Concord and Cool Grey XIs this year. PRODUCT CODE ON PG 1.

Originally Posted by wagonracer7

Originally Posted by dtb00201

Originally Posted by wagonracer7

Originally Posted by cnoriega

Originally Posted by killacam92345

Sorry to ruin the picture for you guys but check out the door frame.
2010 is nuts. Maybe JB really thinks this 2012 thing is true so they granting everyone their dream releases before it's all said and done
I can pass on the cool greys but those concords...again 2 please.

And the concur with the other BS on this shoe either. I will make sure I secure at least one pair...even tho it means paying a little over. And Idont want to hear all this crap from people...

"Relax it a GR"
"Stop the hype, these should be readily available"
"Why are all you hypebeast paying for these early? These should be ab easy cop, just be there early"
"My FL, FNL, Mom and Pop have about 50K pairs...why are people trippin?"

I can go on...

Anyways...very excited for October now.
Breds I can do without.

Space Jams I can do without.

Cool Greys and Concords are a MUST. Two times.
got my pair of cool greys......bought emnds and have only worn them once (on the train if that counts)

if this is indeed true, then i might just sell these n get the ones droppin dec., but then again with every one sayin jb quality has been bad, ill just waittill pix surface or have em in my hand
Ima pass on the CG's and prob just cop as many Concords as I can. Gotta have some to rock and stock as many as possible for future wear
hopefully this is true

and i hope they dont add any changes to them

the cdp mold is already bad enough..
Originally Posted by Chief Ediri

Originally Posted by wagonracer7

Chief Ediri wrote:

I hope this isn't true.
Why the f*ck not?! Forget it I don't even want to know...

I just don't want a shoe so many others will have.
I swear I hate when people say stupid/selfish +$%! like this. Get over yourself, what did you think happened with the Spacejams?

And I have both of these, wouldn't mine another pair.
Originally Posted by Chief Ediri

Originally Posted by wagonracer7

Chief Ediri wrote:

I hope this isn't true.
Why the f*ck not?! Forget it I don't even want to know...

I just don't want a shoe so many others will have.
so you are saying you only like shoes that are limited. So you want a shoe that is super limited and made out of dog s*** over a GR of theconcords. YOU'RE A HYPEBEAST
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