Are dudes in general becoming more like females?

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

i dunno...but i do know that dudes are dressing more and more like females
yeah man, things have really been going downhill since the old days



Originally Posted by DT43

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

i dunno...but i do know that dudes are dressing more and more like females
yeah man, things have really been going downhill since the old days
but nah, i mean even like 10 years ago. now everyone dresses like these feminine *%+ hipsters. the feeble look is apparently in
yeah man. it truly is sad. way back in my day men use to actually be men.
now you have all of these girly men that cry over relationships, let their women walk all over them, don't know how to defend themselves,  would rather watch soft prime time television shows rather than sports, are "ok" with making less than their partner, dress like ballet dancers,  and are "stay at home dads"

this generation is disgusting.
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

yeah man. it truly is sad. way back in my day men use to actually be men.
now you have all of these girly men that cry over relationships, let their women walk all over them, don't know how to defend themselves,  would rather watch soft prime time television shows rather than sports, are "ok" with making less than their partner, dress like ballet dancers,  and are "stay at home dads"

this generation is disgusting.

the ignorance is astounding.
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by DT43

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

i dunno...but i do know that dudes are dressing more and more like females
yeah man, things have really been going downhill since the old days
but nah, i mean even like 10 years ago. now everyone dresses like these feminine *%+ hipsters. the feeble look is apparently in
you're right in that sense, but i actually look at it as a good thing. just means real men stand out more. 
when i walk into an event where all the dudes are wearing red tights and i'm the only male who looks like hes stepped in a weight room/doesnt like men its almost too easy
How ya'll bring music into this? Imo its irrelevant what you listen to that defines who you are or how you act
Originally Posted by JayHood23

How ya'll bring music into this? Imo its irrelevant what you listen to that defines who you are or how you act

Crazy if you don't believe music influences our youth's actions and the way they dress and act. Entertainment, more so Music, dictates everything
Cats talkin about music doesnt matter...

Meanwhile cats out here dying their hair like Wiz and girls out here calling themselves Barbies. Nike can collab with Kanye West and create hysteria for a pair of kicks. Athletes out here with millions in their accounts but yet rapping still.

Hip Hop by itself is one of the most compelling musical influences out there, simply because it originally comes from a culture that prides itself on being naturally cool and rhythmic.

No way music doesnt influence the masses. Why else do you think corporations like Mcdonalds and Coke are always using music in their ads?
I got some butch homegirls that are more manly than some of the things that pass in here.
Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Originally Posted by JayHood23

How ya'll bring music into this? Imo its irrelevant what you listen to that defines who you are or how you act

Crazy if you don't believe music influences our youth's actions and the way they dress and act. Entertainment, more so Music, dictates everything
a child's peers, siblings, and guardians influence the actions and choices of what they chooses to wear in a way that music never can. a child can watch all the of the Kanye videos they want but if what he's wearing is not endorsed by the previous mentioned influences, chances are the child will draw from this circle rather than what they saw on TV. This is not to say that entertainment has no influence, rather, i am merely suggesting that it is not the sole culprit.  
Too many kids on this site quick to drop an "ayo" when someone compliments an other.
Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Originally Posted by JayHood23

How ya'll bring music into this? Imo its irrelevant what you listen to that defines who you are or how you act

Crazy if you don't believe music influences our youth's actions and the way they dress and act. Entertainment, more so Music, dictates everything
not only the music but the artists behind the music as well.
Originally Posted by JayHood23

How ya'll bring music into this? Imo its irrelevant what you listen to that defines who you are or how you act
Crazy if you don't believe music influences our youth's actions and the way they dress and act. Entertainment, more so Music, dictates everything
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by JayHood23

How ya'll bring music into this? Imo its irrelevant what you listen to that defines who you are or how you act
Crazy if you don't believe music influences our youth's actions and the way they dress and act. Entertainment, more so Music, dictates everything

Yeah the music has a lot to do with it. Dudes are looking up to Wayne and other artist because their daddys were not around. This is nothing new though. Its just that the music scene has changed since NWA, Ghetto Boys, and others. 
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by JayHood23

How ya'll bring music into this? Imo its irrelevant what you listen to that defines who you are or how you act
Crazy if you don't believe music influences our youth's actions and the way they dress and act. Entertainment, more so Music, dictates everything

Yeah the music has a lot to do with it. Dudes are looking up to Wayne and other artist because their daddys were not around. This is nothing new though. Its just that the music scene has changed since NWA, Ghetto Boys, and others. 
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