Amare = weak -OR- Bowen = dirty? (vid) vol. Thoughts on dirty players?

^^^^^ holy %*!$ whats up with your avy???????

Cyprus Sinner II:
How do y'all know he didn't knock the wind out of him?

A hard elbow to the rib cage is not something that most people just brush off, plus it had the added momentum of Bowen running into him.

It wasn't a dirty play to the onlooker but if you were the one taking that elbow you might have a different opinion, especially taking it from someone with the history of Bowen.

No one on this board would've just brushed that off, and you would've probably wanted to say something to Bowen too, like Amare did.

But instead what y'all get from that is Amare is soft and baiting the refs for bending over after taking a serious elbow to the ribs, possibly getting his wind knocked out of him, and possibly getting kneed in the balls. Then when he walks over and actually says something to Bowen, that just makes him look softer because he wasn't stupid enough to actually try to fight Bowen.

This is why I don't take 90% of the people on here seriously.
Already been covered.
But then we he hit the Suns bench, my man was top notch, talking abut plays with Nash.

If STAT were on another team, the PG would have been like 'Why are you talking about plays? You alright, my man? For a second, I thought maybe you were dying.'

But STAT's not on another team; he's on the Suns, so Steve was probably thinking 'Enh, I know he's fine. This is what we do, feign injury, try to bait the refs into a call, then come back to the sidelines to discuss our next offensive play, our next defensive rotation, and our next attempt at baiting.'
Meaning 'I'm still right.'


How does it not hold weight that he was acting like he lost his breath (doubled over, grimacing), but then SECONDS LATER, he's over at the Suns bench,perfectly fine?
The game was over at that point, so it wasn't about getting the ref to make a call.

What I think after watching it again, is maybe Bowen did knee Stat down low, intentionally or not, I dunno.

But, if that's the case, I can see how and why Stat reacts the way he did.

He bends over in pain, then gets pissed because 1. He got kneed in the balls 2. It was Bowen who did it.

Dude walks over to confront him, then heads back to the bench, where Nash tells him to chill out, the game is over.
I've most definitely had the wind knocked out of me.

I most definitely was NOT just fine... like nothing had ever happened... seconds later.

He wasn't like, 'recovering' over there with the Suns, away from the refs; he was PERFECTLY FINE. That's... I've never been perfectly fineseconds after taking a gut shot that knocked the wind out of me, and I've never seen anyone else have that experience either.
If you are soft, Bowen will find who you are and expose you ....(Vince, Ray Allen, Nash, etc)

Add Amare to that list of Charmin All-stars

Well I, for one, never said he DEFINITELY was baiting the refs.

However, I think (THINK) you're more confident about him being as injured as he made out to be than I am that he was baiting the refs... and the trith his,we both know an equal amount regarding the extent of his injury, so neither of us should be confident than the other.

I'm not saying he was definitely baiting the refs. I just strung a few facts together and drew that assumption. Like I said, those facts? In front of therefs, no one else around but Bowen, the ref, Nash, and Amare, perfectly fine seconds later, and the person the pick was set against is a person that isrecognized as a dirty player.
Actually... I did intend to just offer my opinion as to what I thought might've happened, which was that the Suns do this type of thing on purpose.

And what exactly is there to own up to? How can a suggestion or a theory be wrong? By being proven wrong.

So prove to me that there was absolutely no trickery involved here, and I'll gladly admit that my theory/suggestion was errant.

But if you expect this to happen, you're fooling yourself:
a- "I have a feeling that Tom stole money."
b- "well my theory is that John stole the money."
a- "Oh. Well I admit that I wrong then. Good thing you caught that."


Your theory/suggestion/presumption is as weak as mine, so I don't see how I have anything to own up to. I never said anything was definite.

@ implications

Some of y'all try too hard with me, no joke.
Yall need to chill.

My personal take on it was the same when I first saw it, Bowen isn't dirty, it wasn't blatant, Amare over-reacted by acting like dude was talking abouthis momma.
Originally Posted by Cyprus Sinner II

Maybe he just took a hard hit to the ribs and his wind wasn't knocked out.

Maybe he just took a medium hit to the ribs.

Maybe he just got a little wind knocked out of him and it wasn't that severe.

Maybe he just got kneed slightly in the groin.

All possible scenarios in which his reaction is perfectly normal.

No one really knows if he was acting or not, but for people to come in here talking about him being soft or saying with full confidence that he was definitely baiting the refs because his reaction is abnormal for what happened is ridiculous.

Maybe we just think he's fake because such a "hard body" shouldn't be doubled over a (as you say) medium hit to the ribs. Thatdoesn't exactly scream hard body.

Maybe we are right and he's just as fake as I've been saying.

Maybe he really didn't want anything to do with getting in Bowen's face, so he waited for 37 people to get between him and Bowen so he wouldn't getexposed.

Surely, my opinion means as much as your opinion since neither of us knows for sure.

Maybe they will meet in the playoffs and we will see it settled for good.
he got hit in the testicals.. Its obvious cuz after he got up he started grabbing them to see if they were still there.. you guys would say anything to hate onthe Suns.
Originally Posted by Jdiddy931

he got hit in the testicals.. Its obvious cuz after he got up he started grabbing them to see if they were still there.. you guys would say anything to hate on the Suns.

No sir, actually, my very first thought by the way he was standing was that he got hit in the knee. His bad knee. That was what I thought was hurt and Ithought there was a chance that it could be somethin severe. So I waited for the replay and all I saw was the elbow and obviously no real damage so then Ilaughed at how fake dude is. But I am dead serious that for like two seconds I thought he had hurt his knee again. It was a soft play by a supposed toughguy. I don't know how you could argue against that, but I understand you don't like hearing that about your boy. But do you think that if Shaq gothit in the gut or even in the balls, do you think he would be doubled over, near death, and then be fine instantly again? Or would he take the hit, cringe,maybe bite his lip a little, and then fly straight after Bowen? I think he would. Stat looked like he dropped the soap. Not a good look.
Can't believe I'm going to agree with Ska on something but Stat recovered way to quick for having the wind knocked out of him. Won't say he'ssoft but he was for sure waiting for some kind of call. When he didn't get it, then he wanted to get hard and looked for a group of people to"hold" him back from getting at Bowen.

Didn't see any groin on that play. Bowen didn't fire up for the chicken wing to the ribs. He just rubbed off him with his arm extended to protecthimself. Stat should know there are two places you protect when setting a screen, groin and ribs.
That play didn't seem particularly bad.. But I have no doubt that Bowen stuck an elbow in there just because he knew he was getting picked..
And elbowing someone in the ribs when you're running could probably sting a little..

That said.. the league is so soft.. If this was the 80s, someone would've laid Bowen out a long time ago..
Originally Posted by grittyman20

If you are soft, Bowen will find who you are and expose you ....(Vince, Ray Allen, Nash, etc)

Add Amare to that list of Charmin All-stars


Ring the damn bell. You sir are correct.
Bowen = dirty?
Hold up, someone still thinks otherwise? Even after all the pictures and animated gifs of him kicking people in the face onmultiple occasions and complaints from just about every NBA star about his dirty play?

Bowen = Dirty, end of discussion. No, not a "tough defender", or something like that that puts a positive spin on him being dirty, but he is a DIRTYdefender and a dirty player, nothing short.

^Like I've always said, he picks and choses who he gets dirty with....that makes him one of the smartest players in the NBA
Cyprus Sinner II:
My problem is when people come across so confidently like Amare's just soft, or it's not possible for him to have actually been hurt for a second.
And my problem is when people try to hard too hard to paint me in a negative light.

Where did I say that there is no way Amare was hurt? Look, my opinion was that he was feigning injury. Just because continue to argue that means that I thinkthere is absolutely NO WAY he was legitimately hurt?

That's quite the immature conclusion to draw of someone; "Well you didn't SAY that he could have possibly been hurt, so I can't stand thatyou're acting like there was no way he was possibly hurt."

It's possible that he could have been hurt.


It's entirely possible.

It is COMPLETELY possible that he got slammed hard in either his midsection or his groin, and the reason he was acting at in the Suns bench was because he wasjust sucking it up.

@ someone needing to read that in order for them to feel comfortable with me acknowledging that my opinion could be wrong

It's like, to make some of you happy, I have to give my opinion now, AND make sure that I acknowledge... EXPLICITLY... that the opposite of my opinioncould be COMPLETELY true.

"I think Ron Artest is a loose cannon. I think he just a time bomb ticking towards another Malice at the Palace incident.

HOWEVER, I it is entirely possible that Ron Artest is one of the most sane people in sports. I could be completely wrong about him being a loose cannon.*"


WHERE did I say that I think there is NO POSSIBLE WAY Amare was genuinely hurt?



I simply argued my opinion, which was that he was feigning. You did the same thing (argue your opinion); it's just that your opinion was that he wasgenuinely hurt. Just because you may have said 'It's possible he was faking' doesn't mean that you believe the opposite of your opinion couldbe true any more than I believe the opposite of my opinion could be true. Just because you may have said that you could be wrong does NOT mean that you'reacting less confident than I am about being right.

You presumed that I thought I was completely confident in my opinion because I never said 'Sure, he could have been hurt,' and that's your fault.

* Incidentally, Artest is one of my favorite players in the league. I love the way he plays.
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