Chicago Gangbangers Sit for an Interview. These Dudes are Crazy

:smh: x 1000

bunch of ignorant helpless fools trying to justify their one-track minds to a white man, EMBARRASSING THE HELL OUT OF MYSELF & MY RACE. and don't tell me I'm being too harsh because all of these dummies look 18 & older, they should know better.

just fire up an AC-130 & bomb the projects of Chicago, they'll be better off.

did that 1 idiot say "nothing to do but rob, steal, & kill"? really!? how about taking your black a** to school, graduating, AND IF YA LIKE SHOOTING/KILLING SO MUCH? join the military! you'll get a check every 2 weeks, a crib/food, & get to travel. OR if ya don't wanna go that route: get an upstanding entry level job at UPS (I know some cats with felonies that STILL got hired), McDonalds, Burger King, etc. you might not get that mansion & 10 cars you want but BE REAL: things like that require a REAL SKILL (everybody raps these days so it's not that easy to get a multi-million $ deal)

Old heads from the hood will tell you plain & simple: you watch everything around you, learn from others mistakes, get your diploma/GED, and GET THE HELL OUT OF DODGE AND NEVER RETURN. If your friends don't follow, they'll be dead/in jail by 25

Mutha effin chuuuuuch! It is an embarassment to us, particularly young Black men. We are not all the same. But you did sound a little like Granddad from the Boondocks on that part I bolded had me :lol: when I read it.

On another note, I just wish I could open up their brains and make them realize that this whole rapper bs lifestyle they think exists is such a fraud man :smh:. It's sad how stupid and naive they are in regards to that.
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Exactly. I work with an office full of white people and they HATE that Hillbilly Handfishin show, Honey Boo Boo, & any other redneck/white trash characters on TV. At the end of the day, EVERY race is embarrassed by a portion of people in it.
Hell black people in Africa despise these inner city gangbangers just as much as I do (went on a trip to South Africa in HS & they are some of the most humble, appreciative people that live with little to NOTHING. I had some basic *** Chuck Taylors on and they thought they were so cool, gave em away the day I flew back). They would LOVE the opportunity to live in America and make an honest living here! Idiots over here are shooting each other over street corners they don't own...meanwhile Africans are walking MILES barefoot just to get a clean handful of water or something to eat. These guys in the projects got government handouts in the form of food stamps & section 8 housing, but I'm being harsh?
I'll take the "self hate" labels on an online forum with people that don't know me in real life because I've lived outside of America for over 6 years & witnessed first-hand other cultures AND our ancestors (in a sense) in the motherland make the most with what they have in WORSE conditions.
EXACTLY!  Well said.
very interesting post.

OP, you're not the first person to say that we Chicagoans sound like we're from the South. EVERYBODY says that the first time they hear us speak. And Chicago is such as warzone that not even the downtown area is not safe anymore. It used to be a time where people could escape the overall ratchetness of the Southside/ Westside/ Wild 100's by going downtown and getting some culture but not any more. Gang activity has started to infest that area too and now on almost every block there is police presence.

And this gang epidemic is nothing new. Its sad that some families are generations deep in banging. Dudes are in it because their older siblings and parents were or are still banging. One of my homies from high school repped Latin Kings because his uncles were members. And you'll really see 35 year old mean still claiming Gangster Discples (GDs).

I live in Cal City and it used to be a really nice suburb with no gang activity whatsoever but things changed so bad that our local mall River Oaks is now called River Folks by some. And in high school some dude got his brains splattered in my backyard trying to hop a fence to get away from some other bangers who were chasing him. There's even some places out here that if you drive by in the daytime, you'll even see bulletholes in buildings the size of cupholders.

It's no joke out here, and each year it seemingly gets worse and worse.
I typically do not get involved in these types of discussions, especially when it pertains to my city because I know where they are going to go as soon as I read the topic and the type of unfounded comments that are going to be made. Let me start by saying that I agree with a lot of what you've said about our community taking ownership and us fighting for our own.
What I disagree with is the turning a blind eye towards the role that government plays in this cycle. The distribution of resources in this city is so far out of wack that its enough to make a person sick to their stomach, and I'm not talking about giving handing outs to people, I'm talking about the basic essentials for having a chance.
First let me provide a little bit of background as to why there has been this increase in the visibility of this violence within my city. To the poster that said just blow up the projects and that would be the answer, well thats exactly what they did. While I understand that he meant to do so with these people still inhabiting them which is an entirely different topic of discussion, the city tore down majority of the cities projects: Cabrini, The Ickies, The Taylors etc. The pockets in which a great amount of the violence was taking place. While they did it because as a part of a gentrification plan it was also under the auspice that separating those individuals would lead to a decrease the violence. However the flip to that was that those who were displaced were going into neighborhoods that had gangs, rival and the same that were territorial so all that did was spread the violence throughout the city at a rapid rate.
Now back to the lack of resources: its seen educationally in the selective enrollment schools, which are public schools, receiving 4-5 times the resources as neighborhood schools. From texdtbooks to qualified teachers to educational diversity amongst classes offered to books down to the lunch menue. All of which is controlled by the school board who are appointed by the mayor, thus their loyalties lie with him not the well being of the children. Thus he controls who receives what. And I can speak on this because I have a sister who goes to one these selective enrollment schools as well as my daughter being int he preschool program at one and my wife worked in a neighborhood school. I won't get into the flaws in the education process in terms of teaching to test instead of educationg our children.
Lack of resources in terms of access to healthy living, majority of the areas in which this type of behavior takes place are classified as food desert by the USDA meaning "low-income community,"that has either: 1) a poverty rate of 20 percent or higher, OR 2) a median family income at or below 80 percent of the area's median family income; and be a"low-access community," at least 500 people and/or at least 33 percent of the population must reside more than one mile from a supermarket or large grocery store. There are limited community centers and the parks and rec department removed a large perctage of the basketball rims from outdoor courts "in hopes deterring gang activities from these areas" on top of that their is limited upkeep to the rest of the park. So essentially you're limiting the access to exercise, extracurriculars activities, and a productive outlet for their stresses.
What are they left with?
To that respects I believe the government has played and continues to play a vital role in the destruction of this generation. I fully agree that it starts at home, but the problem of that is that a good amount of these kids causing all this ruckus are the products crack infested parents from the late 80's & early 90's or grew up in gang affiliated families so for them that parental role is void. Don't get me confused I know that it doesn't encompass everyone and there are a good amount of parents working hard to make ends meet, often taking jobs that do not allow them to be active participants in their childs lives as well who fall victim to this lifestyle.
I guess what I'm saying is that how we got here isn't as simple as ABC and turning this around isn't that simple either.

I dont mean to quote this in its entirety, but Seymore is right. There are no more projects here in Chicago. They all got torn down to build luxury lofts and apartments for the wealthy. That really didnt solve the crime element, just move it to other parts of the city. Alot of people got Section 8 and were able to move to the South Suburbs (Cal City, Dolton, Markham, and Harvey) The latter two are so dangerous you dont even want to drive through them.

Also, music and entertainment does play a role in this gang mentality. Street dudes relate to people who have the same mindset as them. Cheif Keef is from here and is from the streets, same goes for Twista, so dudes look up to him and sadly see them as a inspiration.
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