Any of you guys ever do Insanity or p90x?

May 26, 2003
I stay googling stuff but it all looks to be scam promotion type stories. 
I haven't been in shape since like 2007 when I played ball, so I know its going to be hell, but any of you guys completed it or recommend one to start out with? Any tips?
Dude, do the Insanity fit test. It's like 15 minutes but it will straight kill you.

And I have done workouts from both. Some of the P90x workouts are too long, they should have kept them all around an hr. Nobody wants to stretch for 95 minutes.
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Dude, do the Insanity fit test. It's like 15 minutes but it will straight kill you.

And I have done workouts from both. Some of the P90x workouts are too long, they should have kept them all around an hr. Nobody wants to stretch for 95 minutes.
is the fit test to know if the program is for you or is it just to let you see where you stand?
did p90x for a week. Was pretty exhausting, maybe, I should have beenin better shape prior. Like someone else said, its pretty long and add to the abs workout, you need a lot of time
I did P90x. It's a grind doing it everyday but you'll definitely see results. It's also easier than going to the gym daily. Make sure your off day is a day where you are likely to miss workouts too. People think it's a scam because a lot of people will fail to make it to day 60, but it's a legit workout. There's also a shorter version of yoga that I would look out for. The main one is over an hour long and just gets annoying after the 2nd time doing it.
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Dude, do the Insanity fit test. It's like 15 minutes but it will straight kill you.

And I have done workouts from both. Some of the P90x workouts are too long, they should have kept them all around an hr. Nobody wants to stretch for 95 minutes.

I have Insanity and i use it everyday. Some of the best cardio workouts ever. Drink plenty of water...PLENTY.
Originally Posted by Fresh Prince of Nowhere

I did P90x. It's a grind doing it everyday but you'll definitely see results. It's also easier than going to the gym daily. Make sure your off day is a day where you are likely to miss workouts too. People think it's a scam because a lot of people will fail to make it to day 60, but it's a legit workout. There's also a shorter version of yoga that I would look out for. The main one is over an hour long and just gets annoying after the 2nd time doing it.

I looked at Insanity first because it looked like it was just 45 min workouts, which seemed like something I could do after work before I get ready for bed and stuff in the evenings.
Insanity is insane lol

But for real its real good, you will think you are in shape but once you do it you realize you are not.
I use to do it on the days I couldn't get to the gym.

The fit test makes you see where you stand and as you get closer to the end you compare your starting point.
Did insanity and definitely lost fat when I was routinely doing it. However, now that I've stopped thanks to school it's coming back quick.
Insanity Fitness Test is no joke!!! I'm on Day 8 right now.

Max Interval Cardio is not a scam.
P90X is legit. It certainly isn't a workout you drop and pick-up whenever you feel like it. As the vid says, it's a lifestyle change. You need at least an hour to 2 hours a day to do it. You also have to change your diet so it's definitely not something you do on a whim.
Did p90x..lasted 3 weeks

I was dedicated too but you know those days you come home
from work and just want to knock out.
I did start feeling more fit though
But I did here Insanitys pretty good
Give either a try, u got nothing to lose man
Originally Posted by LuckyLuchiano

ok so Insanity Fit test is different than the actual Insanity program?

The fit test is just most of the exercises you will do in the program
he'll show you the exercise, you will be timed, and you will count the amount of reps for each excercise

For example (not in the dvd icr) jumping jacks 1 minute, than count the amount you can do

You will do about 4 or 5 fit tests throughout the 60 days

I just started doing insanity again so I skipped it I already knew whats up

The actual videos are about 40-45 minutes

Insanity abs is like 20-25 minutes

About every 10 minutes in the videos you get a 30 second water break

Good Luck
I did a month of Insanity and definitely saw results but the eye candy at my gym motivates me more so I prefer to go there. It's legit, but I just also prefer traditional lifting/running more too, which was another reason I stopped.
I've got some pretty bad knees, would either of these be alright on them? For example I am lucky if I am able to play basketball for 2 hrs a week on them, and then they swell up...
The thing with any of those programs is, if you eat like a pig you aren't going to see great results (on P90x they will advertise every damn beach body product known to man and inform you of this
You should do it and share your results with NT. There's also an official thread in the Sports forum about both programs. I have been claiming I was going to start "soon" for yrs, but haven't. I want to dunk a basketball again though so I need to stop making excuses. I have to lose at least 50
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

The thing with any of those programs is, if you eat like a pig you aren't going to see great results (on P90x they will advertise every damn beach body product known to man and inform you of this

Something many people dont realize
Originally Posted by Ecook0808

I've got some pretty bad knees, would either of these be alright on them? For example I am lucky if I am able to play basketball for 2 hrs a week on them, and then they swell up...

 I have knee tendonitis, I had to stop.There is a lot of jumping.

Im stuck to swimming, bike riding and weights. so boring

Except swimming.
I did Insanity it for 8 weeks last spring. I would have finished but I got a really bad case of the flu going into the last week, and then went on vacation the week after.

I've done it on and off during the summer and the fall - I restarted it on Monday. I'm going to finish the 9 weeks as a New Year's Resolution.

The results are fantastic - I plan on supplementing it with some yoga on the off days and some extra ab work.
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