Anyone here 24 or 25 years old still in College since they graduated from High School?

I'm on the same boat. 
I'll be 21 by the time I start my 4th year at a junior college next Fall, but it's not too bad since I only have a Statistics class and Calculus left until I'm out. Makes me hate being a business major

Barely went to class my first year 
. Good times though. All the top notch shorties from the surrounding high schools stayed here while the hurt ones went away. Half as smart, twice as easy

What's keeping me motivated is that I know TONS of people who were the bomb in high school, went to a solid university and FAILED MISERABLY, came back to junior college and now they're working at the food court at the mall or something.
A bunch of my friends also couldn't hang furthering their education. Now I'm the only one left.

Bottom line is just persistence and knowing that there's still people your age with the same opportunities but not even close to your level.
bruh, who cares. i got my assocaiates when i was 20 (i know who cares). then i decided i wanted to be an electrician. went to school got 3/4 of the way though and hated it. now i'm in culinary school which i don't really need but i'm there to kill time i guess. then i'll finish my bachelors once i get a decent job and i'm not worried about money. the way i see it is i'll never stop going to school. my gf graduated when she was 22. she's a probation officer now and doesn't need more school and hated it and wont go back. but i'm just getting started. yeah i'll cook till i'm retired but i'll also own something one day so i'll learn accounting etc... i've just learned what i like and don't like along the way.
Actually me too sit out a year after HS and then Katrina happened moved back home was working for my dad and did get back in school unrtil last year im 23 btw
Thanks for the responses peeps... I am just going to have to deal with it. I'm just going to take 2 summer classes and graduate in the Spring of 2013..
reading this thread just reminds me of how important High School actually is .. no dambs were given in high school :[
but op i have no real advice since i just started school right outta high school. good luck tho!
Don't measure your success in life based on what other people are doing. We all have different aspirations in life and take different routes. It's easy for someone on a message board to look at your situation and critique it but that holds no weight because they don't even know a fraction of who you are. Find your dream and chase it and if you can go to sleep every night with a smile, you are living life right.
its just college. at least you'll finish at some point. not sure how people stay that long though. college was boring as hell. wish i finished in 3 years.
Man.. Where to begin. The university/college path is filled with problems and issues. Im 25 right now and have 3 semesters left. This is by no means a testament to poor work ethic like many have said in this post. I've held 3 positions in the mean time where I have been promoted every single place. Its the biggest lie and joke to believe that an 18 yr old man has to decide his "work" "career" future when he hardly knows what the world has to offer. Its just a system at the end of the day, that measures no standard, other than how well you can follow.
im 24 and havent finished either but i have had tons of breaks, when my g-ma died i just flunked the semester, then didn't go the next, then went one then didn't go then went and didn't go...always been broke and never get financial aid so its hard to pay for semesters

i want to get back on track maybe when im 25 next fall class or i at least want to get a certification in IT
So much hate in this thread.....OP just bust your @#$ and set your mind on finishing. Just get that degree. You'll be ok.
Midnight Hype wrote:

I have to ask did you make all of this possible on your own. I understand you left ur crib. How did travel around? With what funds at the age of 17. Or did you receive aid from friends and family to make this drram possible. Not knocking you kudos my friend.
Though i did most of it on my own I had all the assistance possible when needed. It sounds very nice like that but being abroad on its own is hard, if u cant make a place for urself and live comfortalby then is going to affect everything else and the main reason why you there in the first place:studying. If you want a degree, no matter your age just make sure you are in the right settings to get it. 
my mans in the same exact boat as u OP...we graduated hs in 05 and he still up Morgan st....don't feel too bad because it's definitely ppl that are going thru the same things as u, !### probly ppl in ur classes older than u or the same age...just focus and remember it's all about the degree at the end of the day...

and even tho u feel a lil old don't let that stop u from getting at the chicks, that's like a lil perk of still being in college you can get at em without feeling weird cuz u in school wit em
laugh.gif mans brings all the young college joints around if we want em
I turn 25 in October and I'm still in college.. but I'm about to be in my third year working on a professional degree lol.. My brother graduated in 07 and still pursuing a bachelor's... It's weird because everyone else in the fam took the standard 4 years to get out. I'm hoping he walks in December
Yo I'm only 22 and I feel behind
Just now was able to transfer from a community college and into a BSN program at a 4 yr uni. Took me 3 semesters of applying to finally get in. Wont be graduating till Fall 2013
I'm 26 and I'm graduating from the college I'm at next year. I transfered from a cc a few years back.

I regret not finishing sooner, but a ton of personal stuff happened which led me to take a 4 year hiatus from school, and for a few semesters right out of high school I only took a few classes and dropped a few because my mind wasn't fully in it. It's a big regret of mine how things went down but better late then never imo
Just look it like a learning experince, it didn't happen as fast as you would of like so it on you to change that going forward. No use crying over spilled milk. No reason to compare yourself to the next man. I'm slightly older than you and just a freshman myself. Not where I thought Id be in life, but I'm where I put myself and I have to just grind it out. I'm just enjoying the experiences at this point.
I'm 23 and still in college. I graduated high school in 2006. I had three different majors, have been at two universities, and still don't know what I really want to settle down on yet. 
I've also never had a break since high school, and this school year I've been down on myself a lot, and now I'm just trying to grind out the last couple weeks of the semester.
im 22, graduated high school in 07

took 2 years off

im 3 years into my BSC and im having second guesses about what i REALLY wanna do and wanna switch programs. itll be awhile
I love threads like this. Reminds me that NT isn't full of a bunch of 15 year old HS kids running amuck, and that there are still NTers my age facing the same situations/problems as myself.
Im 22 turning 23 in October and finishing up my Bachelors next month.  It took me a year longer than i expected because i didn't know what i wanted to do straight out of high school, transfered schools (lost credit) and had PIECE OF *%@% advisors at Manhattan Community College that basically made me take classes twice or unnecessary classes.  It was pretty discouraging for me and i know its worse for you but just keep pushing through man.  
It still sucks a little for me because i have classes with a bunch of *$$@!@! ****** kids that are supposed to be graduating and aren't putting any work in.  My mindset is way more mature from most of my classmates and im sure you'll encounter the same exact thing which makes learning discouraging and boring.  Just push on, work hard and study hard.  
i'm turning 22, still at a CC...


major change from criminal justice to mechanical engineering.

i try not to think about it, but it def bugs me...people my age are graduating from 4 year unis
The parallel's between OP and my boy (which he might be lol) are ridiculous. same exact situation down to the schools (community college to college park) and time frame down to the EXACT same semesters. i don't think you're him, but it just creeped me out...

to speak on the topic at hand, i can see why you're discouraged, but keep going dude. you might as well finish, because if you don't than you truly will have wasted the last 7 years of your life...
I graduated at 24. degrees are useless these days. its too competitive and EVERYONE has one.. unless you have a good one in the sciences it aint ##%!. Mine aint helped me a bit and i graduated 2 yrs ago. It's all about who you know...
Originally Posted by georgehimself

I know dudes going back to college in there 30s. You're good.

Came in to say's never too late to get a degree.  My dad dropped out of college at age 19, knocked up his girlfriend, and joined the Navy.  Got out, went back to college and got his degree around age 33 or 34.  Just retired at age 63, with a 62.5% pension + 401K.  Not bad for a degree in his 30s.
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