Air Tech Challenge II and Tech Low Retro EDIT*pic* 9/29 uhoh sold out of Tarts and Lavas.

If anyone can point me to a pair of sz 10 Tarts for retail or lower, PM me - thx!
Still havent seen em here in Toronto
. I guess i have to buy them on asite.
Saw Lavas for $49 this week but after I cashed my check and went to get a pair tonight some dude had already scooped up the whole lot.
wow. digging well.
i saw these going for 70 a week after they drop so i think they will still go lower. Want the lavas but waiting still. Does the midsole paint chip and turnyellow like the atc 3?
Lava's are like $49.99 here. Waiting for the tarts to go down another $10-15 before i scoop them.
At me for jumpin the gun and copping the Lava'sfor retail
I have yet to see the tarts in a retail store yet. I dont know whats up with that. Has anyone seen them in retail stores yet
I need one of them there shirts!

Holla @ me if u got the Challenge Court shirt or The Official Shirt for the hot lavas!
Son did you actually LOOK for this shirt? The Official Shirt is on NDC...been on there for over 3 months now.
i did. maybe i shoulda been specific. this one.


whoops nvm..
wow it looks so much darker there but uh.. err.. yeahhhhh..

what about this joint?

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