Arkansas Congressman: "Slavery a blessing in disguise" for Black People

Lol you dont know me outside NT, so u dunno how good i got it in DR...
I come from a well off family, (no humblebrag) its one of da reason my mom was able to come here to
Da United States as a OPTION not as a ESCAPE.. unlike alot of you sad folks, pigment
Plays NO ROLE in da pursuit to attain $ when it comes to my family history or pride.
I dont have black relatives, i have European & dominican hispanic relatives... so that

"Im black when a white person sees you" so SOOOOO irrelevant to
I'm curious about your family...

I could be 100% wrong, but isn't your family on WIC or some other form of government assistance?

Why are you living the way you do in the states if you have it "so" good in the DR?

Just trying to gain perspective here. No hate.
Nah. Don't pull out that. It might get a little too real in here.

In between that and his obvious support for Mitt Romney.

Its obvious he was doing SO well in the DR, that he just has to live in rent controlled housing and that the US was just some checklist of summer homes for him.

Ninjahood is a clown. 

I can't believe he would even represent himself like that at this point. Forget the D.R. 

I honestly think this dude is just too far gone. Its not even about rejection at this point. 

He honestly believe everything that comes out of his mouth. 
In an attempt to perch yourself on intellectual high-ground you just cannibalized your first well written post. You try to generalize and slander "Black-Nationalist" ideology and instead demonstrate why "Black Intellectuals" have rendered themselves insignificant.
Dude is talking about how Caucasian he is how much of his identity and genetics is European....he's clearly trolling.
How you turn that into me disregarding cultural uniqueness and go even further to say that I don't value white scholarship.....I have no idea.
To me, you dismissed MMG's point(s) on the grounds that as a "white Latino" he had no reason intervening in this discussion. In the context of an ethno-nationalist thread, I took your post to mean that only people with a shared identity can and should build on these questions. The extreme conclusion is that only certain people can weigh in on certain issues. If a shared identity is the green light, it follows, then, that white scholars can not and should not discuss issues related to the black experience. 

Not really sure what you mean by "black intellectuals" rendering themselves insignificant. Care to elaborate? Perhaps I was too harsh on black nationalist ideology, but to be fair, I did say "neo-black nationalist," which I associate not with Marcus Garvey, brother Malcolm and a potent pan-African tradition, but with a collection of demagogues who's solutions are rooted in patriarchal, anti-other, mythology. 
But how are you trying to force Ninjahood to embrace a commonality based on African heritage.....when in the other thread you said that Black-Americans, Afro-Caribbean, Afro-Latinos and Africans had NOTHING IN COMMON besides melanin?
You're not getting it.

I don't want ninjahood to claim he's completely black or african.

I want him to recognize the fact that his people have african history.

He's outright denying it.

I understand that I may not share any immediate connection with other black people in this country who have been here for hundreds of years, but we at least know we have an african origin or recognize that it exists.

Ninjahood denies the entire existence of this. 

"Ethnically" there are differences, but they recognize their african past. 

The problem isn't that he doesn't say he's of african decent, its that he denies that it even exists. 

THATS the problem. 

Its not the embrace, its the denial. 

There is a major difference here. 
it is for alot of black folks.... just think u wouldnt have the narcissistic obsession so many live and die for ala designer products etc... and what about the corporate so called dressing better office rats... i would think if blacks never were here i couldnt see them being the clean cut always wearing suits... etc.. thinking that makes them better complex that they went to school for so long got a degree etc to reach that status... and what about religion esp... christianity... there wouldnt be the td jakes, the creflos, the eddie longs etc... and alot of black folks live and die and devote there life etc... to the word and base there whole life around these ppl teachings and church religion.

so for all the things that alot of black ppl while they may see slavery as a bad thing, kinda contridicts it all because for all the key components that the blacks lost such as spirituality, lifestyle, everyday living etc... what whites replaced it with many blacks accept and recieve it with open arms... hell not only embrace it but dedicate and base their entire lives and culture and belief system around it... so... for many slavery was a good thing.


You're not getting it.

I don't want ninjahood to claim he's completely black or african.

I want him to recognize the fact that his people have african history.

He's outright denying it.

I understand that I may not share any immediate connection with other black people in this country who have been here for hundreds of years, but we at least know we have an african origin or recognize that it exists.

Ninjahood denies the entire existence of this. 

"Ethnically" there are differences, but they recognize their african past. 

The problem isn't that he doesn't say he's of african decent, its that he denies that it even exists. 

THATS the problem. 

Its not the embrace, its the denial. 

There is a major difference here. 

Hicks gonna be hicks. He isnt the only dominican that thinks that way. *shrugs*
To me, you dismissed MMG's point(s) on the grounds that as a "white Latino" he had no reason intervening in this discussion. In the context of an ethno-nationalist thread, I took your post to mean that only people with a shared identity can and should build on these questions. The extreme conclusion is that only certain people can weigh in on certain issues. If a shared identity is the green light, it follows, then, that white scholars can not and should not discuss issues related to the black experience. 

Not really sure what you mean by "black intellectuals" rendering themselves insignificant. Care to elaborate? Perhaps I was too harsh on black nationalist ideology, but to be fair, I did say "neo-black nationalist," which I associate not with Marcus Garvey, brother Malcolm and a potent pan-African tradition, but with a collection of demagogues who's solutions are rooted in patriarchal, anti-other, mythology. 

No that's not what I meant at all, fam. As far as I'm concerned, anyone can weigh in on any topic as long as they do so in good faith and with a measure of intelligence.

"Black intellectuals" no longer resonate with the ear of the people that they seek to affect, neither do the people whom you described as "neo-black nationalists".

Any serious movement must now be rooted in corporatism and that's what I'm rolling with. Take the fundamental ideas of the Garvey movement, add more historical and cultural nuance, and cover it under corporate protections....that would be a more accurate synopsis of my stance and the new Moorish paradigm.
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Lol you dont know me outside NT, so u dunno how good i got it in DR...
I come from a well off family, (no humblebrag) its one of da reason my mom was able to come here to
Da United States as a OPTION not as a ESCAPE.. unlike alot of you sad folks, pigment
Plays NO ROLE in da pursuit to attain $ when it comes to my family history or pride.
I dont have black relatives, i have European & dominican hispanic relatives... so that
"Im black when a white person sees you" so SOOOOO irrelevant to

If your well off why do u have a GED or attempting to get one and live in extremely small room.Hizzo you not being real bro.Its like you contradict yourself completely .Excuse me son who are you calling sad folks are you talking Down on me for being black you don't wanna go down this route bro .

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Been 12 pages. I purposely avoided this thread. Have the racists and the ignorant exposed themselves already? Some riveting stance on how slavery has been good for black ppl? or has the thread already veered off on a major tangent where we're not even discussing the thread topic anymore?

The latter.

well both actually...
No that's not what I meant at all, fam. As far as I'm concerned, anyone can weigh in on any topic as long as they do so in good faith and with a measure of intelligence.
"Black intellectuals" no longer resonate with the ear of the people that they seek to affect, neither do the people whom you described as "neo-black nationalists".
Any serious movement must now be rooted in corporatism and that's what I'm rolling with. Take the fundamental idea of the Garvey movement, add more historical and cultural nuance, and covered it under corporate protections....that would be a more accurate synopsis of my stance and the new Moorish paradigm.
Now that's what's up. Would you mind PM'ing me some material from the new Moorish movement? Especially in regards to the idea of corporatism. That word has a ton of connotations. For some, the idea of corporatism is synonymous with labor's mid 20th century attempt to secure for American workers high wages, social welfare provisions, and full employment. For others, a corporatist-baed movement is a fig leaf to corporate capitalists; a moderate form of resistance. For still others, corporatism represents a mentality: a desire to move up the corporate ranks no matter the cost. 
What in the world happened to this thread? 

What should have been both a condemnation of Representative Jon Hubbard and a discussion about enslavement predictably transformed into an attack on Ninjahood and his defense of his ethnicity. 

On the one hand, I sympathize with those calling you out, Ninja. Their criticism of you comes from a desire to construct a political project in which the non-white majority unite against the oppression of white rule. This project dates back to at least the early 20th century when folks like W.E.B. Du Bois observed that the negro problem was part of a larger history of the oppression of the darker proletariat. The point in stressing the global dimensions of racism and highlighting its particularities was to form a coalition among Filipinos, Black Americans, brothers and sisters of the Caribbean, the "yellow races" of Asia and either use political forums such as the League of Nations or the UN to vocalize discontent or pick up arms.

The NT's who criticize you, Ninja, are frustrated with your stubborn denial that 95% of the time human beings remain a perception. That is, the people you walk past on the streets of NY will never get to know YOU. They will never know your heritage, the fact that your family owns property in DR, that you are a member of NT, etc. All they will see is your skin color. Indeed, it is often the case that ethnicity or cultural heritage cannot be worn on your face. People criticize you because you don't accept that in the eyes of dominant culture, your skin color takes precedence over everything else. Obviously your class identity complicates this matter but I've never met you so I can't speculate on how that intersection plays out. 

At the same time, the rest of you are just as dogmatic and even more ignorant than Ninja. To insist on being Latino is not deny "1/2 of your entire being." To acknowledge ones ethnicity is not to "identify with the slave owner." To differentiate between a Latino cultural identity and a Black racial identity is not an outgrowth of the "amount of incest that goes on in the DR." These comments are completely offensive and force Ninja into a defensive posture that militates against solidarity of the oppressed. 

I see a larger problem here, though. We as black Americans are always looking to build alliances with people who do not wish to receive our invitation. If Ninja, or anyone else for that matter, does not wish to subsume his ethnicity to a common identity rooted in oppression then forget him. Stop trying to extend an umbrella to some one who prefers to walk in the rain. Moreover, we need to develop a more analytically rigorous platform that stops propagating this mythical blood-based connection; a thesis looks to balance the idea of cultural retention with cultural syncretism. And most importantly, an analysis that is so pejorative to other groups that only toxic critiques of others hold us together. 
I think this is the part thats frustrating tho, THEY are drawn to US...I think thats why some get upset (I think a better word is hurt) when they **** on us and deny any link to us. But its very true that you cant force someone to acknowledge their ancestry. My great great grandmother is half white and half native american, I've never even thought to tell someone I have white in me, but Ive definitely told ppl "I got a lil indian in me"
. Right or wrong ppl are going to identify themselves with whatever their comfortable with, you can give a person the facts but if they dont want to accept it leave them be. In any difference of opinion, the only thing you can do is state the facts in a tactful and persuasive way, name calling or attacking someone is never the answer.

After really thinking about I realized that a lot of ppl deny being black because it has such a negative connation. Think about it....who actually wants  to believe that they came from slaves?? Its a f'd up reality and not all are ready to face it. As for me, Ive grown to really appreciate us...Nas said it best "American black the teenagers of this world." We're a group bastard children. A mother(land) that didnt want us and rapist father that now, in many ways, still takes advantage of us. We're going through all of the emotions of a neglected and frustrated youth. Im excited to see this maturation process.

I love my people, I love all people but I really do love my people. And everyone should be able to feel that way.
No one was trolling, was asking a simple question then people wanna start snapping and acting wild.
And then since I'm "white"by your definition I can't have an opinion on the subject or want to know anything about it?
You say im trolling, you guys get upset at Ninjahood but there is a lot of ignorance in this thread by both parties.
I'm not upset over Ninjahood's opinion.

He has every right to embrace his Latino heritage and cultural identity its just the racism that many Dominicans have towards other ethnicities that poses a problem.

Puerto Ricans are very culturally proud as well but they display far less xenophobia and cultural isolation.

You were just trolling talking about white is right and your good hair.

Own it.

Stop throwing rocks and hiding your hands like a coward.

Another poster had the same background as you but he added something to the discussion, unlike you.
MMG- you're annoying. Grow up.

As for Ninja, what do yall expect when you back him into a corner and talk about his heritage? Thats what happens when ppl dont know how share their views in a respectful way.
I'm being real dude is out here saying the US Is just an option but he lives in Washington Heights and in government assisted housing has the same bed he has had for years and won't even out decent shelves on his closet for his collection.Its like those redneck Dudes in missipi who believe that due to white privilege they are still doing good and refuse to acknowledge that they are poor and on welfare.They still vote republican regardless
Another day another GOP member from Arkansas saying some crazy stuff

Three is a trend. After one Arkansas Republican lawmaker was recently caught arguing the merits of slavery and another was caught advocating death to naughty children, a third has solidified that fact that, indeed, there is a trend of Arkansas legislators spouting idiotic nonsense.

The man rounding out the trio is Arkansas state Representative Loy Mauch, a "neo-Confederate" with ties to a group on the Southern Poverty Law Center's watch list, according to the Arkansas Times. The Times reports that Mauch has, for years, been writing wildly racist and backwards letters to the editorial section of the Democrat-Gazette newspaper. The letters touch on everything from slavery to the Confederate flag to the idea that Abraham Lincoln was a Marxist "war criminal." A sampling of Mauch's greatest hits are below, our favorite being: "If slavery were so God-awful, why didn't Jesus or Paul condemn it, why was it in the Constitution and why wasn't there a war before 1861?" It's a valid question. If slavery is so bad, why would the wealthy white male drafters of the Constitution have put it in there?

Some of the rest:

Jan. 8, 2009

... If slavery were so God-awful, why didn't Jesus or Paul condemn it, why was it in the Constitution and why wasn't there a war before 1861?
The South has always stood by the Constitution and limited government. When one attacks the Confederate Battle Flag, he is certainly denouncing these principles of government as well as Christianity.

Feb. 15, 2003

Nowhere in the Holy Bible have I found a word of condemnation for the operation of slavery, Old or New Testament. If slavery was so bad, why didn't Jesus, Paul or the prophets say something?
This country already lionizes Wehrmacht leaders. They go by the names of Lincoln, Grant, Sherman, Sheridan, Custer, etc. These Marxists not only destroyed the Constitution they were sworn to uphold, but apostatized the word of God. Either these depraved infidels or the Constitution and Scriptures are in error. I'm more persuaded by the word of God.

Oct. 7, 2000

I'm very proud my ancestors stood up to Northern aggression. The Confederate flag to me is not only a symbol of our brief period of independence and our loyalty to the 1789 Constitution, but also a symbol of Christian liberty vs. the new world order.

To read even more of Mauch's ranting, head over to the Arkansas Times website, which has a fairly thorough rundown. Oh, and be careful the next time you're in Arkansas.
Now that's what's up. Would you mind PM'ing me some material from the new Moorish movement? Especially in regards to the idea of corporatism. That word has a ton of connotations. For some, the idea of corporatism is synonymous with labor's mid 20th century attempt to secure for American workers high wages, social welfare provisions, and full employment. For others, a corporatist-baed movement is a fig leaf to corporate capitalists; a moderate form of resistance. For still others, corporatism represents a mentality: a desire to move up the corporate ranks no matter the cost. 

I got you bro.

Good input ToneLow.
Lol you dont know me outside NT, so u dunno how good i got it in DR...
I come from a well off family, (no humblebrag) its one of da reason my mom was able to come here to

Da United States as a OPTION not as a ESCAPE.. unlike alot of you sad folks, pigment

Plays NO ROLE in da pursuit to attain $ when it comes to my family history or pride.

I dont have black relatives, i have European

I'm curious about your family...

I could be 100% wrong, but isn't your family on WIC or some other form of government assistance?

Why are you living the way you do in the states if you have it "so" good in the DR?

Just trying to gain perspective here. No hate.

Nah. Don't pull out that. It might get a little too real in here.

In between that and his obvious support for Mitt Romney.

Its obvious he was doing SO well in the DR, that he just has to live in rent controlled housing and that the US was just some checklist of summer homes for him.

Ninjahood is a clown

Being in a rent controlled apt has ZERO to do your "lack of means"

This aint subsidized, they're based on tenure agreements from grandfathered

Housing laws in NYC. Gold plated, and i could make over 150k a year & STILL be eligible to live in my cribs.

So stop commenting on iiish u dont know about.

And me a clown? Lol duke everyone seen what u look like silly putty, me and you BOTH know

You wouldn't even attempt to entertain da thought of EVER calling me that in person cuz i would turn

You into your name sake SO FAST you'd be praying to GOD to make me stop, and you dont need a history

Book to look that up.
Lol you dont know me outside NT, so u dunno how good i got it in DR...
I come from a well off family, (no humblebrag) its one of da reason my mom was able to come here to

Da United States as a OPTION not as a ESCAPE.. unlike alot of you sad folks, pigment

Plays NO ROLE in da pursuit to attain $ when it comes to my family history or pride.

I dont have black relatives, i have European

I'm curious about your family...

I could be 100% wrong, but isn't your family on WIC or some other form of government assistance?

Why are you living the way you do in the states if you have it "so" good in the DR?

Just trying to gain perspective here. No hate.
Nah. Don't pull out that. It might get a little too real in here.

In between that and his obvious support for Mitt Romney.

Its obvious he was doing SO well in the DR, that he just has to live in rent controlled housing and that the US was just some checklist of summer homes for him.

Ninjahood is a clown
Being in a rent controlled apt has ZERO to do your "lack of means"

This aint subsidized, they're based on tenure agreements from grandfathered

Housing laws in NYC. Gold plated, and i could make over 150k a year & STILL be eligible to live in my cribs.

So stop commenting on iiish u dont know about.
Keep defending rent control like we don't know what it is.

I don't care what you make, but don't come out here prancing like you just up and left the D.R. because you were just caked out and moving to NY was just some option. I guess Paris and London or Geneva just didn't have trains that ran on time...right? 

If you keep voting for those republicans, they'll get rid of that ASAP.

Keep playing though. 

On top of that, you have the GALL to say something as asinine as "i have NO african ancestry"

Let me find out where that melanin came from.

You want to be "latino?" 

Fine. Go ahead.

Don't forget where skin the back of your hands came from though. 

I'm done here.

You keep exposing how little respect you even have for the history of the D.R. when you make comments like that. 

Whats embarrassing is how easily you're able to lie like we don't know the difference. 

You're not fooling us. 
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Lol you dont know me outside NT, so u dunno how good i got it in DR...
I come from a well off family, (no humblebrag) its one of da reason my mom was able to come here to

Da United States as a OPTION not as a ESCAPE.. unlike alot of you sad folks, pigment

Plays NO ROLE in da pursuit to attain $ when it comes to my family history or pride.

I dont have black relatives, i have European

I'm curious about your family...

I could be 100% wrong, but isn't your family on WIC or some other form of government assistance?

Why are you living the way you do in the states if you have it "so" good in the DR?

Just trying to gain perspective here. No hate.
Nah. Don't pull out that. It might get a little too real in here.

In between that and his obvious support for Mitt Romney.

Its obvious he was doing SO well in the DR, that he just has to live in rent controlled housing and that the US was just some checklist of summer homes for him.

Ninjahood is a clown

Being in a rent controlled apt has ZERO to do your "lack of means"

This aint subsidized, they're based on tenure agreements from grandfathered

Housing laws in NYC. Gold plated, and i could make over 150k a year
Keep defending rent control like we don't know what it is.

If you keep voting for those republicans, they'll get rid of that ASAP.

Keep playing though. 

On top of that, you have the GALL to say something as asinine as "i have NO african ancestry"

Let me find out where that melanin came from.

You want to be "latino?" 

Fine. Go ahead.

Don't forget where skin the back of your hands came from though. 

Supreme court UPHELD rent controlled rules this summer INSPITE of da fact that da Tennant had a HOUSE they OWNED

As a summer spot...try again pip squeak.

And as i said a million times before, im a LATINO, period.

Respect it or suck it.
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you can obviously see african roots in some cubans puerto ricans and dominicans..ya know those kinds that spew the N word like its going out of style.
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