Banned Durex Condom Super Bowl Commercial... VOL. DARK and DISTURBING


I can see that commercial on late night television but nowhere else.
I thought it was funny.
What type of sick person do you have to be to think putting a kitten in an oven was a good example to put in a commercial anyway? They wanted to get this commercial banned.
not the funniest but the message should get out. there are a lot of mistakes that should be left in a condom.
Someone in their ad department probably got fired behind that. Who thought that was a good idea? lol. Entertaining but way inappropriate.
the commercial with the kid crying and knocking stuff over in the supermarket > this commercial.

i mean i get the concept, but it was horribly done. Especially with advertising in mine. the supermarket one everyone can relate to. this one, no one can really relate to although we cringe at the thought. doesnt make me want to buy the brand though.
nobody killed a kitten for real y'all need to see its a commercial, telling u to strap up and stop raw dogging these skezzers who you claim as wifey... bad genes are everywhere
Message was too much real life. Delivery was a bit too harsh. Seems like it would make an interesting movie.
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