Bachelor Pad.

^ I really like that's like a sectional, but a mini one so it doesn't take up a lot of space...where did you get it from?
Originally Posted by nbirn2103

Just recently finished furnishing my place. I just need to frame my lithographs/photographs and hang them up.

I bought the majority of my furniture @ Room & Board for my bedroom. I purchased the Anders style bed, dresser and nightstand in Walnut. I purchased the industrial style mirror & file cabinet from there as well. The ottoman is from Room & Board's Townsend collection which I feature in my living room. (However my desk is from CB2.)


My living room is below.

I just attached my Pioneer Elite Pro111fd to a Sanus mount. It is a full motion mount that can move from 3"-26" from the wall and way from left to right and tilt as well.

The two couches on the left are from the Room & Board Townsend collection, as well as the ottoman. It's wrapped in a soft microfiber that doesn't stain. The other couch on the right is from CB2 that folds out into a twin sized bed.

My dining table (72" long) is from the Room & Board Anderson collection. It is walnut, as are the chairs.

Alternate view...


My surround sound is hidden throughout the room and it is attached to my turntables (numark ns7's) that run through my Mac.

You need to hide all those wires it will give you room a cleaner look.
Blackxme, is that in Houston? If so, is that the Broadstone? If not, they have almost identical units.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

lol @ the rasterbated dog...i like it though...are the individual sheets framed?
That is not a dog that is a Pug who happens to be my best friend, and his name is Howie.
  Unfortunately pets aren't allowed in my association so he can't live with me.

They're not individually framed they're just on sheets of 3/16" double sided foam board. I had the sheets printed at Kinkos with a better quality gloss paper so it looks better than regular sheets of paper. 
Originally Posted by Russ tha G

Blackxme, is that in Houston? If so, is that the Broadstone? If not, they have almost identical units.
Nah, this is in Austin. I know my apartments have like sister apartments in Houston though, so it's not surprising.
For the homie that had that blk/white canvas picture.. here it is on my wall.. this was my XMAS set up

Sick thread. Even though im still in uni and have to deal with wack uni furniture, i love home designs. Esp the mystic of bachelor pads, for me its all about creating space and lots of gadgets. I cant wait to get my own lil one bedroom (two bedroom, if i win the lotto!) .... Oh and that border idea was dope, the white really stands out
Originally Posted by Retro707

For the homie that had that blk/white canvas picture.. here it is on my wall.. this was my XMAS set up

Looks dope with the black couch. I really just need to head to Ikea to grab the print.
Originally Posted by quik1987

Tips from GQ


The overall style and comfort of your bedroom has less to do with what you put in it than what you keep out. The easier it is to keep neat, the better it'll look over the long term, so do what you can to simplify. Your bed, for example, should take no more than thirty seconds to make. The trick: Ditch your flat sheet and sleep with only a soft duvet—which is how the Europeans do it. Come morning, just give your duvet a casual toss, leaving a generous drape at the foot of the bed (as we did here), and use your pillows to bridge any space at the headboard. No tucking involved. Likewise, buy an extra set of bedding so changing your sheets doesn't require washing and waiting—and avoid overstuffed mattress pads (they're a *#*+% to launder).


Lose the alarm.

There are so many sounds that can stir you from your slumber; why settle for shrill beeping or the morning news? A more humane alternative: an old iPod loaded with a few of your favorite songs.


Keep your lights small.

Your nightstand has less surface area than you think, so it's best to use the smallest bedside table lamp you can find, like Flou's slender and elegant Gabbiano. $477,


Upgrade your duvet.

The duvet is the bedroom's most prominent feature—even more prominent than the expensive bed underneath it—so invest in a good one, like Area's simple and chic Heather duvet. $250,


Eliminate the tech.

Be vigilant about this. Leave your laptop and BlackBerry at the door and resist the temptation to turn your bedroom into a home theater. Good speakers are a must, but try giving your television the boot and see if it doesn't change your life.


Don't work in bed.

A nightstand makes a poor desk, so restrict printed matter to the following: one or two books that you're actively reading and a Moleskine notebook for recording flashes of inspiration. $15,


Box it up.

A partitioned box, like this one from Dunhill, is perfect for keeping random man things—cuff links, watches, condoms—in order. Just don't let it turn into a junk heap; keep it less than half full. $440,


Corral your crap.

All men have an inborn need to empty their pockets onto the nearest available surface when they enter a room. Don't fight it; just make sure there's a strategically placed tray to catch the mess. Your most luxurious option: Poltrona Frau's Type 1 Tray, which is upholstered with the same leather used in Ferrari interiors. $170,


Get decent sound.

Instead of putting your speakers inches from your head, set up a Tivoli Model Two radio near the foot of your bed and hook it up to the iPod on your nightstand. It'll fill the room better than even the most expensive all-in-one units. $200,
This list is great. I love the easy to make bed idea.
I love this thread, trying to move out soon but prices in NYC are crazy.
Surely will be checking in here for inspiration!
Nice looking place Tim. How does the TV work for you over the mantle? I was thinking of doing that with mine but was worried it might be too high. Do you find it is too high or an ok height?
^That's actually pretty dope, but IMO it'd be better without the three lights dangling down.
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