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I entered and didn't receive one. My sister received one. I'm assuming they didnt send out L emails.
I argue all the time that Concords wasn't the start of hype as we know it. It was Tiffany sbs. SBs, af1 QS, and collabs had lines way before concords released.

Cool grey xis did cause a riot in l.a. But that was fox hills fault.

Def began around the silver box era. No one gave a damn about SBs when they were still in the normal Nike boxes (Mulders, Chocolates, etc.). The Supremes and Heinekens are, imo, what got the train started. Up until Cali Dunks I don't think i ever had to wait in a line.
When do you think the oreo's will start hitting the apps?

Kinda late for an official announcement from Adidas?
This has to be one of my favorite celeb/sneaker posts of all time. Celine is such a boss.
This is AMAZING. 
thats the thing with the owner. they do so many giveaways and stuff that youd think they be a good shop but they consistently beat everyday customers over the head with them prices. meanwhile the free loaders be like this the best shop ever... well yeah try buying something once or twice from them, youll realize you can save more money in the long run than keep tryna get free stuff from these penisheads 
When do you think the oreo's will start hitting the apps?

Kinda late for an official announcement from Adidas?

Not at all. For the 3 pairs on black friday everyone was freaking out saying it was too late and nothing was gonna release anymore and then on monday morning it was on the app lol
Barneys winners....Heads up , they're calling to process the orders.
wonder if they gonna do waves and email people throughout the next few days like how they did with the Chocolate 750s raffle I mustve been the LAST person they emailed 
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