Any suggestions for a loud and effective alarm clock?

i have five alarms and i never hear them. they all make different noises or play different songs but nada.
i'm think of hooking my ipod up with some huge speakers and set a couple of alarms with that.
You don't need loud. You need bacon. Therefore, I introduce to you the Wake 'n Bacon:


Just turn your phone on the Alaram and put it on a desk or chest across the room that makes you get up to turn it off. It works pretty well
There's an alarm clock that actually flies around so you have to get out of bed to disable the alarm.
anyone ever got really drunk and high...had somethin important to do in the morning, and slept through the alarm?!?

Yo real talk i can't wake up to an alarm for nuffin.

i swear i need one that throws me off my bed or smacks the @#$% out of me for me to wake up
my alarm is a radio too, so i just put it on a not clear station and crank the volume... its so annoying you have to wake up
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