Amsterdam..Red light district...suggestions?

I will be in London in August and I REALLY wanna hit up Amsterdam for the weekend.

Originally Posted by nbirn2103

1. Go to Barney's for the best bomb. They also have a bomb %*+ breakfast spot where you can blaze & eat amazing food that is just down the street.

2. If you are going to the RL district, be picky and find the perfect femme bot. Oh yeah and stick away from the main boulevards and canals when you are looking. Unless you want everyone starring as you walk into the door.

3. Eat SHOARMA and Doner Kebab!! I cannot stress this enough.

4. Stay in a hotel if you can because the hostels there can be pretty grimy, except for a few and most of those are consistently booked.
dont go to barneys. overpriced and commerical. hit up grey area,mellow yellow, home grown fantasy, green place, 420 cafe, basjoes and damkring foryour green.

never been a prostitute fan but cant lie some of the window girls are good looking.
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