Asian Culture Discussion Thread

Just seeing this post for the first time.

Anyway, at one point I thought the same sh*t OP listed.

The problem with Asian culture in America is that there aren't any real revolutionaries. An example, Black culture has MLK, Malcom. A history of protesting and whatnot.

I could go on and on talking about it but this is kind of a controversial topic in a PC era.
Just seeing this post for the first time.

Anyway, at one point I thought the same sh*t OP listed.

The problem with Asian culture in America is that there aren't any real revolutionaries. An example, Black culture has MLK, Malcom. A history of protesting and whatnot.

I could go on and on talking about it but this is kind of a controversial topic in a PC era.

there are plenty of asian folk who were involved and entrenched in the civil rights movements but they don't really get a lot of shine or acknowledgement: grace lee boggs, fred korematsu, yuri kochiyama, richard aoki (folks wanna say he was CIA informant but I don't believe it), larry itliong, and many of the members of the third world liberation student movement were asian am. were they revolutionaries? I don't know, but for that period of time, they were certainly far more radical than a vast majority of Americans

popular culture and media continues to project the model minority myth. it intentionally creates divides between asians and other communities of color. shoot, i'd even go as far as to say there are asians who've willingly embraced that "myth" and have used it to deny the systemic racism and discrimination BIPOC (including other asians) are subject to
Just seeing this post for the first time.

Anyway, at one point I thought the same sh*t OP listed.

The problem with Asian culture in America is that there aren't any real revolutionaries. An example, Black culture has MLK, Malcom. A history of protesting and whatnot.

I could go on and on talking about it but this is kind of a controversial topic in a PC era.
u asian?
popular culture and media continues to project the model minority myth. it intentionally creates divides between asians and other communities of color. shoot, i'd even go as far as to say there are asians who've willingly embraced that "myth" and have used it to deny the systemic racism and discrimination BIPOC (including other asians) are subject to

People on this board love pushing this myth also.
there are plenty of asian folk who were involved and entrenched in the civil rights movements but they don't really get a lot of shine or acknowledgement: grace lee boggs, fred korematsu, yuri kochiyama, richard aoki (folks wanna say he was CIA informant but I don't believe it), larry itliong, and many of the members of the third world liberation student movement were asian am. were they revolutionaries? I don't know, but for that period of time, they were certainly far more radical than a vast majority of Americans

popular culture and media continues to project the model minority myth. it intentionally creates divides between asians and other communities of color. shoot, i'd even go as far as to say there are asians who've willingly embraced that "myth" and have used it to deny the systemic racism and discrimination BIPOC (including other asians) are subject to
No disrespect to these people, but I haven't heard of these of the individuals you listed. I'll take some time looking them up to see what they've done in the past. That's probably part of the problem. They aren't acknowledged. Who's to blame for that? Someone needs to get their names out.

As far as the media is concerned, they're not doing any favors to empower the Asian male. The actors that take these roles are just as responsible. There are no home grown celebrities that I can think of.

Bruce Lee was born in Cali, but most people would probably guess that he's from China or HK.

Jackie Chan and Jet Li are from overseas.

I saw the new Mulan movie and said to myself that they didn't empower the Asian male.

When you mentioned pop culture and media projecting the "model minority myth", can you give an examples of that?
No disrespect to these people, but I haven't heard of these of the individuals you listed. I'll take some time looking them up to see what they've done in the past. That's probably part of the problem. They aren't acknowledged. Who's to blame for that? Someone needs to get their names out.

As far as the media is concerned, they're not doing any favors to empower the Asian male. The actors that take these roles are just as responsible. There are no home grown celebrities that I can think of.

Bruce Lee was born in Cali, but most people would probably guess that he's from China or HK.

Jackie Chan and Jet Li are from overseas.

I saw the new Mulan movie and said to myself that they didn't empower the Asian male.

When you mentioned pop culture and media projecting the "model minority myth", can you give an examples of that?

for your first question, Larry Itliong was a Filipino immigrant laborer who fought alongside Cesar Chavez in the grape workers strikes in Central California that paved the way for unions and workers rights. But he's a footnote in history, prob just because Mexicans are way more in numbers than Filipinos so Mexican laborers are portrayed/told about more.

Today's youth are more into getting the history out but IMO it's kinda been like "oh and xxxx person/xxxx happened also".
No disrespect to these people, but I haven't heard of these of the individuals you listed. I'll take some time looking them up to see what they've done in the past. That's probably part of the problem. They aren't acknowledged. Who's to blame for that? Someone needs to get their names out.

As far as the media is concerned, they're not doing any favors to empower the Asian male. The actors that take these roles are just as responsible. There are no home grown celebrities that I can think of.

Bruce Lee was born in Cali, but most people would probably guess that he's from China or HK.

Jackie Chan and Jet Li are from overseas.

I saw the new Mulan movie and said to myself that they didn't empower the Asian male.

When you mentioned pop culture and media projecting the "model minority myth", can you give an examples of that?
Bruce always stood up for us, and it ain't the media's fault that people think he's from overseas.
No disrespect to these people, but I haven't heard of these of the individuals you listed. I'll take some time looking them up to see what they've done in the past. That's probably part of the problem. They aren't acknowledged. Who's to blame for that? Someone needs to get their names out.

As far as the media is concerned, they're not doing any favors to empower the Asian male. The actors that take these roles are just as responsible. There are no home grown celebrities that I can think of.

Bruce Lee was born in Cali, but most people would probably guess that he's from China or HK.

Jackie Chan and Jet Li are from overseas.

I saw the new Mulan movie and said to myself that they didn't empower the Asian male.

When you mentioned pop culture and media projecting the "model minority myth", can you give an examples of that?

If you’re passive, reactive and dependent on traditional news media and entertainment to educate you the important Asian people to know, then look no further than yourself to see who needs to be more curious and question the standard narrative.
Don’t get twisted and misunderstand what I’m saying. Even at my age and point in Life only recognized half the names moe200069 moe200069 mentioned. So all of us have work to do. But it’s a good start and sign you start asking these questions now.
Post up when you have something to say.
It’s all good.

If you’re passive, reactive and dependent on traditional news media and entertainment to educate you the important Asian people to know, then look no further than yourself to see who needs to be more curious and question the standard narrative.
Don’t get twisted and misunderstand what I’m saying. Even at my age and point in Life only recognized half the names moe200069 moe200069 mentioned. So all of us have work to do. But it’s a good start and sign you start asking these questions now.
Post up when you have something to say.
It’s all good.

So if I may ask, what progress has this thread achieved since it's start?
So if I may ask, what progress has this thread achieved since it's start?

This Thread is an open forum where interested parties are free to socialize, interact and share from each other.
You would know that if took the time to actually read the previous 400+ pages and developed a rapport with those who been here.
But then your profile seems very new.

What are you here for?
No disrespect to these people, but I haven't heard of these of the individuals you listed. I'll take some time looking them up to see what they've done in the past. That's probably part of the problem. They aren't acknowledged. Who's to blame for that? Someone needs to get their names out.

As far as the media is concerned, they're not doing any favors to empower the Asian male. The actors that take these roles are just as responsible. There are no home grown celebrities that I can think of.

Bruce Lee was born in Cali, but most people would probably guess that he's from China or HK.

Jackie Chan and Jet Li are from overseas.

I saw the new Mulan movie and said to myself that they didn't empower the Asian male.

When you mentioned pop culture and media projecting the "model minority myth", can you give an examples of that?

in terms of the portrayal of the model minority, rather than spend time explaining pre-existing research, i'll just share some articles:

in regards to your comment about the portrayal of Asian males, there's definitely a long history of the emasculation of asian men via the movie screen. I woudn't go as far as blaming Asian actors for taking on roles that perpetuate stereotypes and racist tropes. while I don't fully agree with it, I can understand that discrimination and racism in hollywood might force your hand. I would say recently, however, asian male protagonists have been on screen and have been portrayed in multiple representations/nuanced manners. Asian actresses/actors are starting to break certain barriers. and i'm sorry, but if you don't know those names of those actors, then you must have your head in the sand.
btw happy early lunar new year to the folks in here that celebrate.

my boy and i have made more of an effort to shop in and be around Oakland Chinatown as a result of the recent attacks on elders. We’re non-violent folks but we just want to support with being vigilant and protecting OGs. i don’t think more policing is the answer, but rather, more folks of different ages utilizing the space. stay safe and be well family
There was a thread about the Asian American old man that was mocked and robbed for this soda cans that he collected. This was pre COVID btw. The old man was humiliated (if collecting cans isnt bad enough) to the point that we start to weep. Some people on here (most of them banned already) thought it was cool cuz Asian had attacked Black people in the past so this was all gucci in their eyes. You know, since we are all MODEL MINORITIES.
I remember that thread...

There's a search function. You can search specific words.
Theres only one member I can think of that throws that around in every other post they make. I guess somehow it’s supposed to start a cordial back n’ forth dialogue? :lol:
in regards to your comment about the portrayal of Asian males, there's definitely a long history of the emasculation of asian men via the movie screen. I woudn't go as far as blaming Asian actors for taking on roles that perpetuate stereotypes and racist tropes. while I don't fully agree with it, I can understand that discrimination and racism in hollywood might force your hand. I would say recently, however, asian male protagonists have been on screen and have been portrayed in multiple representations/nuanced manners. Asian actresses/actors are starting to break certain barriers. and i'm sorry, but if you don't know those names of those actors, then you must have your head in the sand.
How does the convo of, "They try to emasculate us" usually go over with others?
I know a lot of times when we (Black Men) say there is a concerted effort to feminize black men, the convo ends up turning into us being homophobic/transphobic and some people basically claiming it is all in our heads.

Do you get similar pushback from a certain group of folks?
The term model minority is used by lazy minded people to write off accomplishments and success of a whole other race , just so they don't feel so bad about their own race's failure.
The term model minority was CREATED by white supremacists, in order to give non black immigrants a low bar to crawl toward. You were taught that if you capitulate to a white god, bowing to white privilege, that you could then earn a few crumbs from the high table, of which you should be grateful to receive. Never mind the greatness and fight of your ancestors, because they were supposedly archaic and inferior in the first place. Right, so when Black people continue to fail to reach such a standard, through fighting for a freedom beyond the mediocre standards of white supremacy? Perhaps you’d get on your knees, the ask your ancestors for the forgiveness that you may not be worthy of receiving.
How does the convo of, "They try to emasculate us" usually go over with others?
I know a lot of times when we (Black Men) say there is a concerted effort to feminize black men, the convo ends up turning into us being homophobic/transphobic and some people basically claiming it is all in our heads.

Do you get similar pushback from a certain group of folks?

brushed off, ignored. Asians don't have the collective voice/forum for any kind of major pushback. "It's just casting/jokes/a minor character/etc". John Cho has stated before that he doesn't take roles that play on Asian stereotypes and has refused to fake an accent for a part in a movie, but at the same time he's really the only (relatively) big name Asian-American male getting bigger roles.
How does the convo of, "They try to emasculate us" usually go over with others?
I know a lot of times when we (Black Men) say there is a concerted effort to feminize black men, the convo ends up turning into us being homophobic/transphobic and some people basically claiming it is all in our heads.

Do you get similar pushback from a certain group of folks?

To be honest, I've only had this conversation in two spaces: amongst other Asian men or in academic spaces. No one I've spoken to about it has dismissed it; but perhaps it's because I'm just sort of preaching to the choir. Would be interesting (and necessary) to have this conversation with folks from different communities and perspectives.

Amongst my Asian homies there's a lot of agreement, even from my boys who insist on staying in their "man i'm not political" lane. It really elicits a strong reaction. On a macro level, I haven't really thought about how the emasculation of asian men impacts our access to things like career opportunities, education, social acceptance, etc. But anecdotally, I can say it manifests in the world of heterosexual dating, which seems innocuous in comparison to larger components of our lives, but is still important.

I think this problem is part and parcel to the long standing sexualization/fetishizing of Asian women.. and to a larger degree, white supremacy which is at the root of all this ****.

Genuine question: you mentioned that there have been attempts to feminize Black men, which seems contrary to what I've perceived. If we're using Hollywood and social media as a barometer, the depiction and portrayal of Black men seems to project hyper masculinity. As an Asian male, I definitely have my "blindspots" when it comes to other folks' experiences. Just wondering what the emasculation looks like for Black men or how it shows up?
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