
My boss just quit today and I'm taking his position temporarily

It's basically an audition for the job and everyone thinks I'm ready except me.

I've excelled at everything I've done with my company but this is 14 months before I'm supposed to do it.

I'm building a house, I'm getting married in 4 months, I have a kid on the way annnnnd now this.

I've been promoted now twice in 10 months and I should be pumped but I'm scared ********.
it sure can be scary but that is great news for you.I think that you're just underestimating yourself. I think you just gotta take it one day at a time. You have a fiance/ soon to be wife to help you go through with all these things. they chose you for a reason so remember that. You'll be alright. If you do need help don't forget to ask. Stay up. :nthat:
My boss just quit today and I'm taking his position temporarily

It's basically an audition for the job and everyone thinks I'm ready except me.

I've excelled at everything I've done with my company but this is 14 months before I'm supposed to do it.

I'm building a house, I'm getting married in 4 months, I have a kid on the way annnnnd now this.

I've been promoted now twice in 10 months and I should be pumped but I'm scared ********.

Simba, it's time to be the King.
King of New York :nthat:

:pimp: :wink:

Simba, it's time to be the King.


Mufasa: Look, Simba. Everything the light touches is our kingdom.

Young Simba: Wow.

Mufasa: A king's time as ruler rises and falls like the sun. One day, Simba, the sun will set on my time here, and will rise with you as the new king.

Young Simba: And this'll all be mine?

Mufasa: Everything.

Young Simba: Everything the light touches...
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....... And I still do.
You're not the only one bro. 

What's up NT? First time posting in this forum. Hope everybody is in good spirits today.

- I'm 22 years old and currently in a Master's Program for School Psychology. I've always felt an affinity for helping children mentally in school districts (mainly HS'ers). I'm also working on campus as a Graduate Assistant. 

- I'm in the first of a 3 full year program which includes summers. By the 3rd year, as a part of my program, I'll be interning full time at a school unpaid, and will have to quit my GA position.

- Lately I've been stressing heavy about a lot of things. For starters, school has been my whole entire life. I'm feeling the burnout of constantly having to sit 2+ hrs listening to a teacher go on about what it's like to be working in X field. I don't even give full effort working on assignments anymore. I want to finally go out and work, but it's going to be another few months before I start my practicum.

It doesn't help to have your family clown you about always being at school, that I'm going to graduate again in another 2 years. I don't even have the zeal to find a "side job". School takes up so much time and energy, I don't know how many ways I can split myself for the sake of money

My girl keeps nagging me about finding work, but it's just like with what time? where? and for how long? i quit 2 jobs the summer before I started, because a) I took them because I thought I needed work, and b) because I didn't think I'd get into the program. 

- Money has also been a stressor. I'm still paying for school, having to take out loans, and not getting any sort of money back. i don't even know what kind of job I can take on right now, or when I start my internship. I'm still living at home with my parents, commuting back and forth. 

- My professors keep telling me to keep going, get the PhD, my family tells me the same thing. "You'll never have to worry about doing it again." But it's just getting harder and harder to invest in something that doesn't pay in this day and age. The interest rates on the loans will just keep going up. 

It's all just beginning to feel like a game I have an extreme disadvantage in. 
Sometimes I still think about saying screw all this and join the military. I'm tired of my job and Joining has been on my mind for 3-4 years before I started my job. Didn't end up going through with it due to starting this job, school and a gf. I shouldn't give up applying to different jobs but honestly I'm tired of applying to 20 different jobs.

Even though I have a gf and I love her I still feel alone.
do it... you only have one shot.. that experience will follow u the rest of your life..
i feel like my life is parallel to the plot of Office Space...

my current work project is borderline remedial, with me finishing everything in about 1.5-2 hours daily...

im bored out of my mind, yet i haven't done anything to try to better myself...i could easily pick up an additional full time job (in terms of working both), and even more, i could probably get away with telling my project lead about it, and her being cool if i stayed on and worked somewhere else...

lots of people tell me go back to go back to school, but I ******* hated school, and the field id love to break into really doesn't require a Masters, it requires experience, the only benefit being that it might provide some good networking...

im lazy as ****, and i know it, and its killing me...i need to get an edge back 
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I called a dude out today over some bs and he had the nerve to say that he saved me from some goons who were gonna come see me (something in the past). I told him nah, he just saved his dude's life who was gonna call the goons on me because I was about that funk and it would've ended badly. :rolleyes

I lost my cool when he said that, acting like he did me a favor. But we squashed our little whatever you wanna call it, not really a beef. But dude has to side with this other cat because he's related. I just told him it's whatever and maybe we can sit down one day and straighten things out. Sad part is I never did nothing to his family member, but old boy owes me $$$

I really wish I could put hands on that dude, but it would **** a lot of things up for me. I want to beat that dude to a degree that I've never wanted to harm another human being. And finding out he actually was talking about sending people for me got me heated. He tried to ambush me in the past and I squared up with him and he didn't want none.



I swear **** almost got serious back then. :smh: **** took me out of my zone today. I'm past all of that bs and I swear just thinking about that has me ready to do something.
If I'm being honest, irl I rub some people the wrong way because I do what I feel like. I'm not a follower and don't bow down or back down to bs. I say what's on my mind and I don't smile in people's faces and pretend like we're cool when we're not. I guess my vibe is kind of aggressive.
I am my own worst enemy and I feel like I'm going through a mid life crisis at 18. :lol: So many things to do such as school, following my dreams, and just handling business like a man.
I am my own worst enemy and I feel like I'm going through a mid life crisis at 18. :lol: So many things to do such as school, following my dreams, and just handling business like a man.
Try not to stress it bro, enjoy being 18. You have lots of time to figure things out. I'm 27, and in the midst of changing careers, again, for the 3rd time :lol:

Don't go to school just because people want you to, go to school because YOU want to, and you are passionate about whatever you're going to take. It'll be a waste of time and money going to school just because people expect you to after you graduate high school.
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I am my own worst enemy and I feel like I'm going through a mid life crisis at 18. :lol: So many things to do such as school, following my dreams, and just handling business like a man.
Try not to stress it bro, enjoy being 18. You have lots of time to figure things out. I'm 27, and in the midst of changing careers, again, for the 3rd time :lol:

Don't go to school just because people want you to, go to school because YOU want to, and you are passionate about whatever you're going to take. It'll be a waste of time and money going to school just because people expect you to after you graduate high school.
What are you taking up fam?
go to school bra..I gurantee you will enjoy living the college lifestyle even if you go to a smaller school..
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Seen 2 dudes rob a person while walking on the streets of Crown Heights Brooklyn. Just kept walking in my thinking.
Try not to stress it bro, enjoy being 18. You have lots of time to figure things out. I'm 27, and in the midst of changing careers, again, for the 3rd time :lol:

Don't go to school just because people want you to, go to school because YOU want to, and you are passionate about whatever you're going to take. It'll be a waste of time and money going to school just because people expect you to after you graduate high school.

You right and I'm just too confused right now. Hope you career change goes well my man.

go to school bra..I gurantee you will enjoy living the college lifestyle even if you go to a smaller school..

I'm just gonna go anyway, see what kind of clubs/events and stuff I can get my hands into around campus.
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