why wack *@#!@# are on

THATS why nice *@#!@# get played

THATS why the radio sucks

THATS why the same 20 videos get played for a week then a new 20 get played nonstop, etc.

THATS why "hiphop" is dead.

these companies are basically selling pre-packaged "black culture" to suburban america......which would be cool if it wasnt full of gross stereotypes which perpetuate prejudices and racism....

but that's for another day.


Swag (TylerTheCreator v.)
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