Anyone else that can't drink soda/sugary drinks anymore?

i use to love soda as a kid. once you stop drinking it though it becomes easy not to anymore. i drink nothing but water. when i drink gatorade or orange juice i have to add water because %@#! is so sweet. i need to drink more milk tho.

i tried drinking soda last month. %@#! was too sweet i barely drank a quarter of the can.

i remember on xbox there was this fat dude who drank like 5 cans of orange soda a day smh i think his name was orangesodaman or something like that lol
dudes in here tellin intervention stories n *+%! 

now that I think about it I only drink pop at Chipolte
I don't miss soda, haven't had one in like 2-3yrs now.
Primarily ginger ale & water.
Haven't had soda since I was 16. I'm 26 now. Water, water, water. Now only if I can cut out alcohol.
Once my teeth started getting cavities I stopped with the soda. If you have an open cavity you can feel the soda making it worse in your mouth. It wasnt even the soda that I hated giving up, it was the energy drinks, I miss them. I just drink juice now.
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