Arian Foster Let It Be Known That He Is A Non-Believer

I understand what you were implying with the burden of proof. Now you want to quibble over semantics.

No ever says "God exists....facts!" or "God doesn't exist...facts!"

I get it, you don't want to make the claim God doesn't exist because then the burden of proof would be on you.

So we hide behind terms like "lack of belief" which is basically the "I don't know" answer...which is the agnostic answer view point

But if you have no answer why protest so hard when I say the answer is God? If you truly have no answer then you must accept the POSSIBILITY that God could be the answer.

Its fine you compare God to unicorns or Big Foot.

Guess what? The majority of the world doesn't believe in unicorns or Big Foot.

They believe in God. Trying to sell strong atheism to people will not work.

Its an argument from ignorance with no hope.
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Guess what? The majority of the world doesn't believe in unicorns or Big Foot.

So what? The majority of people also believe in ghosts.

What's it going to mean when Islam overtakes Christianity as the most popular religion in the world?
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Do some of ya'll believe in Santa Claus as well?

Reported. Last thing we need is dudes in here trolling talking about Santas not real. I seen him with my own 2 eyes once. Your trolling isn't gonna derail my walk with him.
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First it was "Prove the god concept exists" parroted by "Prove it doesn't", and now...
Originally Posted by Master Zik
 I get it though. You don't want to make the claim GOD does exist because then the burden of proof would rest on you.
Originally Posted by Mister Friendly
I get it, you don't want to make the claim God doesn't exist because then the burden of proof would be on you.
Parrots gon' parrot. Almost word for word, man. 

Originally Posted by Mister Friendly
But if you have no answer why protest so hard when I say the answer is God? If you truly have no answer then you must accept the POSSIBILITY that God could be the answer.
Because that's filling in the blanks, which is counterproductive to scientific discussion.

And yes, what you just described is filling in the blank.

No, "There is no god" is not filling in the blank.

You can't fill a cup up with not milk, or not soda.  Saying "There's no milk" in there is not filling in the blank. Saying 'There's no evidence of milk, so there's no milk' is not a conclusion; it's an observation, two MORE terms you seem to be confusing.

No, we don't have to accep the possibility of something for which there is ZERO EVIDENCE being the answer, not when the ENTIRE POINT is searching out evidence-based answers.

If you want to talk about faith-based answers, absolutely, the god concept belongs.

But when the ENTIRE DISCUSSION is about that which has been evidenced, then no, the god concept doesn't have to accepted.
Originally Posted by Mister Friendly
Its fine you compare God to unicorns or Big Foot.
I know it's difficult to accept that there is just as much evidence for the 3 things you just mentioned, but science doesn't care about how difficult something is to accept or what it does to your feelings. Love it or hate, feel sad about it or indifferent: there is just as much evidence of the 3 things you mentioned.
Originally Posted by Mister Friendly
Guess what? The majority of the world doesn't believe in unicorns or Big Foot.

They believe in God.
Aaaaaand the majority of people used to think the world was flat and the sun revolved around the earth and the Northern Lights were angels dancing. 

No matter how many people believe that 2 + 2 is purple, if I have 2 of something and then add 2 more, there will 4. I can either seek out the answer on my own by realizing that the majority's opinion of purple might not be right and counting on my own or at least trying to count, or I can stick with the "Majority says..." reasoning.

"The majority believes, so that's even MORE evidence." 

(And just so you don't play me for stupid, I already saw your argument to Zik about implying something without saying it, so I know that you understand the concept. I point that out so I can say this: I know you didn't SAY "The majority believes, so that's more evidence." I know that. Implied, though.)
Originally Posted by Mister Friendly
Its an argument from ignorance with no hope.
How dare you. 
 And I'm not saying that because I'm offended; I'm genuinely shocked. Ignorance is lack of knowledge. Refusing to believe something for which there is no proof or evidence is NOT the same as not knowing facts.

I swear... 
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Also disproving a God exists, and disproving the biblical God exists are two completely different things. There's undeniable proof the biblical God does not exist
Some of yall can compare God to Santa Claus. the Tooth Fairy, unicorns whatever

The majority of the world don't worship and believe in those concepts.

The concept of God is here or least in your moral lifetime...You can take it as evidence that God can take it as you want.

A person can believe theres no God and thats fine, you are doing it from the argument of ignorance, that same argument I'm accused of having

Theres 0 proof God doesn't exist and there's been EXACTLY 0 accounts from a dead person saying "Yeah theres nothing there...No God"

The atheist argument is the argument from personal incredulity with no hope

If you truly want to be neutral, the best you can say is I don't know, which means you have accept the possibility on BOTH sides
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You haven't submitted an argument. That's what you're not getting. A claim isn't an argument, it's just a claim. An argument is the presentation of evidence to justify your claim.

And again, what idea of God are you referring to? The biblical God or the idea of a higher being? The biblical God has been disproven within its own texts
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Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

Some of yall can compare God to Santa Claus. the Tooth Fairy, unicorns whatever

The majority of the world don't worship and believe in those concepts.

The concept of God is here or least in your moral lifetime
So the concept of god is here. I can dig it.

So we'll throw that on the table as fact: the concept of god exists.

That's not proof that GOD exists, and it's not proof of ANYTHING else. It is proof... that the concept... exists. A majority of people believe in the concept, so it exists.

Moving forward, one step at a time...
Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

You can take it as evidence that God can take it as you want.
WHOA, WHOA, WHOA!!! One step at a time.

Evidence of god existing is anything that proves his existence, NOT the thought of him existing. What kind of definition of evidence do you run with? "The thought of something is evidence that it is real." What?! 

Second, that 'Take it how you want" line: No, how you want belongs nowhere in a scientific discussion. What is, is, regardless of whether you want it be that or not.
Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

A person can believe theres no God and thats fine, you are doing it from the argument of ignorance, that same argument I'm accused of having
Parrots gon' parrot. 

"You're being ignorant."

"YOU'RE being ignorant!"


Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

If you truly want to be neutral, the best you can say is I don't know, which means you have accept the possibility on BOTH sides
Like a car. When a car is in neutral, it going both forward and in reverse, simultaneously. 

Oh wait, that's not true at all, and you're back to just making up rules to fit what you want. 

You're in over your head, dude. You're trying, I see that. But logic ad reason and evidence-based scientific discussion (which is wildly redundant, as 'faith-based' science isn't science at all) is not your forte, man.

Back to sports, maybe?

"No, I can win this!"

Some of yall can compare God to Santa Claus. the Tooth Fairy, unicorns whatever

The majority of the world don't worship and believe in those concepts.

The concept of God is here or least in your moral lifetime...You can take it as evidence that God can take it as you want.

A person can believe theres no God and thats fine, you are doing it from the argument of ignorance, that same argument I'm accused of having

Theres 0 proof God doesn't exist and there's been EXACTLY 0 accounts from a dead person saying "Yeah theres nothing there...No God"

The atheist argument is the argument from personal incredulity with no hope

If you truly want to be neutral, the best you can say is I don't know, which means you have accept the possibility on BOTH sides

I can say I don't know but I'm never going to deny the existence of an infinite creative force that's true nature is more than likely beyond my realm of understanding within this human experience were currently in. given our brain capacity to usage ratio in our current state I doubt we can come to grasp such divine understanding. That would be my personal belief just like it's another's personal belief to believe that same force is this anthropomorphic Jesus. So to an atheist I'd be considered a "believer" as well. It's just that the word believer is now synonymous with blind faith Christianity. Like you said the concept is here. And for people who subscribe to it no matter what their religion they're all wanting the same thing. Religion is a tool used to pervert the god concept and use it as a device of control and separation. There's a lot going on here to say the least.
Yeah I must have missed that Yahoo! article

Stop it.

There are TONS of near death experiences that are described as a void of infinite nothingness.

That is the truth. No amount of your double talk will change that.

You're 100% WRONG
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Yeah I must have missed that Yahoo! article

Stop it.

There are TONS of near death experiences that are described as a void of infinite nothingness.

That is the truth. No amount of your double talk will change that.

You're 100% WRONG

Wait wait!....When a person has said they saw an afterlife their accounts were I dont know

I've heard that high levels of DMT are released from the pineal gland shortly before death.

Backed up by when you're are really dead there's no coming back.

I know you didnt say that but where were you to dispute him?

Now someone coming back from the dead and saying they saw nothingness is accepted now

Which is it?
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Where did I say that I accept any NDE as a truth?

I'm just pointing out that not every account of NDE includes God like you ignorantly stated.

You're wrong. Accept it.
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