Any Nters with psoriasis?

Aug 11, 2007
-how do you deal with it on a day to day basis?
-are you on any treatments or medicine?
-what has worked for you?

Any good tips or recommendations would be appreciated.
Do you have it in the head or on the skin somewhere ? I used to have it in the scalp but used some otc shampoo and was fine after a month. Now that's all I use.
One of my best friends had a very minor case of it on his arms/elbow area and he actually had to take some kind of steroid for a while and a cream. The steroids the doctor prescribed made him gain like 25 pounds in a 4-5 month period 
My case is more like mild to moderate theres good days (very few) and really bad days..i hate when people ask what it is amd they look at me weird.
I had a bad case of it about 2 years ago. I just had spots on my limbs and upper back. My legs were BAD. I'd scratch off my scabs damn near nightly. It hurt to shower sometimes. Felt bad, man. It got better this past year. Then, I started chemotherapy this past summer... then bam, it's completely gone now. I'm like a new person. I guess the chemotherapy affected it because as you know psoriasis is when your skin regenerates to damn fast and pretty much just piles up on top of each other. Well, the chemo killed those skin making cells... or at least slowed it down enough so that I reproduce like a regular person now. Prior to it though, I used creams, ointments, everything. It was really disheartening and something that I kept to myself because of shame. I never wore shorts or short sleeved shirts even in the summer time. Now I'm good. Feels good!
^ damn bro im on that same situation I have spots all over my limbs, torso and scalp.. I rock shorts and tees I wont let it get me down to that point..if people wanna look at me funny I could care less. Glad to hear you are doing good man cant wait to be in your shoes.
I know that feel bro

Been dealing with this devil for about 13 years, as you should know, the winter time is toughest, look forward to the summer to help me battle the outbreaks, mines is not patchy, just sporadic around my body, my thighs and head the worst usually....I use Clobex, which works fine, but the thing with psoriasis is that it builds resistance to these type of topical steroids...
Oh yeah, I also did light therapy... I want to say ultraviolet, but I'm not sure. Might've been UVB? But pretty much I'd stand in front of these lights (think a tanning bed, but vertical) for 5-10 minutes on each side. It helped, but damn my face would be red and I'd just be burnt sometimes. They wanted me to do it daily. It was OD.


how do you manage getting through the winter bro


going to the beach and exfoliating my skin with the sand while being in the water would help out but the results would be short lived for a few days.
My Dad's had it since he was 20. He takes some really strong immunosupressants that keeps it at bay, Etanercept. His moderate to severe I'd say, whole body and head. He also would get psoriatic arthritis.

He's tried so many treatments, a lot of trials for new drugs too. Etanercept (Embrel) is the one that worked the best. You should look into it. His psoriasis pretty much disappeared with it.

Unfortunately, he got sick while overseas and had to stop taking his meds for 2 months and it broke out again like crazy. But it's getting better now.

It's a tough thing to have, I feel for you guys that have it.
Hey everyone.  I actually market a drug (which I won't name) that treats moderate to severe psoriasis.  I don't personally have it, but I've met many people which my drug treats, and how it's changed their lives.  People would rather stay home for months on end, rather than be seen in public with the mass scaling and rashes.  
Before I started working on this drug, I never realized that psoriasis is actually an autoimmune disease, and it's cause by your skin regenerating faster than it needs to, which exposes raw skin, rashes.
Some topicals work for people who don't have severe cases, but for those who suffer from moderate-to-severe (about 800K in the US), other treatments are available if you just talk to your dermatologist.  I'll try to answer any other questions that people may have on this subject.

One thing to consider when reading about the side effects, it is the pharmaceutical company's obligation as directed by the FDA to report ANY side effects patients report.  While some may sound severe, they may have been experienced by just a hand full patients out of hundreds of thousands.
I have a few undiagnosed lesions on my knuckles, elbows, and wrists. And a spot on the back of my scalp that stays itchy/flaky.
Topical steroid cream has helped, but without it, it keeps coming back. FML
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