Arkansas Congressman: "Slavery a blessing in disguise" for Black People

If there wasn't slavery there wouldn't be a Lebron? :lol: If this is a part of a thesis then that argument would be weak.
There is. I did a project on this the slave trade in middle school. While this wasn't the focus slave breeding was touched upon in my presentation. I'd need to research from scratch again to find the books.

So it isn't hard work and dedication, it's genes, right?
i currently take a Race and Ethinicities course at FSU and I'd have to strongly disagree, even with the dude who said he "kind of could understand."
The forced immigration for the purpose of slave work is what has plagued the race to this day in that there has always been that divide. when we were freed there was a feeling amongst white america that we were once cattle and children (the peculiar institution) and had to become people like them. every other type of immigration was met with a bit of displeasure, but whites got over it because they didn't spend 400 years treating those people like cattle. also, had Europeans not ravages the continent of Africa it would be a much different place than it is today that is known for the bad things it's known for. blacks eventually became normal citizens and we now get to share in the American dream, but without slavery there's no way to say that we wouldn't have been like any other immigrants who eventually came and were treated normally, i.e. The Irish, Chinese, etc.
You have literature to back this up?

Google. Theres articles on it, but I don't know how credible they are, plus I learned it in Africian-American History class. I kinda thought everyone knew this.

Heres a link to one of the article doe,"thomas jefferson slave breeding"

Absent from the traditional story of slavery is the fact that slave breeding
was an integral component of slavery and the slave experience for the majority
of the female slave population.7 In order to better position slave breeding
within the context of the larger story of slavery, the following discussion
describes the distinct ways that slave owners enslaved African females and
controlled their reproductive capacities in order to further their economic and
social interests and further instill their dominion of female slaves.
In the link, Hubbard was also quoted saying:

“Wouldn’t life for blacks in America today be more enjoyable and successful if they would only learn to appreciate the value of a good education?”


IMO, that's a little more egregious than his comment on slavery. Actually, who am I kidding. Both are bad, but I think this line should be commented on as well.
You do know that slaves were breeded, right? They would take the biggest and strongest female and the biggest and strogest male and make them have sex. Fast foward 200 some odd years and theres 6'8 220lb high school senior in Ohio. He's not RIGHT for saying that, but slave breeding is part of the reason why black folks pretty much run proffessional sports.

You cant be serious son. Africans have been bigger and stronger than many other races before slavery. Hence one of the main reasons Bartolome de la Casa recommended that African slaves should be transported to the New World to work. Not only were they immune to the diseases Europeans brought with them through previous contact, but their diet consisted of mostly carbs (Yams, etc...) as apposed to the Natives who's diet consisted of mostly corn.
You do know that slaves were breeded, right? They would take the biggest and strongest female and the biggest and strogest male and make them have sex. Fast foward 200 some odd years and theres 6'8 220lb high school senior in Ohio. He's not RIGHT for saying that, but slave breeding is part of the reason why black folks pretty much run proffessional sports.
Well...actually in Carl Linneaus' "Classification of Species" and when Europeans first saw Africans it was assumed that we were savages and beasts w/out certain human characteristics because of our large stature and unusual build. Slave breeding is a thing, but that's not where blacks' physcial dominance, if you will, began. i can promise you that without the shadow of a doubt.
The GOP is hard at work............which is why WE need to be just as hard if not harder at work voting, not just this year but during every opportunity.
Da GOP freed da slaves though.
That GOP of back THEN would be the Democratic Party of TODAY and you know it, both parties were reversed at the time. Stop trying to fool the people champ, you might have been fooled and sold by the GOP propaganda but not the rest of us.
This is just as bad as the one politician in the UK who blamed "Gangsta culture" aka black culture for the London riots
That GOP of back THEN would be the Democratic Party of TODAY and you know it, both parties were reversed at the time. Stop trying to fool the people champ, you might have been fooled and sold by the GOP propaganda but not the rest of us.

In his defence, he just learned how to read last year though, can't fault him for his incoherence.
You do know that slaves were breeded, right? They would take the biggest and strongest female and the biggest and strogest male and make them have sex. Fast foward 200 some odd years and theres 6'8 220lb high school senior in Ohio. He's not RIGHT for saying that, but slave breeding is part of the reason why black folks pretty much run proffessional sports.

Jimmy the Greek is that you?
The first half of Tr1ll statement I thought was true :nerd: then second half I ain't touching :lol:
The GOP is hard at work............which is why WE need to be just as hard if not harder at work voting, not just this year but during every opportunity.

Da GOP freed da slaves though.

That GOP of back THEN would be the Democratic Party of TODAY and you know it, both parties were reversed at the time. Stop trying to fool the people champ, you might have been fooled and sold by the GOP propaganda but not the rest of us.

Im just saying how history was, all that other issh u commenting after da fact

Is spin on ur end.
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