Air Jordan 11 Space Jam-December 10, 2016-$220

Code Red Fam. My FTL app says it rolled over to 23hrs left on my countdown instead of now telling me? Anyone else with this prob or am I in a bad spot?
Am I gonna regret not doubling up on these?

I know the feels man. Every impulse in me wants two pair but deep down I kinda know it's not necessary. I just love this shoe so much it's hard not to want two pair. I can think of a lot of things I can do with that extra $240 though including purchasing a different shoe.
Code Red Fam. My FTL app says it rolled over to 23hrs left on my countdown instead of now telling me? Anyone else with this prob or am I in a bad spot?

The actual draw doesn't happen until Fri night. App submissions just close tonight.
Purchased my reserved pair as soon as I got the notification on the app this morning. Then read people were getting promo codes from Nike chat and got a 20% off. So I call Nike customer service so I can apply the code to my order and the lady asks sure and asks me what was the percentage on my promo code i told her 20%. She puts me on hold and says ok this brings your total down to $190 i added a 20% code to your order you can keep yours for a future use. Turned out to be a good day
Purchased my reserved pair as soon as I got the notification on the app this morning. Then read people were getting promo codes from Nike chat and got a 20% off. So I call Nike customer service so I can apply the code to my order and the lady asks sure and asks me what was the percentage on my promo code i told her 20%. She puts me on hold and says ok this brings your total down to $190 i added a 20% code to your order you can keep yours for a future use. Turned out to be a good day

How did you get the code?
can i call and ask if i won or would that not work 
My girl just got a call from Footlocker, I'm good for Saturday morning. pickup between 9am and 3pm.

and with an old fashion ticket raffle. ill take it.
I wonder how they work out who to reserve shoes too because to date they've give me every release I've wanted, not complaining just wondering if it's bias.
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what if i don't win can i just walk up in there and get them? was able to do that for my retro 5 gold coins and i won a ticket
Still no reservation. Nike sends me a invite for those Black/White 9s and not these smh. What's funny is that I hate 9s the most of any of the 1-14 era Jordan's and 11s are one of my favorites. I have this 15% coupon I've been waiting months to use.
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