Asics Love?!? Where is it?

Just saw these in IG. Not sure if it's a collab or not. It's hash tagged Kith, ubiqlife, etc but it could also just be s gr

Anybody else get the EB email right now? I thought it was over but I just got one. Copped my sz10 [emoji]128513[/emoji]

$195 shipped, I hope i get the box.
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A lot of winners it seems for the "limited" amount of pairs...any non winners???

I'm about to pay for mine
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That post earlier about the Sages had me take mine out and inspect them; now I'm not sure if they're legit or not. I had a LC done here and on Reddit but looking at those (which everyone is saying are fake) and mine, I can't see a huge difference... someone please put my mind at ease. Thanks!
Haha...I just got an email from EB as well. It's like a BAIT raffle (fine by me). Has anyone confirmed if this is the special box?
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Lmao yeah I won too and they tryina charge me 211$ retail shipped when I'm literally 15 mins from them. Passsssss
Damn I guess i had bad luck.  Looking for a 9.5/10 for myself if anyone has one.  Let me know guys.  Thanks.
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