Black women/ White men Appreciation

My pops married a black woman 20 yrs his junior

Some of my girls have hangups about dating white men. Not really sure as to why they just say they're not attracted to them. I don't see that combo too much though.
Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

My pops married a black woman 20 yrs his junior

Some of my girls have hangups about dating white men. Not really sure as to why they just say they're not attracted to them. I don't see that combo too much though.
my friend was about to hook up w/a white guy this weekend and said she couldn't do it cuz it was weird cuz he was white...

he copped a hotel room and everything...

I'm seeing a lot of Black chicks that date white dudes,

...and white dudes only.

...and I have beef with people who does this - both ways.

Mine is Cherokee Native American if it matters.
All happy and rational relationships regardless of the ethnicities involved appreciated though...
Originally Posted by toast1985

I'm seeing a lot of Black chicks that date white dudes,

...and white dudes only.

...and I have beef with people who does this - both ways.

QFT. Women come in varieties for a reason. It's like a painter deciding to use one color his entire life.

Edit: I didn't realize how sexist what I just said sounds till I read it to myself...lulz. But you get the point.    
Originally Posted by JD214

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

18th letter wrote:

One thing I will say about white dudes, whenever they pull a sista, she is always on point. Never seen a white cat with a busted looking black girl

Brothas on the other hand
be wifing these fat sloppy wildebeest that white dudes don't want, and be proud as hell to rock her on their arm (granted she prolly keep him laced and she breaks bread)

In the south I've seen a few white guys with sloppy fat black girls. Maybe it's just a numbers thing, a lot of girls in the south are fat/sloppy. I seen black and white guys with sloppy, fat black women. Don't know how it is everywhere else tho.

That's true though, white guys get sloppy %%$ black girls and black dudes get white hood-rats down here.

White Girls >>>

Mixed Girls >>> Latina's> White Girls
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by letsgetit22

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by letsgetit22

Originally Posted by rsdplaya

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

2. Does this mean even more white women for me?
sure, you can have my share.  err, some of my share.

Edit: my bad I'm black... Fail
 but you can still have my share of white women who only date black men..
Who said anything about women who only date black men. A majority of the white women I've been with, had mostly been with white dudes.
My point was that you can have my share of white women who only look to date black men... I've ran into a few. 

My point is I don't limit myself to white women who only look to date black men. I mostly mess with white girls that are open to all races. Denise Richard type white girls are cool, but when they only date black guys it raises red flags.

LOL @ people acting like if a white girl sleeps with a  black guy....she does that exclusively. That's a myth. 
what are you talking about? I never said that. I said that there are white women who only sleep with black men.. I didn't say all white women who sleep with black men only sleep with black men.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

toast1985 wrote:

I'm seeing a lot of Black chicks that date white dudes,

...and white dudes only.

...and I have beef with people who does this - both ways.

QFT. Women come in varieties for a reason. It's like a painter deciding to use one color his entire life.

And black dudes dating white girls now.
Originally Posted by toast1985

I'm seeing a lot of Black chicks that date white dudes,

...and white dudes only.

...and I have beef with people who does this - both ways.
cosign. i know some black girls who only mess with white dudes because they grew up w/ white ppl and dont identify with black culture at all. and i know some who do it because they harbor self-hate and want to feel superior to other black people. either way, it seems messed up to me.

btw personally, i'm always wary of white chicks who only mess with black dudes. they're usually $#*$+/have some type of STD. i'd rather pull the white chicks who are from rich families and go to John Mayer concerts and shh...
I'm of the camp that says you shouldn't date any one race selectively. I think you should experience a variety of flavors in life. I don't get jealous at all if I see a white dude with a black girl.

White dudes don't like the black girls that I prefer anyway, so it's a non-threat to me.
but at the end of the day it is not as excepted as the black male , and white female dating thing.

and alot of black dudes will hate on the bad sista going with a white dude .
I like any kind of Woman. Like one dude said before,its not like a painter uses 1 colour his whole life. Women in general>Race
i used to be able to pull mad black chicks but i think my charm has diminished?

i dated a mixed girl half black half white for a while she was so fine and crazy in a good way, like fun not jealous crazy
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

My point is I don't limit myself to white women who only look to date black men. I mostly mess with white girls that are open to all races. Denise Richard type white girls are cool, but when they only date black guys it raises red flags.

LOL @ people acting like if a white girl sleeps with a  black guy....she does that exclusively. That's a myth. 

I think interracial dating should be celebrated, but it is still sad how to this day it can get frowned upon.

I am of an Arab background, and when it comes to girls, there is this type of ladder strata for Arab/Middle Eastern of culturally it being the worst of dating a man from certain ethnicity/background/race. Black men are at the bottom. If an Arab girl is found out to date a black guy, yeah, her rep is ruined, she will be talked about, ostracized, and this mostly comes from other Arab men. Supposedly, they see it as that if a girl from their kind has dated a black man, then she is a #!*@. So disgusting when it comes to these men who have that mentality. Maybe they are jealous that on average black men are well endowed or something.
Originally Posted by MikeTysontheKiller

Yo, do black dudes get mad when they see a black girl/woman dating outside her race? Serious question.

Yes; and start making generalizations like, "He must have money, he ain't hitting that right, I'm better where it counts," type nonsense
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