

eBay sellers are starting to throw up detailed pics. Sorry about the size (Chrome on that no resizing $#%^
) and for double posting.
Am I the only one that is passing on both colors only because they aren't really the "1s"?? I just hate the canvas and would rather have seen leather... that's just me tho... South Beaches for me instead that weekend...
Seen the actual shoes at Gallery-2 the other day and I really liked that red/black one.
Too bad that both shops around the city (including Gallery-2) where they'll get em would only be selling w/ some kind of raffles...... 
Guess that answers my question about the black and red pairs coming with extra black laces.

Looks good. Will try to cop.
Originally Posted by FX35on24s

Am I the only one that is passing on both colors only because they aren't really the "1s"?? I just hate the canvas and would rather have seen leather... that's just me tho... South Beaches for me instead that weekend...

this had me crackin up a bit 
I dont own any Jordans newer than 2004.  My monkey !%$ slept on the 2010 white black red release.  Not making that same mistake again.  Both of these Callin My Name.
seems to me most people hating on the canvas don't know what AJKO's actually are...

the OG AJKO's in 1985 were canvas.

gonna pick both up, just curious if the sizing is different than the 2010 version?

can someone please confirm that please?
Decided to grab a pair off the bay early...not trying to be stuck without a pair like I was with the banned I's...just in time for the summer...joints look
@ first i said no, save yer money you have too many jordan 1. Now, its a no brainer. Just breds for me but god dam them blk toes look good in that pic
Thanks for the huge pics...Seriously! I can see the details pretty darn clear...
Man I NEED the bad boys, hope NDC comes thru for me or I might have to bite the reseller bullet smh.
Both pairs look good, but I already have a pair of the Banned 1s so personally I don't see the need to get the Black/Red pair. Those Black Toes on the other hand will definitely be had!
Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

It's interesting how they didn't put the pre-aged midsole on these like they did the 2010's.

because they realized it was trash
Originally Posted by B Sox

Both pairs look good, but I already have a pair of the Banned 1s so personally I don't see the need to get the Black/Red pair. Those Black Toes on the other hand will definitely be had!

Humble Brag.. I dig it, but I'm low-key hating lol
Originally Posted by B Sox

Both pairs look good, but I already have a pair of the Banned 1s so personally I don't see the need to get the Black/Red pair. Those Black Toes on the other hand will definitely be had!
This. I love my Banned's (think I might break them out today actually), but I missed out on the last AJKOs (I don't count the leather ones from last year) and those Black Toes are beautiful.  Damn you JB, why can't you just let me cop my Obsidians and leave me alone!
Haven't been in JB forum since white cements.  These brought me in here lol

Obvious questions.  How is sizing for those that have them.  Compared to recent JB releases. Cement 4s and 3s?

And are these releasing online or just stores? im guess just stores and low availability  edit: June 2 NDC will have them thanks fambs
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