Bulls offseason Thread

EVERYBODY BODY RESPONDS DIFFERENTLY! So what the Dr said he was cleared, that just means theres nothing more that Dr can do medically. You don't know what that man is going through. Who are you or anyone else to judge him for being cautious about his health?!?! Seriously. This is HIS LIFE, he has every right to do what's right for him, and doing so is in no shape form or fashion cowardice. The front office accepted this as a throw away season from jump, look at the contracts, but for some reason fans can't. Why? Because the same player y'all tar & feather publicly now made y'all believe this team was worthy. He did that. Not Luol, Not Jo, Not Kirk, Not Boozer. Derrick Rose did that. But now he decides to place his own interest ahead of the teams for once to ensure he's the best he can be and y'all call him "gutless" say he of all people on this team has to prove himself. That's a ******g joke.

Before AP went crazy this past season all bulls fans were perfectly content w him sitting out this season. "Take all the time he needs to get back to our MVP". Funny how much can change in a year, now he's vilified for actually taking the organization option to do so. You dont see how backwards that is?

He's out there working trying to get back to what he was, he hasn't done enough to earn that? He's not Andrew Bynum out dancing in foreign countries, he's working and he's doing ot so the public can see he's working and not just sitting on his ***. I mean hes taken this franchise from being in the same vein as the Bucks to being considered by many as a viable threat for the title if hes healthy.But he hasn't earned the right to take a year after suffering a career altering injury to get himself back at a level where he believes he can do that? Because the same fans he made believe, who didn't feel we were contenders before him can't tolerate life wo him for 1 season.

Every player/athlete who has commented on him has echoed their support for him taking his time & being serious about rehabbing. You had a player who tore his acl on the same day come out and commend him saying he wished he would done the same. But that' doesnt mean anything, because the bulls are losing like they were before he arrived and he's not out there to save the day like has been since he arrived.

"What have you done for me lately?" [emoji]169[/emoji] Janet Jackson

Front Office has been competent? Enlighten me, please. I'm being serious.

I never said he was above the team. Jerry said that he may miss the season and that is completely fine w him. It's about the long term. Said this during the summer. I don't recall ANY OF YOU disputing that. Not 1 single regular in this team thread. Everyone was fine w him not playing until the Bulls started losing. It was all this "take your time" "we don't need him right now" then Feb came & they hit a skid & it was "he should be back by now" an I wrong?

If he is the franchise, which he has been dubbed and has carried the team as such, and the FO has stated from jump that it was fine if he sat, which they have. Why is it so hard for some of you to accept?

"Fanboy" :rofl: :rofl: if you or the other troll really expected that to rustle my jimmies
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n's quick to call someone who doesn't agree with them a troll.

get outta here.

no one disputed it because no one expecte'd him to prolong it if he was healthy..which he is.

what don't you get about that?

stop acting like this team is dead in the water or exponentially worse than last year man.

its laughable.

we are having a discussion on one of the most compelling issues of the playoffs.

meanwhile you just typed 2 dissertations that only you believe on why he isn't playing .

Adrian Peterson? people who are flustered and grabbing at straws usually mention

figures that have nothing to do with the issue at hand smh.

wash your face and enjoy him on the bench.
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What do you think is so bad about the front office? Don't say, "Not surrounding him with talent" because that supposed lack of talent led them to the league's best record twice. Obviously they are flawed players, but after Miami got Wade/Bosh/Bron it was slim pickings, period. There has been no elite talent available that we could have realistically picked up. Melo wanted to go to NYC and nowhere else. Dwight wanted to go to Brooklyn or LA, no where else. Who could we have picked up? Harden I'll give you that. Rudy Gay? Pau Gasol? Those are lateral moves at best. The bench mob left because we had limited cap space. Is it logical to sign a backup center (the ONLY role he would have played on this team) for 5/5/15 million? Look at Miami's model. They've gotten great veterans for cheap without overpaying them. We have the assets to pull off a trade, but as I mentioned other than Love there's no one out there, and I'd still be hesitant to do that trade because of Love's injuries lately. Their work is not done yet.

Look at our bench this year for example:
Robinson > Lucas
Hinrich > Watson
Butler > Brewer
Belinelli > Korver

Is that not agreeable? And they got those guys for cheap did they not?
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Why is everyone saying we cant beat the heat with or without rose... Get off lebrons hair line ****..
I have no idea Brigs. IF this team had everybody for a full series I'd bet vs heat. IF hinrich and/or deng plays and they win that game.
dog i'm just speaking as a fan of the game.
this dude gets all the praise in the world for his "humility"
yet no criticism as millions play a waiting game. when you ever seen a franchise player do this?
we would ALL like to see him out there
especially given how injuries have decimated quite a few teams.
instead we get to see him with looks of pure idiocy on the sideline.
it is what it is. accept the truth.

He does get criticism. It's criticism in this thread.

Personally, I feel he should play.

I would like a source to this "muscle memory" story though!

I think he is plotting to make a comeback for the heat series but after tonight, I don't know if we will make it that far.

Dude is lowkey handling this injury like he handles his free throws in the most dire situations, smh!
Don't know why everybody talks about this Miami sweeping the playoffs ****. I'm not a Chicago fan but I believe a healthy Bulls would be a competitive series. Not healthy bulls still can't see getting swept.
Why is everyone saying we cant beat the heat with or without rose... Get off lebrons hair line ****..
we will not beat the heat in a 7 gam serise man, get out of here with that.

and cake what are you talking about? read this thread and the NBA thread. there is you and only like 2 or 3 other people that kept saying he should sit out the year. NOBODY ELSE thought he would because healing from a ACL tear doesnt take that long. you add in rubio came back from his already and so did ol boy from the knicks.

fine rose wants to be 100% when he comes back and not like rubio or shump and have to play himself into shape. well that has already passed. we get reports from beat reporters watching pratice and how he is killing everyone. you ask teammates about him and they say he looks great in practice and is killing it. yet he cant play?

you watch noah playing on one leg, deng play with his broken wrist last year and the **** he has going for them this year, gibson on one leg, Marco with a bad back or whatever he has, nate playing with the flu and tell me your just ok watching rose on the sidelines.?

i will always be a Drose fan as long as he plays for the bulls but call it like you see it. i bet money if another player on another team was doing what drose is yall would be in the NBA thread throwing dudes name threw the mud and clowning him.
Rubio and Shumpert do not have to do the same amount of work as DRose. Neither one of those guys have to dominate the game in every aspect like DRose. The ONLY thing they have in common is the ACL injury! DRose doesn't have a legit #2 option(Boozer/Deng aren't the answer) to defer too or help him ease his way back into the flow of the game like a Melo or KLove(even though he's hurt) ..

And Seymore Cake is right, I remember in the offseason when we put this team together, "fans" were screaming "TANK THE SEASON, GET A GOOD DRAFT PICK, LET ROSE SIT OUT A YEAR WE'RE NOT GOING TO WIN IT ALL ANYWAYS" everybody was OK with that ..... fast forward to a year later "HE'S COWARD, HE'S HOLDING THE FRANCHISE HOSTAGE, HE NEEDS TO BE ON THE COURT" :smh: ...

Personally I would love him to make a heroic type of comeback for Game 7 but it ain't happening. The only part that upsets me with this whole situation is that they just didn't come out and say he wasn't going to play, that part right there leaves the door open for "fans" to go ape **** when the camera shows him at shootarounds or sitting on the bench.
n's quick to call someone who doesn't agree with them a troll.
get outta here.

I'm not even going to address the rest of the mess you typed, but Troll: someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response. Buddy calling me a "Fanboy"and then you bolding it and enlarging the font was an attempt to provoke an emotional response out of me :lol: With that being said, referring to you all as trolls was in fact accurate. It had nothing to do with your stance on the situation, I don't care about your stance on this situation just like you don't care about mine. We have varying opinion and that's fine with me at the end of the day.

My issue is that every time this team has a bad performance the attention turns to Derrick not playing, it somehow all relates back to him not playing. Not the stagnant offense, or the mounds of injuries the active players have suffered, or the poor performance of key players playing in that game... But the fact that he's still inactive. At what point do you actually just focus on the guys that in uniform? That's the team you have, that's where your focus should be as a fan/supporter of this team. That's my outlook.

Nevertheless, I'm done with it.
we will not beat the heat in a 7 gam serise man, get out of here with that.

and cake what are you talking about? read this thread and the NBA thread. there is you and only like 2 or 3 other people that kept saying he should sit out the year. NOBODY ELSE thought he would because healing from a ACL tear doesnt take that long. you add in rubio came back from his already and so did ol boy from the knicks.

fine rose wants to be 100% when he comes back and not like rubio or shump and have to play himself into shape. well that has already passed. we get reports from beat reporters watching pratice and how he is killing everyone. you ask teammates about him and they say he looks great in practice and is killing it. yet he cant play?

you watch noah playing on one leg, deng play with his broken wrist last year and the **** he has going for them this year, gibson on one leg, Marco with a bad back or whatever he has, nate playing with the flu and tell me your just ok watching rose on the sidelines.?

i will always be a Drose fan as long as he plays for the bulls but call it like you see it. i bet money if another player on another team was doing what drose is yall would be in the NBA thread throwing dudes name threw the mud and clowning him.

couldn't have said it any better my self, I have not turned on rose and I will not but it sickens me how some of you and you know who you are puts rose on a pedestal like he above criticism and blames everything on the front office stop it. If we was healthy and losing ok fine but im the franchise player I see my brothers with real injuries, i see nate throwing up between timeouts, I see docs send home deng, kirk in a boot, noah on one leg, im going to war with my brothers weather its 1 min or 5 min. Gotta question some of yall being a fan doesn't mean you stop being real
Cuz muscle memory isn't back yet? It's a different excuse every damn time. Derrick Rose is officially a girl until he proves otherwise.
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dog you can't address it because its the truth and it pains you. every rant you go on blindly defending this dude is based on "...well,well, what about the rest of the team? He carried them, was lobbying for bums to stay" that has nothing to do with anything. all n's are asking for is 15 min a game if anything! this team is not dead in the water, they aren't tremendously worse by any stretch of the imagination. stop lying to yourself acting like his presence on the court wouldn't be significant to morale if nothing else. and the fact that you had to quote the NT rule book in an attempt to show me how I was "trolling" indicates your moisture levels are through the roof. But we can agree to disagree. *washes hands*
Look at our bench this year for example:
Robinson > Lucas
Hinrich > Watson
Butler > Brewer
Belinelli > Korver

Is that not agreeable? And they got those guys for cheap did they not?

This right here is why I do think we can beat miami, this team is better than last year easily, our bench has basically played as starters all season
we lose a tough one & the riders come out in full force...just like CA said 1st nasty move & yall will be right back on his sack

breathe easy haters
dog you can't address it because its the truth and it pains you. every rant you go on blindly defending this dude is based on "...well,well, what about the rest of the team? He carried them, was lobbying for bums to stay" that has nothing to do with anything. all n's are asking for is 15 min a game if anything! this team is not dead in the water, they aren't tremendously worse by any stretch of the imagination. stop lying to yourself acting like his presence on the court wouldn't be significant to morale if nothing else. and the fact that you had to quote the NT rule book in an attempt to show me how I was "trolling" indicates your moisture levels are through the roof. But we can agree to disagree. *washes hands*

Alright I tried to let it go but you're one of those I have to get the last word peopls so ok lets go... Let's be real for a second..."Play Derrick for 15mins" You're honestly saying that you believe Thibs will only play him 15mins a game? As a fan base have we not complained about the amount of time Thibs plays his guys? Hell has that not been the cry nationwide in regards to Thibs? Derrick should play 15mins... Jo can't walk but Thibs is playing him 30 per game.right now. Jimmy averaged 42mins for the month of April. Luol has averaged 44mins per this playoff. In the games that he does play Kirk has averaged 40mins per game... Have both Jo & Luol both not gone on record talking about how gassed they are and how they wished they were playing less minutes/needed rest? Correct me if I'm wrong but when Rip was on a minutes restriction Thibs didn't play him until it was lifted, no?

Did Taj not just recently after re injuring his knee say "That's what happens when you rush back and try to help your team win," only to have to sit for a longer stretch. Joakim comes back to soon in April and re-aggravated his injury and they were saying he might miss the playoffs. Kirk plays, injures himself comes back a few games re-injures himself. Every time Derrick rushed himself back last year he aggravated something else and was forced to sit out longer. Rip in & out of the line up, injury after injury right on top of each other. Or am I just making this up?

Good for morale? Yeah definitely, but is there an increased liklihood that Thibs will play him more than he's ready for? Yes because at the end of the day Thibs only cares about winning, and if Derrick is out there he's going to play him & ride him for as long as he can.

You sound like a watcher of the game void of any real common sense and basketball intellect.
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cant stand when these box score lookers/stat checkers/espn day after coaches who only show up when something bad happens & are ghost when business is handled
i can tell some of yall really never played a sport for, looking to blame everyone and everything. Give it a break rose go down lets blame all the minutes. You aint gonna tell me im not a true chicago fan or a student of the game what cake and cold city are is a homer. I haven't turned on rose haven't called him a single name im rocking with him point blank but I at least hold him accountable as the grown man and franchise player that he is. I defend rose just as much as anyone but yall take that to another level blaming FO and thibs for everything, thats a blind fan and thats what agitates me the most.

Look across the nba leaders of there team, role players and stars play heavy minutes, and with how depleted we are what do you expect. You talk about how tired they are i guarantee none of those players regret gutting it out and they do it all again, our team is full of passionate players. Look at Jo right after the game fired up playing on one leg already to play the next game, maybe you should rethink how bad some of these players want it how you think they got to this level they were willing to do what others wouldn't.

Last stop saying that it all goes back to rose when we have a bad performance what are you looking at, we dont have bad performances because we just cant get it together we have bad performances because they team is sick, injured and hurt thats why ppl look to rose. Id love to hear your comeback what about David Lee last night oh wait if rose did that thibs would over play him right smh
Face the facts ppl, we're going into Game 7 without DRose. Get over it!

On another note, just got my tickets for Game 7 :smokin , praying to God it's nothing like the first game I went too ( Game 1 :x )
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Id love to hear your comeback what about David Lee last night oh wait if rose did that thibs would over play him right smh

mark jackson admitted he pulled a willis reed fam played under 2 mins shot a turrible shot & sat his *** down

if rose did that everybody up in arms now will only have more hate fuel

There's a difference between hating and holding a player accountable.


but that line has been crossed & pissed on by many fans thru out the year
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