Any Niketalkers practice edging? Vol Faps on Faps on Faps

May 14, 2008
Anyone have any experience or stories about this. Its supposed to increase testosterone, make you last longer in bed, create deeper levels of orgasms, Gives you energy throughout the day and a bunch of other stuff. I edged for like 2 hours last week and didnt pour my man dressing out the bottle once!

After a few months of this exercise you learn to "dry cum", where can BANG without a single bullet being shot off. People usually bust a real  load a few timesa  MONTH, and that is after a many edging sessions built up before that

[h2]WHAT IS EDGING?[/h2]
In a nutshell, edging is masturbating and stopping right before you ejaculate. Once your urge to ejaculate has subsided, you repeat the process as many times as you'd like.
By building up over and over again, you're training your brain to learn how to gain complete control of your ejaculations (and thus overcome any type of premature ejaculation you may have).

With enough practice, as well as strong pelvic floor muscles from doing your kegels, you'll be able to control when you ejaculate.
Every time you get an erection you're exercising your penis muscle (smooth muscle, that is), and thus reinforcing a harder and healthier penis.

Edging is the most beneficial form of an erection, because during a proper edging session you are near your peak size and hardness for a large amount of time.
Although edging most likely won't work on its own for penis enlargement, many men find that in combination with the standard exercises (jelqing, penis stretching, and girth exercises for penis enlargement), it can dramatically help promote growth.

That said, a few men have found that ballooning, an advanced form of edging has allowed them to grow without additional exercises.
1: Get an erection. The best edging sessions are at least twenty minutes, so privacy and no distractions are the best conditions to start an edging routine.

2: Use a good lubrication, whether it be baby oil, Essential Vein Oil, or a penis lubricant designed specifically for penis exercising (such as Enlargel). I find that some lubricants, like KY Jelly, dry too quickly for a good edging session.

3: Stroke the base of your erect penis and slowly move up toward the frenulum. The frenulum and the head are the most sensitive parts of your penis, so avoid the frenulum unless you have complete control of your urge to come or you are ready to ejaculate. Remember, one of the goals of edging is to learn how to be in control of your biological sensations.

4: If you feel an urge to ejaculate, start to move back down to the base again. Keep the strokes slow at first and avoid stroking too fast until you have mastered edging.

5: Once you reach the point of no return (PONR), also known as the point in which if you keep going then you're going to come, completely stop edging. Wait until the sensation leaves and then resume stroking your penis. While you are waiting for the sensation to subside, try taking deep breaths, rubbing the family jewels, or exploring other sensations of your body.
Going past the point or no return - You may accidentally ejaculate too early here and there, and this is all part of the learning process. Overtime, you will understand your body and your penis more, and will be able to edge closer to the PONR. You will also learn exactly at what point your shaft is loading up to ejaculate. As a general rule, when you feel it in the base of your penis, stop masturbating.

Dry orgasms - Some men notice that after a few months of edging consistently, when they stop right at the PONR they have a dry orgasm. In other words, they "come" without ejaculating. This is a very spiritual experience.

Possibly try something closer to the real thing - For premature ejaculation, you may want to try the Fleshlight Stamina Training Unit. The sensation of the Fleshlight is the closest thing you're going to get to actual sex, which trains your brain to get use to the feeling of sex without the urge to ejaculate.

Can't last more than a few seconds? If you are a two-second man, you may want to try ejaculating first, then waiting until you are able to obtain an erection again to start your edging session.
Yes, I do this every time.

I feel like a moron if I'm done in less than 20 minutes. I don't wait until I lose the urge either, I just stop, then go again, repeatedly.

So...I'm suppose to stop before I...well you know (boom goes the dynamite) ? Ehh I dunno
Dry orgasms - Some men notice that after a few months of edging consistently, when they stop right at the PONR they have a dry orgasm. In other words, they "come" without ejaculating. This is a very spiritual experience.

I'm masturbating, not working on my jump shot. Do the deed, feel the guilt, clean up and go on with my day.
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