Cold Pizza or Cold Chicken?

Jul 2, 2006
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I was going to ask this question last night...but after my
session andmunchies, ya boy passed out.
My question is which do you prefer?...ima go with cold pizza
I've had those cold chicken drummettes from a platter at a party before, they weren't that bad especially since they had a slight kick to them, chickenbut only cause of that.

toaster-oven FTW
i couldnt imagine what cold pizza would taste like
ugh neither. Reheated chicken is kinda yuck and never got into cold pizza. I reheat it in the oven
'Za. But Refrigerated...I can't eat pizza just left in the box on a table for a day.

It's one of those things when you're broke and ya learned to love it.
Cold pizza is bomb. I like cold pizza better then hot pizza. Cold chicken is only good when it was grilled so I'll go with cold pizza
Originally Posted by CIDMAN911

I never microwaved pizza...Doesn't anyone got one of these?

Word I don't microwave anything anymore. %!!# just don't taste the same. Don't use this for pizza since I like it cold but you throw that in thereit's like it was just made. Microwave pizza be tasting all rubbery and %!!#.
Originally Posted by desent

Originally Posted by spsfinest212

Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

Neither. Microwave, FTW.

but cold pizza out of both of those
If its less than 2 slices than my lazy +!% might opt out the microwaving haha
Originally Posted by CIDMAN911

I never microwaved pizza...Doesn't anyone got one of these?
Im pretty sure the few things that were cooked in my apartment this past year all were made in the toaster oven
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