Boardwalk Empire Season 5 Thread - Series Finale - Eldorado

All I could think about after watching this episode was Fontaine's ****olding thread. Was gonna post about this episode in the thread but I guess it got locked.
 The whole insane latest incident started when a white talent agent's girlfriend drew Chalky White's right-hand-man Dunn Purnsley a cartoon of them having sex on a napkin. Dunn thought they were sneaking around, but it turned out to be a ruse to have the talent agent jerk off while watching a large black man have sex with his girlfriend, at gunpoint. Someone could write a college thesis on the disturbing density of psychosexual and racial power dynamics at play in this scene, but I'll just say this: Don't mess with Dunn Purnsley.
Concerning Capone (Don't blame me if you click it)..
Oh, btw, for those that don't know, Frank Capone will die this season. In real life, he died in April of '24, 2 months after the first episode took place. If you go to his Wikipedia page, he was killed by the cops after him and Al were messing up a primary election day. The cops first pulled up at a polling station near a Western Electric plant. They are going to show this in the show, because you see the previews for upcoming episodes, you see a riot and a huge fight breaking out with Van Alden and you see the Western Electric sign in the background.
From a poster on another forum frequent.

If it makes anyone feel any better though, his other brother in real life lives until the 70s and it's good because the actor that plays him(Dom Lombardozzi) was good in the Wire and the few episodes he was in when he was in entourage.
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Ol girl was right to jump out that window :lol:. Purnsley looked like death himself :lol:

aye wait is Purnsley the same dude from those final destination and candyman movies? :wow:
:rofl: No, that's not him.
Decent way to start the show off. Tie up loose ends from the previous season so now we don't have to wait for that when the Dr. swings through. Wonder how him and Chalky will get along bein that Chalky is the head honcho as far as Blacks in AC.

Can imagine some good music this season w/ the jazz era starting to blossom in AC at Chalky's club :smokin
Seems like there is going to be a rift between Chalky and Purnsley.
Going solely off of what I've seen from the promos on HBO and this ep, it looks like this middle man entertainer manager that Purnsley killed worked for or closely with the Dr. and he wants dudes to pay a huge price for it. Seems he's gonna want Purnsley's head and possibly more and Chalky's not gonna want to do that (due to what Chalky says about Purnsley to Nucky when they find out) so dude steps to Nucky with that whole only kings recognize kings line to tell him that he should just cancel both them ******. I say that last part cuz I figure Chalky is gonna disrespect this dude to make it worse for everybody at some point and then things will escalate from there.

Everything I just said is me speculating though.

Yea, in that case I can see Chalky givin up Purnsley, remember in the motel room he said "This on you" it could mean a number of things but he just might give him up. Chalky aint as big as the Dr but he still holds weight for the Black population in AC w/o question. So is he considered a prince, possibly, but he's far from a stooge or anything like that. Chalky aint gon let a dude who made his own mistakes take what he worked hard for (rep, the club, respect).
Lol @ how Nucky had Eddie escort that chick out. Straight g 
Damnit why would you post season spoilers already?!? Thought your spoilers was concerning the episode everyone just saw like the other spoilers previously posted. Yo put a warning that it's season spoilers not some broad statement like "concerning Capone." Damnit. Thought you had a question about Capone from the episode. :smh:
So Dr Narcisse is another head honcho in NY in the black community. What is the reasoning behind him and chalky to feud? I need to read more about history in this time period lol. Sorry if the question is too general, I'm just trying to understand the background story more so it translates well for me in the show.
The Dr character had yet to be introduced though, right? I believe he comes into play next episode. If they mentioned him in episode 1, I must have missed it.
Damnit why would you post season spoilers already?!? Thought your spoilers was concerning the episode everyone just saw like the other spoilers previously posted. Yo put a warning that it's season spoilers not some broad statement like "concerning Capone." Damnit. Thought you had a question about Capone from the episode.

Still it was in a spoiler, not like when I first read it and dude didn't even warn people. THAT's grimy.
dr narcisse apparently owns all of the ny black talent and the talent agency that the booking agent represented.

Still it was in a spoiler, not like when I first read it and dude didn't even warn people. THAT's grimy. :lol:

Its alright man, when i started reading the first sentence i was like hell no closed that spoiler with the quickness. :lol:
The black NTers that were down for that ****olding @$%# should learn from this episode. I'm not saying to kill them :lol: but That's exactly what those dudes who are letting you smash their wives are thinking. there's plenty of white women out there who will let you smash without you having to put yourself in that degrading situation
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i think maybe Dr. Narcisse has control of the black clubs in NY and Chalky's new club might be stealing the acts and patrons away
The black NTers that were down for that ****olding @$%# should learn from this episode. I'm not saying to kill them :lol: but That's exactly what those dudes who are letting you smash their wives are thinking. there's plenty of white women out there who will let you smash without you having to put yourself in that degrading situation

Real talk
So Dr Narcisse is another head honcho in NY in the black community. What is the reasoning behind him and chalky to feud? I need to read more about history in this time period lol. Sorry if the question is too general, I'm just trying to understand the background story more so it translates well for me in the show.

dr narcisse apparently owns all of the ny black talent and the talent agency that the booking agent represented.

Dr. Narcisse is a kingpin in Harlem, that probably:

has control of the black clubs in NY and Chalky's new club might be stealing the acts and patrons away

...which is plausible. He has a daughter, "Daugher Maitland", that seems to be connected to the club scene and may possibly end up involved with this judging by the HBO trailer. We'll wait and see.

Possible cameo --->

I saw some pics from the season premier event that happened last week and I saw the BE cast take some pics with Herc from The Wire. Didn't think much of it because I figured they were there for support, but then I also saw a pic os some of the BE cast with Snoop as well. Since we've seen Herc in character already, any possibility that Snoop may make an appearance this season?? Just a thought stemming from observation... :nerd:
purnsley was in the wrong and should get everything that comes to him stemming from when they first introduced his character
Damn man did a ****old wife scorn you?
So Dr Narcisse is another head honcho in NY in the black community. What is the reasoning behind him and chalky to feud? I need to read more about history in this time period lol. Sorry if the question is too general, I'm just trying to understand the background story more so it translates well for me in the show.
I don't think I'm spoiling anything but from what I remember Dr. Narcisse is a completely made up character like Jimmy. He may be based off of black figures during that time that when a few black leaders were running things in Harlem or elsewhere but the character is fictional.

When I google the name I came across something about a Haitian zombie.
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purnsley was in the wrong and should get everything that comes to him stemming from when they first introduced his character
Damn man did a ****old wife scorn you?
So Dr Narcisse is another head honcho in NY in the black community. What is the reasoning behind him and chalky to feud? I need to read more about history in this time period lol. Sorry if the question is too general, I'm just trying to understand the background story more so it translates well for me in the show.
I don't think I'm spoiling anything but from what I remember Dr. Narcisse is a completely made up character like Jimmy. He may be based off of black figures during that time that when a few black leaders were running things in Harlem or elsewhere but the character is fictional.

When I google the name I came across something about a Haitian zombie.
Same here.... :lol:
did you not see the part where i said since his introduction, or are you just trying too hard to be funny?
What was wrong with his introduction? He had a little friction with Chalky but that got smoothed out after he got his beating.

What else did he do to deserve what you're saying? That's why I assumed you must've had some problems in that ****old lifestyle :lol:
did you not see the part where i said since his introduction, or are you just trying too hard to be funny?
What was wrong with his introduction? He had a little friction with Chalky but that got smoothed out after he got his beating.

What else did he do to deserve what you're saying? That's why I assumed you must've had some problems in that ****old lifestyle :lol:

first of all it wasnt friction he stepped incorrectly, unfortunately for him, to the wrong man. i would have killed him then.

his next strike was pissing on al capones car, trying to start stuff with the chicago italians.

and finally last night, his stupidity and inability to play his role led to his third and hopefully final mistake.

just admit you got caught talkin slick trying to be funny, ill let it go. purnsley is a **** boy str8 up and it didnt start last night with his ****old lifestyle. and dont throw your insecurities onto me.
what Purnsley did was stupid but he has been loyal ever since the prison incident. I don't see a reason to outright hate him and wish for his death :lol:
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yo he is a continual problem and **** starter. it has to be another dude that can do what he does and not **** everything up.

i dunno but i see him as he'll stab chalky in the back the first chance he gets and i think the girl was hip too tellin him chalky needs to be careful.
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