Best Online RPG- Lost Power City vol. 6

[table][tr][td]November 21 2007, 3:02:15 pm[/td] [td]You received 100 MK3A2 Concussion Grenade(s) from IMADUCK[emoji]8482[/emoji] [/td] [td]Delete[/td] [/tr][tr][td]November 21 2007, 2:58:17 pm[/td] [td]JimmyDogs beat you with their Battle Axe and stole 540, and 0 crystal(s).[/td] [td]Delete[/td] [/tr][tr][td]November 21 2007, 2:58:12 pm[/td] [td](12794)JimmyDogs bribed your doctor with $1,630,000 to heal you from the hospital.
[/td] [td]Delete[/td] [/tr][/table]
i wonder how may more time he can afford to do that.
You are in the hospital for 180 minute(s).
Reason: [size=+1]Finished by (7455) IMARHINO[emoji]8482[/emoji]'s .44Automag[/size]
^he can afford to do it quite a lot. Before this war he used to that to me on the regular because I "bad mouthed" him

Thanks rawr
(5670) Sweets

Time: 3:14:46 pm
Date: November 21, 2007



What big ears you have. lol I am sure you have heard that but I couldn't stop myself. :tongue:

YO! maybe this is a bad time for this but I dont care. I figured it'll just add on to the fun.

Im doing a NT x LPC mini raffle and everyone! is invited to join.
I have a list of names up on the NTxLPC forums so doubled check if you're on there.
Prizes will be announced in an hour and the drawing will take place tonight @ 9:00 PT.
Never a bad time for free stuff.

Which remind me can someone please send me the link to the other forum. PM me on LPC, Thanks.
It will cost $19,800,000 to assassinate imagiraffe[emoji]8482[/emoji]...
what's going on here? you guys having fun again? I wanna have fun.

I only go on to hack a few people and do searches for a few minutes
Originally Posted by RaWeX05

Never a bad time for free stuff.

Which remind me can someone please send me the link to the other forum. PM me on LPC, Thanks.
It will cost $19,800,000 to assassinate imagiraffe[emoji]8482[/emoji]...

damn, i was hoping that he had at least wasted 30 mil. but thats still 20 mil that he doesnt have.
A 16-year-old at that....


F all of them esp bones attackin then running to lost angelous and not healing his self

You know what makes this so funny? The reason King got mad in the first place was cause I was walking around with 20% health.

Then I heal to 100% and tell him to bring his%%!+ to my location. He does and I stick his%%!+ in the hospital.

Then he heals and I go to mug him and it tells me, "You can't mug someone who doesn't have 1/2 their health."

It may have been an accident but he's not one to talk when ever 400 level $%@*# in his gang runs to Lost Vegas or %@*+ like that right after they mug us.%@*+ is lame. %+$! them.

They have no honor or integrity. And now they're enlisting Bones and Big John to help them out? %+$! that.

edit: Seriously, they +!$#*%+ complaining about us not healing to 100% but they do the same. They were the first to attack us while online. And how can theycomplain about any of this when they do the attack-and-hide-in-Lost-Vegas !%$#?

And don't get me started on the lies about IMADINOSAUR. Either she's a +!$#*%+ lying ****# or King is. But it ain't me.
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