Black women/ White men Appreciation

Originally Posted by Though

Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

Originally Posted by Put em up

If just funny to me how brainwashed some of you cats are. Dudes are ashamed of who they are, and display self hate all the time.

Damn yall are weak minded.

Putting other races on a pedestal saying "white >..." and "being hispanic and looking white >..."

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] Someone actually said that?[/color]
i shook my head when i saw that.  son is basically saying he wants to be white
was a joke, though

I actually get irked when folks think i'm white off the jump...
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

toast1985 wrote:

I'm seeing a lot of Black chicks that date white dudes,

...and white dudes only.

...and I have beef with people who does this - both ways.

QFT. Women come in varieties for a reason. It's like a painter deciding to use one color his entire life.

that logic makes no sense at all. How does a painter paint with one color, assuming the background is the same color.

how does that translate to differentiation between women? people of the same race posses different physical attributes, personality, view and so on.

one can experience everything within one race without going into others. I am not advocating, I am just saying.

6 am over here.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Put em up

@ some of you clowns putting white people on a pedestal.
Everyday I wake and thank the white man for the sunrise, for the ground I walk on, for the air I breathe. I also apologize for black people, cause lord know they aint gon' apologize for themselves.

i had to lol at this.

seriousley though, we as a society need to stop playing the race card.

Im sick of hearing rappers blame "the white man" for their problems, one of the reasons i cant stand Kanye West.
StaXX wrote:
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Originally Posted by MikeTysontheKiller

Yo, do black dudes get mad when they see a black girl/woman dating outside her race? Serious question.

Yes; and start making generalizations like, "He must have money, he ain't hitting that right, I'm better where it counts," type nonsense
Edit- quoted the wrong person.

But for me, I love seeing a sisters dating outside our race. I wish more of them were open to it.
I just want to know why black dudes get mad when they see this?

I see. It's like, dudes get mad because their women are interracial dating, but they don't get mad because they get to date outside of their race. Same applies for women gettin mad at men datin outside their race and not within in it exclusively.
^ and yet yeezy dated a white chick.

i dont care bout inter racial dating .

i do how ever dont like it when a black says the black race is the most power full and best race and is racist towards everyone yet dates outside of his race , that is corny .
Originally Posted by Darkwing Duck

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Put em up

@ some of you clowns putting white people on a pedestal.
Everyday I wake and thank the white man for the sunrise, for the ground I walk on, for the air I breathe. I also apologize for black people, cause lord know they aint gon' apologize for themselves.

i had to lol at this.

seriousley though, we as a society need to stop playing the race card.

Im sick of hearing rappers blame "the white man" for their problems, one of the reasons i cant stand Kanye West.
Originally Posted by RiverXBear

^ and yet yeezy dated a white chick.

i dont care bout inter racial dating .

i do how ever dont like it when a black says the black race is the most power full and best race and is racist towards everyone yet dates outside of his race , that is corny .

The hell are you talking about? Who said we're the best race here? & what does Kanye have to do with anything?
I know theres some good points here, but ffs..

Just post more pics of Paula

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

My point is I don't limit myself to white women who only look to date black men. I mostly mess with white girls that are open to all races. Denise Richard type white girls are cool, but when they only date black guys it raises red flags.

LOL @ people acting like if a white girl sleeps with a  black guy....she does that exclusively. That's a myth. 

I think interracial dating should be celebrated, but it is still sad how to this day it can get frowned upon.

I am of an Arab background, and when it comes to girls, there is this type of ladder strata for Arab/Middle Eastern of culturally it being the worst of dating a man from certain ethnicity/background/race. Black men are at the bottom. If an Arab girl is found out to date a black guy, yeah, her rep is ruined, she will be talked about, ostracized, and this mostly comes from other Arab men. Supposedly, they see it as that if a girl from their kind has dated a black man, then she is a #!*@. So disgusting when it comes to these men who have that mentality. Maybe they are jealous that on average black men are well endowed or something.
It's the same with Asians. When an Asian woman dates a black man, it is assumed that she is a ##$*%.

Whenever I go out with my boyfriend, who happens to be black, I always gets judgmental stares, especially from other Asians.
Originally Posted by Orangatrang

It's the same with Asians. When an Asian woman dates a black man, it is assumed that she is a ##$*%.

Whenever I go out with my boyfriend, who happens to be black, I always gets judgmental stares, especially from other Asians.
Minorities tend to stick together against the White Man. But, I think that when it comes to within each other, they will look down on Blacks the most. It's this superiority complex which they try to use against picking overall over one other minority they they will place on the bottom ladder and those who will get the most racism when it comes to it are black people. I just think it is so deragotary, disgusting, and sickening. As a minority yourself, you should understand how bigotry and prejudice are unjustifable, but then some of them do it to others.

So sorry you hav to go through it, but that is what makes your relationship all the more beautiful and worth it.

This is why unfortunately I have to stick marrying my own "kind" so I do not have to deal with the B.S. that comes with culture and my parents.

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by Orangatrang

It's the same with Asians. When an Asian woman dates a black man, it is assumed that she is a ##$*%.

Whenever I go out with my boyfriend, who happens to be black, I always gets judgmental stares, especially from other Asians.
Minorities tend to stick together against the White Man. But, I think that when it comes to within each other, they will look down on Blacks the most. It's this superiority complex which they try to use against picking overall over one other minority they they will place on the bottom ladder and those who will get the most racism when it comes to it are black people. I just think it is so deragotary, disgusting, and sickening. As a minority yourself, you should understand how bigotry and prejudice are unjustifable, but then some of them do it to others.

So sorry you hav to go through it, but that is what makes your relationship all the more beautiful and worth it.

This is why unfortunately I have to stick marrying my own "kind" so I do not have to deal with the B.S. that comes with culture and my parents.

Oh, I understand it completely, but I refuse to let it run my life and dictate to me how I am going to live and who I am going to date/marry.
Luckily, I have parents who see past mere skin color, but I can't blame people who just find it easier to date within their own culture.

It definitely makes things a lot smoother. The last thing anyone wants is to have to choose between your significant other and your parents.
Hazeleyes honey:

So will the cycle of marriage continue when you have kids?

Or will they be allowed to marry whoever they please?
at the comments

But let's all be serious now we know which race is not letting no outsider get a piece of there females and that's those muslim's

I have yet to see a muslim female with a male out of there race I was so close before but my corner store guy peeped it and sent his girl cousin to a different location 
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by Though

Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

Originally Posted by Put em up

If just funny to me how brainwashed some of you cats are. Dudes are ashamed of who they are, and display self hate all the time.

Damn yall are weak minded.

Putting other races on a pedestal saying "white >..." and "being hispanic and looking white >..."

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] Someone actually said that?[/color]
i shook my head when i saw that.  son is basically saying he wants to be white
was a joke, though

I actually get irked when folks think i'm white off the jump...
might as well be mister i can't speak spanish
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