Breaking Bad Thread - "El Camino" - A Breaking Bad Movie on Netflix 10/11

Jesse has to be right about the DEA planting that tracking device since Hank said that was what they were going to do.
this episode was a waste and accomplished nothing.

Actual response:That ep. showed that Skyler isn't willing to be lead on by Walt's lies. She won't let the kids be a prisoner of his actions like she is. Which if you remember is the reason he decided to cook meth in the first place.

Additonal accomplishments:Showed that Skylar is the only reason that bacon in the first ep. was rerranged to form his age.
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Yeah Jesse is getting smarter and smarter. He trained under everyone at some point in this series (Walt, Gus, and Mike) so he has a little bit of all three of their qualities in him, which gives him the most potential
Just finished tonights ep. So long to the Aztek. Skylar getting close to Corrine (the shield) level annoying imo although I understand why she's acting out.
Pretty awesome episode, can't wait for the next one.
Oh man, all that symbolism. Skylar using the floss on her finger, along with her bringing up the topic of calling the cops on Walt because of his alleged physical abuse. Particularly interesting was her description of having bruises around the neck. Guess we'll just have to see :smile:

Episode 5 Promo:
Why? I felt that her stance(her not wanting the kids in danger) was totally justified.
It's all the damn theatrics and the way she goes about things. It was all good when she was controlling things and handling the laundering, now ****'s too real and she's having this breakdown. ****OHWTBS.
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But Skyler was never in control, she just got involved as an accomplice once she realized she couldn't take her kids away and leave. She isn't completely without fault but she's been lied to and manipulated by her husband who she now knows is a killer.

We can not like her, but we shouldn't ignore the important purpose her character plays in the show.
Someone is going down next episode. The blood from walter cutting himself shaving and the clock in the last scene was foreshadowing someone getting hurt (blood) and a life ending (the small hand hitting 12, a minute ending)

maybe im reaching though
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That may have been my favorite episode in the whole series.

Considering the lack of violence and cooking.. It still had the brilliant breaking bad tension throughout the episode. Skylar and Walts argument is right up there with "I am the one who knocks" and Walt telling Jesse and Mike that nothing is stopping this train as heisenberg was great.

Between the preview and what we've heard about next week's episode, I'm expecting an all time classic episode of BB.
It felt like they kicked the cinematography and symbolism up a notch in this episode too...Or maybe I'm just paying closer attention :lol:

The exchange between Walt and Skyler was like a back and forth boxing match, just when he thought he had overpowered her and had her cowering in the corner, she brought up his 1 foe, which lays resting inside of him. That was like a punch to the gut. Sklyer may be an annoying character but that was a great piece of acting from Anna Gunn. Her face was flush and her hair was frazzled from the pool incident but also because that was her rock bottom point, her back was to the wall and she fought back.

Then the following scene with the close up on Walt's head and hair follicles, while shaving....the blood reminding you of his mortality and vulnerability.

A lot of critical scenes seem to happen in or around pools in BB.

Gotta watch this again tomorrow.
Loved the bedroom scene. This was the breaking point of the White's marriage, there's no coming back as much as Walt acts like there is.

Time to watch the replay, as I had to balance this and the Olympics because of family. Missed a lot of stuff outside the last 15.
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Soooooo after all the times that Walt just shot down her plans to keep the kids away, did she just have one of the most genius plans of all? To chain smoke in the house till the cancer comes back? I believe that's also what the ticking of the watch at the end represented. I wouldn't be surprised if at the end of these last 4 episodes the cancer does come back.
But remember Walt was upset when his cancer was in remission? It would come full circle if he did die of cancer in the end of the series.
I seriously hope Skyler gets the fade. She wasn't that bad in the 4th season, but she's just going overboard this season.
Gilligan said that the cancer isn't out of the picture so it should be a factor the final season. Also remember in the flash forward Walt was coughing and taking medicine, so that could be the cancer returning.
Oh, yeah, lulz at Lydia's rationale for being cautious/suspicious. "Better to be suspicious than gang raped by prison guards." :lol:
That was a brilliant episode. Sets things up almost perfectly for what's supposed to be the crazy episode next season.

I think Lydia may have planted that little tracking device. It was really strange when she kept insisting that Jesse confirmed that Mike Ehrmantraut sent him. Feel like she was wearing a wire and can use this for the DEA. We'll see though.

Skyler with the suicide attempt...that freaked me out. She was staring deep into the water, there must be some sort of significance behind that. And her "until the cancer comes back" comment....smh, so cold blooded. Really don't understand why Walt is even trying to push things with her. I feel like at that point, even if he wants to live at peace with her and his children, he's gotta give her some space cause she's gonna do whatever it takes to get the kids away from him, no matter how stupid it looks on her end. Something really unexpected is about to go down, I wish I had the slightest clue. :lol:

Can't wait for next Sunday.
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