Anthony Bourdain dead at 61. RIP

Sucks to lose a brilliant thinker. They are scarce in this world, and almost never found in the media. He had a way of presenting other cultures to us in a way we could all relate to rather than nitpicking and focusing on differences. His shows always had a theme of community, hard work, aspirations. He will be missed but thank god he got to do his thing.
i found out about this from eddie huangs ig

rip tony

kate spade and now bourdain
I attempted suicide, won't lie.

Cut my wrist/arm at the age of 16, mom found me and took me to the hospital. I got stitched up and here i am now.

I felt ashamed. My life wasnt easy growing up, didnt have a father figure and my mom was never around...always out and about doin her thing. I never felt loved. I was jealous of other familys.

Social media came and that didnt help. Seeingpics of others. I didnt know how to be happy...with myself and my life.

Fast forward to today, Ive been seeing a therapist which helps. I have a family now, wifey with two kids and life couldnt be better.

All in all, i appreciate the second chance...and also life.

Social media is dangerous man. Early on I took my life for granted seeing others post all these things and then I had to take a step back and be grateful for what I have. I try to limit how much time I spend on there now and I mainly follow food and inspirational accounts now.

Growing up in my neighborhood people got made fun of is they had a therapist. All my life I was taught it's only for crazy people. I'm glad society is embracing therapy. My wife actually have one.

I'm glad things are turned around for you.
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people who think suicide is selfish are also selfish themselves if you really think about it.

they dont want someone to end their misery for their own need/emotional comfort.

eye of the beholder I guess.
It's a mixed bag for me.

My Sister in laws BF commited suicide about 5 years ago.
They had a fight and she left with a friend to get their nails done and cool off.
She found him hanging in the garage when she got back.
My wife and I meanwhile were having one of the greatest days ever being married, when we got the call at 11pm.
Besides ambulance, we were the only family there.
So i had to call/wakeup a bunch of people I didn't know to tell them my SIL wouldn't be into work and why, then call my brother in law and his wife wake them up and tell them. So after they roll him out, because he was in there the entire time,
at about 2am we had to drive my SIL down to his parents house so she could tell them the news while my wife and I awkwardly sat in another room, listening. Oh yeah, it gets complicated because he and my wife worked together, she actually got him the job, so then she had to deal with it not only on the family side, but on the work side too. We had to clean out their house(with help, of course) and had a memorial for him and then his parents with my SIL buried him in their own private thing.

Was I mad? Oh Definitely, he did this 4 months after my wife and I tied the knot in Hawaii, in a ceremony he attended, we even danced together(I led) and it still blows my mind that there's pictures of that and then 4 months later he's gone. I remember after they were done crying in the other room.
His dad came up to my wife and I and apologized for how selfish his son had been. I kinda agree with him. Especially when it comes to how my wife was affected, how my SIL found him and will be changed forever and how it kinda just threw everyone else off its axis.
Some of that responsibility has to fall on the person. I mean I tried to reach out and hang out one on one, he had interesting hobbies and I was interested, and was brushed off.
Being in sobriety has taught me to speak up, I had 10 months sober and then relapsed, now I have a year and 8 months, still going strong.
the difference? I'm extremely more vocal about how things and situations and people make me feel. I do my best to not compartmentalize any type of way I'm feeling. It's extremely important that I communicate.

Then I see the other side of the coin and where I was and how hard it is to admit you have these problems, and how at one point I would've rather have died then to admit that I have a problem. It's not the easiest thing, its actually really hard and something I still struggle with sometimes. The important thing is I have a great support group, but I wouldn't have had that, if I didn't communicate.

You know at the end of the day, I don't know how he was feeling or what he was going through. I just wished he reached out, because everyone has problems regardless, everyone does. It's just a shame that we are conditioned that we need to hide them to our peers and more importantly to ourselves, or we will be condemned for them(at least that's the perception)

Nobody should have to live like that

I'm sorry for your loss and thank you for sharing.

I feel sorry for Tony's family and friends and for his Best Friend, Eric Ripert, who was the one who found Tony's body after he hung himself.
people who think suicide is selfish are also selfish themselves if you really think about it.

they dont want someone to end their misery for their own need/emotional comfort.

eye of the beholder I guess.

Nah man, suicide is selfish.
people who think suicide is selfish are also selfish themselves if you really think about it.

they dont want someone to end their misery for their own need/emotional comfort.

eye of the beholder I guess.
Someone who commits suicide
Who has little children
The children are selfish??!!
people who think suicide is selfish are also selfish themselves if you really think about it.

they dont want someone to end their misery for their own need/emotional comfort.

eye of the beholder I guess.

There are better ways to end their misery though. Therapy, counseling, rehab, etc. the extreme option isn’t the best option.

RIP to Anthony Bourdain. Dude showed all of us plain folk the craziness and hidden gems of the world. Thank you.

Gonna grab some lechon and a San Mig for the man today.
Anyone who thinks suicide is "selfish" has clearly never experienced real clinical depression, and should just be thankful that they don't have to experience unrelenting mental anguish.
I've gone through depression and I still think it's selfish...
Are we talking a stiuational-based depression, or straight-up clinical "I feel absolutely miserable for no real reason and I can't explain why" depression? Huge difference between the two.

I dunno, I've been to some crazy lows in my life and I really couldn't explain why I felt that way. Therapy and counseling did nothing. Only thing that helped me was heavy-duty antidepressants, and even that only took the edge off.

From my experiences I don't think it's fair to make a judgement call about anyone else's state of mental health. I was on the borderline and told my depression was "moderate." I wasn't thinking clearly at the time, and I could only imagine what a "severe" case is like. When you're in that deep of a hole you can't even bring yourself to acknowledge the positive aspects of life.
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