Craziest thing you've seen on a subway train?

I felt dirty after riding on the subway for the first time lol. If I grew up taking it I don't think I'd trip. Rather take a city bus in Ft Lauderdale.
I have family who are train conductors, they have told me sometimes when trains randomly stop in the middle of the tunnel, the driver is taking a quick piss on the tracks and maybe even a **** :lol:

That explains it. Makes perfect sense.

You ever got on a train and just randomly stuck in the tunnel for a good 10 mins, then when it gets to the stop it says its going express :smile:

Its to catch up on times to reach the destination after the driver poop :lol:

I have family who are train conductors, they have told me sometimes when trains randomly stop in the middle of the tunnel, the driver is taking a quick piss on the tracks and maybe even a **** :lol:
Train traffic my *** [emoji]128530[/emoji]

Go to the front car and you'll see theres no trains in front so what traffic sway :lol:
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I have family who are train conductors, they have told me sometimes when trains randomly stop in the middle of the tunnel, the driver is taking a quick piss on the tracks and maybe even a **** :lol:

My mind is blown[emoji]128563[/emoji]

This explains so much [emoji]128514[/emoji]
I remember when I used to live in NYC back in the 90s there was this homeless dude that was literally just a torso who would go between the cars on a skateboard I think and ask for money. Crazy thing to see when you're young. I wonder what happened to him.

So NT what is the craziest thing you've seen or has happened to you on a subway train
Same guy on the movie, KIDS?
Go to the front car and you'll see theres no trains in front so what traffic sway
Doesn't work like that trust me lol 
Almost forgot 2 years ago riding the N train home to Astoria where the line is elevated. Train stopped a couple of yards before the station. We were there for like 20-30 minutes everyone wondering wtf was going on why not just pull up and let us all off. When it finally did and I left the station once I get downstairs i see everyone looking up.
Someone jumped in front of the train. Guts falling down unto 31st street from the elevated tracks.
Nothing too crazy, in Toronto, I saw some guy follow/damn near chase a girl in and out of two cars. Right before the door closed she hopped out and he just sat there with the biggest smile rocking back and forth. I dont think he was all there mentally.
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Robberies, homeless ******** on themselves, fights, arguments, pervs trying to molest chicks on crowded trains, pervs masturbating, chick sucking some dude off in an empty car, etc. Mostly 2, 4, 5, Q, L trains. Not to mention some of this also happens on the bus. B41 and 46 would stay wild in the summer

After the 1st time, it just becomes one of the beautiful things about NYC commuting
Craziest was probably hearing this gay dude talking loud witj his friends saying stuff like my momma taught me how to ride ****
I have two. The first one was a guy speaking to his shoulder. Me and everyone I was with was staring at him on the BART platform. After he saw us looking at him, he turned over to his left shoulder said "shut up, they're staring at us" in a semi-loud/angry whisper and walk away to the front of the station. We all looked at each other for a sec than started laughing. Ten minutes later we all got quiet after talking **** and I think we all started to question what the hell was wrong with him.

The second incident was when I was walking with my ex down some escalators we saw some middle-aged bald guy eye-balling her. His eyes were wide-open so I stepped down first to walk ahead and see what he was about. He just kept staring at her even as I made my way down towards him as if I wasn't approaching him. So she grabbed my hand and I jumped because I didn't know she was behind me walking down towards him. She kinda tugged me to walk towards the left since he was on the right backing away from us. As I stepped down to meet the floor, I turned in his direction and as soon as I get near him he lowered his body and hissed at me. This was the first time he even stared at me with a group of guys near me eye-balling him. I froze in my tracks shocked at what I witnessed. My ex pulled me away to keep walking so I kept moving while keeping my eye on him. I kept looking and while he also continued to stare at us until I didn't see him in my line of sight. I kept looking at the corner expecting the worst until the train finally ******* came. My ex then told me that she's been getting bad vibes from certain people all of her life and every now and than, an incident like this takes place in which she get someone threatened by her and they respond in a malevolent manner. To this day, I think she's a real life Constantine or some sort of medium.
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May not have been mentioned but the guy who would take off his shoe and lick it clean. Video is around YouTube

My mom told me that one of her client on the 7 was sitting and some random guy put a gun to her head and made her suck his **** or he would shoot. She had no choice. Put it in her mouth for a whole stop and then he bounced. Scarred that women for life.
These stories are ****** up :smh:

Craziest thing I saw was just armed robberies, drug deals, fiends shooting up in the train cart, gang fights.

I stopped taking the train once I got my license. NYC public transportation alone will stress you out
Robberies, homeless ******** on themselves, fights, arguments, pervs trying to molest chicks on crowded trains, pervs masturbating, chick sucking some dude off in an empty car, etc. Mostly 2, 4, 5, Q, L trains. Not to mention some of this also happens on the bus. B41 and 46 would stay wild in the summer

After the 1st time, it just becomes one of the beautiful things about NYC commuting

Really? Which one is your favorite? :lol:
it's either seeing a huge trail of **** on the train that a homeless dude had the nerve to not sit near like he didn't do it


Seeing dude with no legs going from car to car on his skateboard. Nothing has topped those two yet.
I only recently started taking the subway again for work, for years I did when I was still in college.

Craziest was probably a mom trying to shield her young son as he pissed into a plastic bag :x .
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