Campaign against Playstation Plus paywall

You're trying to create a movement that wont go very far. Sony already has the fish by the hooks with "you can share your games". Doing so, consumers have overlooked the fact that you have to pay for online now. If DRM and sharing games werent an issue, trust me, people would be PISSED that sony is now charging to play online.

I see your point, but the masses have already been hooked by sony's slick marketing
I was hoping it remain free but oh well it was inevitable. Plenty of PS3 owners will still be playing online so I can live with that. I was thinking about buying a PS4 since my 1st gen PS3 crapped out, but I'll be fixing it instead. If I get the PS4 down the road, I'll just cancel my Costco membership. You have to give up one thing for another sometimes.
Yes, start a petition because a $50 service that provides you free and discounted games is such a travesty. This really only affects online multiplayers, you don't HAVE to buy PS+ if you do not fall into that group (granted it's a big group, but still). Sony could only keep it free for so long before they started to understand what they would need with this next gen console and had to finally make the decision, it's understandable and was bound to happen.
With the PS4's pricepoint I have no problems with playing. Sony has really catered to gamers next-gen by not doing a lot of the things that Microsoft is doing. PS+ is a great deal as well, free games? I'll take it.

Best of luck with your twitter campaign.
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Buys new car

Starts petition to make gasoline free
 I don't mind paying for PS+
Probably the silliest thing I've seen on here is plus gives you free games.

Free games, because you've spent money, right? What kind of oxymoron...
Sony heads been saying that for a while now and I
every time I read it. I guess netflix give you free movies too

I'll still pay for live & + but keep fightin ya fight OP
PC=Master gaming race.

:lol:@console noobs paying to play multiplayer.

atleast PS+ gives you "Free" games to play, unlike xbox live where it does nothing :lol:
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People are not complaining because unlike Live the majority of services like Hulu,Netfilx,Youtube or Amazon prime isnt behind a paywall. Then on top of that lets put ads on the dashboard.

My Xbox live ran out... So I'm like meh... Lemme just watch Netflix...


Caineem watch Netflix famb... So I gotta pay you to watch something that I already paid for?

Naaaaw, yo...
Buys new car

Starts petition to make gasoline free

well the guy already pays for internet so it's more like:

buys new car

buys gas

starts petition to make use of gasoline in his new car without anymore fees

Naw it goes like this. I got xm radio in my car the receiver is already there if I want to use it. But they want 19.99 a month to access something that is already there.
I guess I don't mind paying the annual fee. I just hope they DONT try to jip us and cut down on the content they offer through PS+.
the online infrastructure is pretty expensive to run.. no matter how many tweets you send they're not changing anything
i only read the first page but yall trippin. I have an xbox360 now and occasionally play my friends ps3. im sorry, but ps3's online sucks. it is what it is. takes forever to find matches alot. level of competition just isnt there. (not to mention your security concerns these past few years) etc etc.

HOWEVER, by playstation charging like xbox does (especially when ps4 is about to get so many new xbox users, including myself) they can improve their online experience by ALOT. take that money to make it more secure as well. Paying for a BETTER product makes sense. Yea your net was free...but it sucked.
People are not complaining because unlike Live the majority of services like Hulu,Netfilx,Youtube or Amazon prime isnt behind a paywall. Then on top of that lets put ads on the dashboard.

My Xbox live ran out... So I'm like meh... Lemme just watch Netflix...


Caineem watch Netflix famb... So I gotta pay you to watch something that I already paid for?

Naaaaw, yo...

That's pretty much the main reason I sold my 360.. My sub ran out and I didn't renew it. Tried to watch netflix and had the same
OK, sorry for my hiatus but I've got some news:

For all the people saying "well at least there's no policies like Xbox, so Sony is doing better":

That's right. Microsoft did a complete 180 on their bad policies and now they don't have any of those stupid restrictions. 

So. NOW ARE YALL MAD AT SONY? All they did was remove something, and someone had the nerve to tell me I should be thanking Sony in this thread. The two systems are back to being neck and neck, so what's the purpose of getting a PS4 now? 

Oh it's $100 cheaper?

Oh I thought I was cheap...
Xbox lives paid online service was leagues better than the ps3's free one tho. I'd definitely rather pay 50 bucks a year for them to revamp their system and step their game up. The free playstation network sucked. XBL doesn't.
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