Can Men and Women be " Just Friends" ?

Sep 20, 2007
Do you believe that men and women can be just friends?

In this video, they interview both males and females asking if they think that men and women can be just friends. The answers from both sides get more interesting as more questions are asked.

So what do you think? Can men and women just be friends?
I can't see the video but, Yes. But that doesn't mean if the chance presented itself something more wouldn't/couldn't happen. It's about having boundaries and sticking to them.
I used to think no.
But found myself just being cool with girls and not really caring if i smashed. I wouldnt mind smashing though but they arent to die for so i just chill. 

i will say that i hate being seen with Non attractive girls so the only way i can be "cool" friends with a girl if she looks avg or better. Im shallow. Oh well.

But if it comes to becoming "Best friends" with a girl is a different story... I stay away from that. 
Originally Posted by Lou Baton

I can't see the video but, Yes. But that doesn't mean if the chance presented itself something more wouldn't/couldn't happen. It's about having boundaries and sticking to them.
Bingo. Mature adults can set boundaries. Immature people (average NTer) can't comprehend such things.
Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21

I used to think no.
But found myself just being cool with girls and not really caring if i smashed. I wouldnt mind smashing though but they arent to die for so i just chill. 
This, especially when the girls I hang out with nowadays are either married or engaged...
2nd edit: It really depends on the girl if she's not in that category that I just mentioned, then NO lol.... it really depends on what's going on...(I'm speaking for myself, not for the average guy lol )


 Mature adults can set boundaries.
late. and no. if you are friends, one will always want to smash the other unless it's your sibling.
Yes... if you're gay!

but maybe, I have girl friends but they're all co-workers.. and only hang out at work 
and once in a blue moon outside of work
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by Lou Baton

I can't see the video but, Yes. But that doesn't mean if the chance presented itself something more wouldn't/couldn't happen. It's about having boundaries and sticking to them.
Bingo. Mature adults can set boundaries. Immature people (average NTer) can't comprehend such things.

Originally Posted by JordanHead718212

Do none of you have unattractive friends?
I think it's more a matter of being attracted to the person, not a matter of them being generally considered attractive.
I have close 3 very attractive females as friends. Like Lou Baton and dmbrhs said, if you set boundaries your okay. 
If they are sexually attractive to each other no

If not then yes

For example, no man will have trouble just being friends with a girl he thinks is fat and ugly but ...if she has super model good looks and he is attracted to her then they can not be "just friends" because sooner or later he is going to try to make a play for that box
For the most part no. If she your friends girl/family(for some), unattractive to you maybe but even then not as cool as your best guy friend. Now dudes saying that I'm going to think your lying. That right there is very rare.
A couple of my closest friends are girls but for some people I know it doesn't work with.
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