Census shows US is diversifying, white population shrinking

Aug 6, 2012
The U.S. became more diverse and more urban over the past decade, and the white population dropped for the first time on record, the Census Bureau said Thursday as it released a trove of demographic data that will be used to redraw the nation's political maps.

The figures show continued migration to the South and West at the expense of counties in the Midwest and Northeast. The share of the white population fell from 63.7% in 2010 to 57.8% in 2020, the lowest on record, though white people continue to be the most prevalent racial or ethnic group. However, that changed in California, where Hispanics became the largest racial or ethnic group, growing to 39.4% from 37.6% over the decade, while the share of white people dropped from 40.1% to 34.7%.

“The share of the white population fell from 63.7% in 2010 to 57.8% in 2020, the lowest on record”

That’s a pretty big decrease in one decade
It will only accelerate considering their lower birth rates, here come the Fox News talking points
headed in the right direction.

When do y’all expect the inevitable Republic immigration switch and push to encourage more Europeans to come over?
looks like if your white soon your gonna be out of sight

but seriously it seems to me and thats from living in nyc the Latino population is growing by leaps and bounds

no other race of the US population has got bigger then the latinx people i believe across the US and will probably only get bigger in the coming years
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More interested in placement. Bet more whites gentrified more into the city ..
West Bank :nerd:
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