Chappelle's Show is 10 years old...

"I didn't join the music business to be a sugar cookie getter" :rofl: omg

"you too close mon!"

"Get yo' fat *** up before I cut some bacon off your back" - this **** had me DYIN

I don't even want to get into all the Rick James stuff :rofl:

"Said I got goat legs and no nuts. Doodle loo doodle loo doodla dooooo"

"I wonder what Arsenio is up to. Probably at wine and cheese party....
Arsenio; Damn, this some good *** cheese. How come you ain't tell me how good the cheese was? ************!" :lol:

"No I can't stop yelling, that's just the way I talk!"

Ask a Black dude with Mooney is just.... :rofl:

"The baby's cryin. The baby's cryin. Who's glove is this huh? ***** you ****** OJ?" *Dead*

"Hey Calvin, it's a thin line between fries and shakes, lol. I gotta stop smokin this **** here"

I can go on for days. I literally spent entire shifts talking about this show and crackin jokes on people from various sketches smh
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He made Thriller.....

Nicole Simpson can't rap! I want justice!

:lol: at this recording.....
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That's weird because it seems like everyone constantly quoting the show got old at least 12 years ago
i was 12 17 years old watching the very first episode on comedy central at 10PM 
All you need is some cocaine, and some baking soda.......and I think I tasted egg and cinnamon.
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True Hollywood Stories with Charlie Murphy sketches, Black Bush, John Mayer and white people dancing sketch, The Mad Real World, Reparations sketch, Arsenio cameo, anything with Paul Mooney or the Wu-Tang members...

I could go on. I wish this show would of went on longer. One of, if not the best sketch comedy show ever.
damn, it was that long ago :smh:
im sayin, although i was only 13 when it debuted, i still feel old because i can recall it so easily, but then again i also watched it over and over again throughout 07-09, living on campus that was the go to dvd for the lolz
Knee high Park skit still makes me laugh as much as it did the first time I saw it. "I beat my **** like it owes me money"
True Hollywood Stories with Charlie Murphy sketches, Black Bush, John Mayer and white people dancing sketch, The Mad Real World, Reparations sketch, Arsenio cameo, anything with Paul Mooney or the Wu-Tang members...

I could go on. I wish this show would of went on longer. One of, if not the best sketch comedy show ever.

Also, Dave at different points in his life was dope too. Samuel Jackson beer. Oprah.
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Come on dude, I couldn't pick my own penis out of a line up, all right? And me and penis is like THIS son!
I just caught the Gang episode w/ the bird call, last week.

Had me ROLLING like it was 2003-2004 all over again!
It's amazing how good this show was. Chappelle really was a genius. The comedic timing, cleverness, how well thought out the entire setup of a sketch often was...

Think about the difference in quality with shows of similar formats. Maybe two or three skits from the last 3 SNL seasons could be considered near the level of quality.
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