Banned Durex Condom Super Bowl Commercial... VOL. DARK and DISTURBING

Disgusting people thought up this commercial. I will never buy their brand after this.
yeah, having a son like that because you didn't wear a condom is highly improbable
this commercial was never intended for the Super Bowl. It wouldve cost abt 10million to air during the game. Make a crazy commercial, release it virally and put "banned super bowl commercial" on it and watch it spread over tha interwebz. seems to be mission accomplished. and they may have a point w/ that commercial, freakonomics featured a study that said that the decline in violent crime is possibly linked to the rise in birth control/contraceptive use starting in the 70s.
i just dont want kids because they are annoying as hell.

was never thinking of the public's safety.
Originally Posted by Lstylez23


this always gets me
The ad is completely misguided by the fact they showed the mother dying during child birth. The odds of the father bailing are FAR greater than the mother dying giving birth. That's how the monsters are created, not by the mom dying in labor.
Originally Posted by TheGr8BlkHope

this commercial was never intended for the Super Bowl. It wouldve cost abt 10million to air during the game. Make a crazy commercial, release it virally and put "banned super bowl commercial" on it and watch it spread over tha interwebz. seems to be mission accomplished. and they may have a point w/ that commercial, freakonomics featured a study that said that the decline in violent crime is possibly linked to the rise in birth control/contraceptive use starting in the 70s.
Also this. It's not a "banned" Super Bowl commercial. They released it on the Internets, then slapped the word "banned" on it to drum up interest. This would never air on network TV under any circumstance, let alone the most watched program in TV history.
Could you imagine if this actually aired during the Super Bowl?
Would be a lot of living rooms filled with awkward silences right after the commercial.
Dudes looking around at each other like "What the $%*!?"

And then the next commercial is some damn polar bears sharing a Coke.
Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

Originally Posted by jjsrf

The nerve! Worlds most breakable condom

You have Lifestyle condoms in the US? WORST.

idk i once went thru 12 durex in 1 smash, had to try em all before i stopped
...(she was maddd fertile) went to the store to get some mags
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