Blade Runner 2049 (10/06/17) - Ford, Gosling, Batista, Leto, etc... SciFi Masterpiece?

this movie was great

visuals are amazing and sound is insane especially in dolby atmos

runtime didn't feel long despite it being 2 hours and 49 minutes

no end credit so don't stay but the soundtrack in the roll credits awesome
Run time did not feel long at all. Still processing the film because it is very dense but I did not want the film to end is all I'll say.

Ana de Armas :pimp:
been in love with Ana de Armas for a while now and seeing her on Knock Knock...
Still can't get over how beautiful the movie looked. I need to find Hans Zimmer's score for this cause it's something different than his famous scores from other films.

I do think one thing that 2049 improves on from the OG is the detective aspect. Gosling's character does way more investigating than Deckard from the first and it kept my engaged to see where they were going with the plot.

this **** was straight beautiful :wow:

Hans killed the score too

story was just alright imo
Story was a little too multilayered when it didn't have to be although Dennis was able to narrow the window of understanding just enough that everything makes sense in the end.

Jared Leto was pretty amazing although he wasn't necessarily necessary. Joi was probably my favorite character in the film.
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Amazing movie. Gorgeous, well realized world. I'm a big fan of world building and this movie really made the world feel real and lived in. It touched on many of the same themes as the original: consumerism, what it means to be human, what is our purpose, etc. My only gripe is that its a little long, I feel like this could have been a 2 hr 20 min movie instead of a 2 hr 45 min movie. Overall I give it a 9.3/10

As always I have questions:

1. So these Wallace replicants can run through walls, easily kill humans with a punch...but you can drown them easily? Why even design them that way? It seems like the replicants are very human sometimes and not so human others. Why drink alcohol? Can they get drunk?

2. In the original they don't really delve into the mechanics of the replicants but what is the difference between humans and replicants? I always thought they were made out of some type of metal/non-organic exoskeleton but then you see Rachel's bones. What do they 'run' on? a beating human heart? They feel all of the same emotions humans do, they bleed, can get drunk, etc. If the only difference between a human and a replicant is a serial number on its eye then they're not replicants, they're just lab grown humans.

3. Wallace mentions he can only make so many replicants but never explains why? Are they just really expensive?

4. I want to know more about Calantha (the off-world planet where some war was fought). What happened to Las Vegas? looks like a nuke was dropped there.
saw the film. i give it a 7.5/10. keep in mind that i didnt see the first film, though.

the story and cinematography was great (visuals being top tier)

a lot of people left the movie early though cause they got bored. if you're expecting an action packed movie, this isnt it.

the only time action comes is when it benefits the story.
That is the one thing I have been telling people is to not go in expecting action, that was not in the first Blade Runner and if you've seen any of Villeneuve's work, expect a dialogue driven film.

Majority audiences are not willing to be that patient with plot these days because the market is saturated with quick edits and eye popping scenes.
saw the film. i give it a 7.5/10. keep in mind that i didnt see the first film, though.

the story and cinematography was great (visuals being top tier)

a lot of people left the movie early though cause they got bored. if you're expecting an action packed movie, this isnt it.

the only time action comes is when it benefits the story.

That's a shame. Blade Runner was not an action movie, it was a sci-fi movie with like 2 short action scenes. I don't understand why people were under the impression it was an action movie.
Somewhere the cinematographer shared that the preferred viewing method of this film is standard 2D, not 3D. Don't see this film in 3D.
saw the film. i give it a 7.5/10. keep in mind that i didnt see the first film, though.

the story and cinematography was great (visuals being top tier)

a lot of people left the movie early though cause they got bored. if you're expecting an action packed movie, this isnt it.

the only time action comes is when it benefits the story.

People left lol?? Wow.

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