Arkansas Congressman: "Slavery a blessing in disguise" for Black People

Lol you dont know me outside NT, so u dunno how good i got it in DR...
I come from a well off family, (no humblebrag) its one of da reason my mom was able to come here to
Da United States as a OPTION not as a ESCAPE.. unlike alot of you sad folks, pigment
Plays NO ROLE in da pursuit to attain $ when it comes to my family history or pride.
I dont have black relatives, i have European & dominican hispanic relatives... so that
"Im black when a white person sees you" so SOOOOO irrelevant to

If your well off why do u have a GED or attempting to get one and live in extremely small room.Hizzo you not being real bro.Its like you contradict yourself completely .Excuse me son who are you calling sad folks are you talking Down on me for being black you don't wanna go down this route bro .
What in the world happened to this thread? :wow:
What should have been both a condemnation of Representative Jon Hubbard and a discussion about enslavement predictably transformed into an attack on Ninjahood and his defense of his ethnicity. 

On the one hand, I sympathize with those calling you out, Ninja. Their criticism of you comes from a desire to construct a political project in which the non-white majority unite against the oppression of white rule. This project dates back to at least the early 20th century when folks like W.E.B. Du Bois observed that the negro problem was part of a larger history of the oppression of the darker proletariat. The point in stressing the global dimensions of racism and highlighting its particularities was to form a coalition among Filipinos, Black Americans, brothers and sisters of the Caribbean, the "yellow races" of Asia and either use political forums such as the League of Nations or the UN to vocalize discontent or pick up arms.

The NT's who criticize you, Ninja, are frustrated with your stubborn denial that 95% of the time human beings remain a perception. That is, the people you walk past on the streets of NY will never get to know YOU. They will never know your heritage, the fact that your family owns property in DR, that you are a member of NT, etc. All they will see is your skin color. Indeed, it is often the case that ethnicity or cultural heritage cannot be worn on your face. People criticize you because you don't accept that in the eyes of dominant culture, your skin color takes precedence over everything else. Obviously your class identity complicates this matter but I've never met you so I can't speculate on how that intersection plays out. 

At the same time, the rest of you are just as dogmatic and even more ignorant than Ninja. To insist on being Latino is not deny "1/2 of your entire being." To acknowledge ones ethnicity is not to "identify with the slave owner." To differentiate between a Latino cultural identity and a Black racial identity is not an outgrowth of the "amount of incest that goes on in the DR." These comments are completely offensive and force Ninja into a defensive posture that militates against solidarity of the oppressed. 

I see a larger problem here, though. We as black Americans are always looking to build alliances with people who do not wish to receive our invitation. If Ninja, or anyone else for that matter, does not wish to subsume his ethnicity to a common identity rooted in oppression then forget him. Stop trying to extend an umbrella to some one who prefers to walk in the rain. Moreover, we need to develop a more analytically rigorous platform that stops propagating this mythical blood-based connection; a thesis looks to balance the idea of cultural retention with cultural syncretism. And most importantly, an analysis that is so pejorative to other groups that only toxic critiques of others hold us together. 

Well said.

This is why I'm riding with the new Moorish paradigm.

It's the only effective ideology and construct for progress IMO.

It renders this type of bickering null and void.
And good hair, white is right...who is that supposed to offend?

Stop acting like y'all ain't last on the new urban totem pole.

Brothers snatch y'all females with a mere stare and a head nod.

Mad latinas these days are on their "I don't mess with Spanish guys" steez and they don't mean they don't mess with all Hispanic cats....just _s like you. :lol:

This ain't 1892 no more blood. That colonial superiority theory been dead.

:lol: :lol: I guess

You want hood rats cause the only females that be on that "Steez" are exactly that. Take them. Take our trash.
Who is we?
The ongoing discussion is about melananted Afro-Latinos.
You're a white Latino. You've made that clear.
Its like a White-American aimlessly interjecting about their European ancestry in a conversation amongst African-Americans about their African're talking about how white you are and your European family lineage.'re a white latino, there are also black Afro-latinos and thats the current topic.
So is your take away point, as it always seems to be, that only Afro-Latinos can weigh in on this discussion? That only African-Americans can talk about the question of African heritage?

See, this is the kind of essentialist non-sense at the core of so much neo-black nationalist verbiage. For Goldenchild, this argument rests on the assumption that consciousness is derived from melanin. It assumes the homogenaity of experience among those "melanated Afro-Latinos." Those who don't align with the consensus are "lost" brothers and sisters. 

To say nothing of the implicit argument that white scholars like Herbert Aptheker, Eric Foner, Walter Johnson, can't properly write about the conditions of enslavement, the forms of resistance, and the struggle for freedom. According to people like Goldenchild, their work to provide agency to slaves is thus discredited, even though the likes of you have done nothing to breathe life into the world the slaves made. Let me guess, the rebuttal is that as elites, especially white elites, scholars can't possibly reconstruct the world of African peoples? 

I've seen you provide insightful commentary, Golden. But when you dismiss opinions because they don't share a common identity, we lose. 
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:lol: :lol: I guess
You want hood rats cause the only females that be on that "Steez" are exactly that. Take them. Take our trash.

If that's how you want to spin it cool. :lol:

But I've heard that sentiment from Latinas in graduate schools from good homes to the hoodest of chicks.

And it relates less to how you look and more how you perceive yourself and interact with others.

All that nose in the air s_ is over. No one cares about that anymore on a social level.
So is your take away point, as it always seems to be, that only Afro-Latinos can weigh in on this discussion? That only African-Americans can talk about the question of African heritage?

See, this is the kind of essentialist non-sense at the core of so much neo-black nationalist verbiage. For Goldenchild, this argument rests on the assumption that consciousness is derived from melanin. It assumes the homogenaity of experience among those "melanated Afro-Latinos." Those who don't align with the consensus are "lost" brothers and sisters. 
To say nothing of the implicit argument that white scholars like Herbert Aptheker, Eric Foner, Walter Johnson, can't properly write about the conditions of enslavement, the forms of resistance, and the struggle for freedom. According to people like Goldenchild, their work to provide agency to slaves is thus discredited, even though the likes of you have done nothing to breathe life into the world the slaves made. Let me guess, the rebuttal is that as elites, especially white elites, scholars can't possibly reconstruct the world of African peoples? 

I've seen you provide insightful commentary, Golden. But when you dismiss opinions because they don't share a common identity, we lose. 

You're doing too much now.

Son was clearly trolling.

Look at his posts.
“Wouldn’t life for blacks in America today be more enjoyable and successful if they would only learn to appreciate the value of a good education?”
While everything else in the article is down right racist. This quote to me is none more than a valid point.

Agreed. +1
No one was trolling, was asking a simple question then people wanna start snapping and acting wild.

And then since I'm "white"by your definition I can't have an opinion on the subject or want to know anything about it?

You say im trolling, you guys get upset at Ninjahood but there is a lot of ignorance in this thread by both parties.
Stop trying to extend an umbrella to some one who prefers to walk in the rain.

But when you dismiss opinions because they don't share a common identity, we lose. 


In an attempt to perch yourself on intellectual high-ground you just cannibalized your first well written post. You try to generalize and slander "Black-Nationalist" ideology and instead demonstrate why "Black Intellectuals" have rendered themselves insignificant.

Dude is talking about how Caucasian he is how much of his identity and genetics is European....he's clearly trolling.

How you turn that into me disregarding cultural uniqueness and go even further to say that I don't value white scholarship.....I have no idea.
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No one was trolling, was asking a simple question then people wanna start snapping and acting wild.
And then since I'm "white"by your definition I can't have an opinion on the subject or want to know anything about it?
You say im trolling, you guys get upset at Ninjahood but there is a lot of ignorance in this thread by both parties.

I'm not upset over Ninjahood's opinion.

He has every right to embrace his Latino heritage and cultural identity its just the racism that many Dominicans have towards other ethnicities that poses a problem.

Puerto Ricans are very culturally proud as well but they display far less xenophobia and cultural isolation.

You were just trolling talking about white is right and your good hair.

Own it.

Stop throwing rocks and hiding your hands like a coward.

Another poster had the same background as you but he added something to the discussion, unlike you.

I already knew most of this but it's a great video. Straight Ether on the loyalty the Dominican, Cuban, and Puerto Rican culture has to Spain.
I'm Portuguese/Spanish, straight from Europe, my ancestors are to blame for this. My mom came here in the early 80's and many of her friends were Church going Caribbean-Latin people due to the fact they spoke the same language and had the same religion. My mom is as white as you can look, light brow-hair, pale skin - some of her Caribbean friends could easily have been mistaken for Black, others were much darker than her - she stood out. One thing she noticed was how racist they were tho, especially to African-Americans. She couldn't understand it, it would actually amuse her.
My grandparents were racist but I don't blame them, they fell to historical propaganda in the middle of the mountains in Spain. They weren't educated and they did not travel but so many of the Caribbean-Latino's people I knew reminded me of my grandparents - and these Latinos are running around with a hell of a lot more African blood than Europeans blood.
Basically what I'm saying is - as integrated and diverse the Caribbean/Latino culture is - Spain won, the Spanish (Slaveowner mentality) is still at the hierarchy of these Caribbean-Latino cultures.
Ask Sammy Sosa
The Spanish Royal Family - They won.
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And good hair, white is right...who is that supposed to offend?

Stop acting like y'all ain't last on the new urban totem pole.

Brothers snatch y'all females with a mere stare and a head nod.

Mad latinas these days are on their "I don't mess with Spanish guys" steez and they don't mean they don't mess with all Hispanic cats....just _s like you. :lol:

This ain't 1892 no more blood. That colonial superiority theory been dead.

Huh? Lol

Bottom on da totem pole based on what..cant be unemployment rates

Cant be da rate of who catches da claps faster...athletic ability? Latinos

Run baseball. Women? Lol best believe whatever da brothas get deep inside

Da yambs u got "aqui taba yo" sign.

There's a reason Obama & Romney suckin us HARD for our vote.

Goldenarms u already know da deal good homie. Los dominicanos somo de lo mas orgulloso.
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Bottom on da totem pole based on what..cant be unemployment rates
Cant be da rate of who catches da claps faster...athletic ability? Latinos
Run baseball. Women? Lol best believe whatever da brothas get deep inside
Da yambs u got "aqui taba yo" sign.
There's a reason Obama & Romney suckin us HARD for our vote.

I wasn't even talking about Latinos.

I was talking about stuck up dudes, nose in the air cats talking about their good hair and French bloodlines....but you just exposed how you really feel.
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Been 12 pages. I purposely avoided this thread. Have the racists and the ignorant exposed themselves already? Some riveting stance on how slavery has been good for black ppl? or has the thread already veered off on a major tangent where we're not even discussing the thread topic anymore?
Been 12 pages. I purposely avoided this thread. Have the racists and the ignorant exposed themselves already? Some riveting stance on how slavery has been good for black ppl? or has the thread already veered off on a major tangent where we're not even discussing the thread topic anymore?

The latter.
"The people made worse off by slavery were those who were enslaved. Their descendants would have been worse off today if born in Africa instead of America. Put differently, the terrible fate of their ancestors benefited them."

-Thomas Sowell
everyone just ignored this lol. you dont think the terrible condition of most of Africa is a direct result of the looting and plundering of the continent?

and you're a fool if you think the average African American born in Detroit is much better off than one born in, say, Johannesburg.
Huh? Lol
Bottom on da totem pole based on what..cant be unemployment rates
Cant be da rate of who catches da claps faster...athletic ability? Latinos
Run baseball. Women? Lol best believe whatever da brothas get deep inside
Da yambs u got "aqui taba yo" sign.
There's a reason Obama & Romney suckin us HARD for our vote.
Goldenarms u already know da deal good homie. Los dominicanos somo de lo mas orgulloso.
I lost. All respect for you Edwin like all of it .
No one was trolling, was asking a simple question then people wanna start snapping and acting wild.
And then since I'm "white"by your definition I can't have an opinion on the subject or want to know anything about it?
You say im trolling, you guys get upset at Ninjahood but there is a lot of ignorance in this thread by both parties.

I'm not upset over Ninjahood's opinion.

He has every right to embrace his Latino heritage and cultural identity its just the racism that many Dominicans have towards other ethnicities that poses a problem.

Puerto Ricans are very culturally proud as well but they display far less xenophobia and cultural isolation.

You were just trolling talking about white is right and your good hair.

Own it.

Stop throwing rocks and hiding your hands like a coward.

Another poster had the same background as you but he added something to the discussion, unlike you.

I already knew most of this but it's a great video. Straight Ether on the loyalty the Dominican, Cuban, and Puerto Rican culture has to Spain.
I'm Portuguese/Spanish, straight from Europe, my ancestors are to blame for this. My mom came here in the early 80's and many of her friends were Church going Caribbean-Latin people due to the fact they spoke the same language and had the same religion. My mom is as white as you can look, light brow-hair, pale skin - some of her Caribbean friends could easily have been mistaken for Black, others were much darker than her - she stood out. One thing she noticed was how racist they were tho, especially to African-Americans. She couldn't understand it, it would actually amuse her.
My grandparents were racist but I don't blame them, they fell to historical propaganda in the middle of the mountains in Spain. They weren't educated and they did not travel but so many of the Caribbean-Latino's people I knew reminded me of my grandparents - and these Latinos are running around with a hell of a lot more African blood than Europeans blood.
Basically what I'm saying is - as integrated and diverse the Caribbean/Latino culture is - Spain won, the Spanish (Slaveowner mentality) is still at the hierarchy of these Caribbean-Latino cultures.
Ask Sammy Sosa
The Spanish Royal Family - They won.

Well said and great post.
everyone just ignored this lol. you dont think the terrible condition of most of Africa is a direct result of the looting and plundering of the continent?

and you're a fool if you think the average African American born in Detroit is much better off than one born in, say, Johannesburg.

I'm happy to be alive not happy to be here in a country where my brother got pulled over and maced just because
Dudes are living lives largely shaped by Hip-Hop culture, wearing Jerseys with "Black" men's name on it, spending their life savings on footwear popularized by "Black" men....and somehow think that they are superior to "Black people".

Cats minds are warped. :lol:

But I really don't care about anyone else's opinion....just those that are down to build and are on the same wavelength.

In my experience, Caucasian Jews are more of an ally to those that consider themselves "Black" than are Dominicans.

If you want to link with melanated people from Hispaniola there are about 10 million people in Haiti, ready and willing. Wish Dominicans thought different but they don't and thats for them to sort out on their own. I got more pressing battles.

You're not going to find me trying to convince anyone to "join my side" unless they do so on their own free will and have something to offer.
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What in the world happened to this thread? 

What should have been both a condemnation of Representative Jon Hubbard and a discussion about enslavement predictably transformed into an attack on Ninjahood and his defense of his ethnicity. 

On the one hand, I sympathize with those calling you out, Ninja. Their criticism of you comes from a desire to construct a political project in which the non-white majority unite against the oppression of white rule. This project dates back to at least the early 20th century when folks like W.E.B. Du Bois observed that the negro problem was part of a larger history of the oppression of the darker proletariat. The point in stressing the global dimensions of racism and highlighting its particularities was to form a coalition among Filipinos, Black Americans, brothers and sisters of the Caribbean, the "yellow races" of Asia and either use political forums such as the League of Nations or the UN to vocalize discontent or pick up arms.

The NT's who criticize you, Ninja, are frustrated with your stubborn denial that 95% of the time human beings remain a perception. That is, the people you walk past on the streets of NY will never get to know YOU. They will never know your heritage, the fact that your family owns property in DR, that you are a member of NT, etc. All they will see is your skin color. Indeed, it is often the case that ethnicity or cultural heritage cannot be worn on your face. People criticize you because you don't accept that in the eyes of dominant culture, your skin color takes precedence over everything else. Obviously your class identity complicates this matter but I've never met you so I can't speculate on how that intersection plays out. 

At the same time, the rest of you are just as dogmatic and even more ignorant than Ninja. To insist on being Latino is not deny "1/2 of your entire being." To acknowledge ones ethnicity is not to "identify with the slave owner." To differentiate between a Latino cultural identity and a Black racial identity is not an outgrowth of the "amount of incest that goes on in the DR." These comments are completely offensive and force Ninja into a defensive posture that militates against solidarity of the oppressed. 

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]" [/color]

I see a larger problem here, though. We as black Americans are always looking to build alliances with people who do not wish to receive our invitation. If Ninja, or anyone else for that matter, does not wish to subsume his ethnicity to a common identity rooted in oppression then forget him. Stop trying to extend an umbrella to some one who prefers to walk in the rain. Moreover, we need to develop a more analytically rigorous platform that stops propagating this mythical blood-based connection; a thesis looks to balance the idea of cultural retention with cultural syncretism. And most importantly, an analysis that is so pejorative to other groups that only toxic critiques of others hold us together. 
Who is we?
The ongoing discussion is about melananted Afro-Latinos.
You're a white Latino. You've made that clear.
Its like a White-American aimlessly interjecting about their European ancestry in a conversation amongst African-Americans about their African're talking about how white you are and your European family lineage.'re a white latino, there are also black Afro-latinos and thats the current topic.
So is your take away point, as it always seems to be, that only Afro-Latinos can weigh in on this discussion? That only African-Americans can talk about the question of African heritage?

See, this is the kind of essentialist  non-sense at the core of so much neo-black nationalist  verbiage. For Goldenchild, this argument rests on the assumption that consciousness is derived from melanin. It assumes the homogenaity of experience among those "melanated Afro-Latinos." Those who don't align with the consensus are "lost" brothers and sisters. 

To say nothing of the implicit argument that white scholars  like Herbert Aptheker, Eric Foner, Walter Johnson, can't properly write about the conditions of enslavement, the forms of resistance, and the struggle for freedom. According to people like Goldenchild, their work to provide agency to slaves is thus discredited, even though the likes of you have done nothing to breathe life into the world the slaves made. Let me guess, the rebuttal is that as elites, especially white elites, scholars can't possibly reconstruct the world of African peoples? 

I've seen you provide insightful commentary, Golden. But when you dismiss opinions because they don't share a common identity, we lose. 
Well said. I'm out of upvotes though.

See this is what I was trying to get at in the other thread on race and black kids in chicago. 

I don't want to force anyone to be what they refuse to be.

I get that.

I also do not want to make it seem like i'm "pro black" in the face of being "pro human"

I see beyond the titles. I see beyond the constructs. Race and ethnicity, at its core doesn't exist. It never did. 

But what I do NOT understand is the DISMISSAL of the existence of said origins.

Ninjahood is flat out lying when he says he doesn't have African roots or heritage AND he is dismissing the claims of those who are his neighbors in the DR.

I know quite a few dominicans and there was this pervasive meme that no matter how dark they were, they were always latinos. They could NEVER identify with their obvious "black/african" halves and instead acted as if they were above the very people they clearly descended from. 

If ninjahood doesn't want to adopt the fraction of his african heritage, thats on him. But I won't let him deny that it exists, because we all know that it does. 

I also agree with you on that culture of "mythical blood based connection" Thats why I said, when I look at poor black kids in chicago, I don't feel connected to them. I'm more jamaican than american. The only connect we share is melanin. I only feel sorry for them and hope they can pull it together. But I want them to do better for their own sake and for the sake of humanity, not for "black people's" sake. 

My point in all was to say that either labels matter, or they don't. If ninjahood is going to continue this "latino" nonsense, then he needs to remember that black half.

Its all or nothing. 
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Lol you dont know me outside NT, so u dunno how good i got it in DR...
I come from a well off family, (no humblebrag) its one of da reason my mom was able to come here to
Da United States as a OPTION not as a ESCAPE.. unlike alot of you sad folks, pigment
Plays NO ROLE in da pursuit to attain $ when it comes to my family history or pride.
I dont have black relatives, i have European & dominican hispanic relatives... so that
"Im black when a white person sees you" so SOOOOO irrelevant to

I'm curious about your family...

I could be 100% wrong, but isn't your family on WIC or some other form of government assistance?

Why are you living the way you do in the states if you have it "so" good in the DR?

Just trying to gain perspective here. No hate.
But how are you trying to force Ninjahood to embrace a commonality based on African heritage.....when in the other thread you said that Black-Americans, Afro-Caribbean, Afro-Latinos and Africans had NOTHING IN COMMON besides melanin?
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