da OG muscle car era is returning VOL Buh-bye CAFE laws

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That's not an accurate assumption.  We ask users to report posts when they're insulted rather than trying to "fight fire with fire" and compound the problem, but multiple users reported posts associated with him and the political thread - and the staff has been proactive about monitoring "conflict zones" as best they can.  

On forums as large as ours, we need to rely on user reporting - but the team isn't passive.  We're out here actively trying to keep things safe, friendly, and respectful.  If you received a warning, it's just as likely that a staff member discovered the issue on their own. 

it is an inaccurate assumption. however, users making claims that ninja is a constant reporter is now being confirmed in a light manner. but that is neither my concern nor my business. because i should not be baited into such buffoonery as you have stated.
I just find it funny that the dude who calls NTers "wussies", "weenies", "crybabies", etc. in every post for not accepting Trump's insulting language is also abusing the report button for the slightest negative comment
Be that as it may, it's only fair to point out that:

1. We ask users to report posts rather than respond in kind.  If someone insults you and you insult them back, you both get warned.  If, in a basketball game, six different people foul you and you fouls those six different people in retaliations, you'll be disqualified and they'll have one foul each.  

2. This is not an "abuse" of the reporting feature - except in the situation I've described, where one party is the provocateur and then tries to get everyone they riled up banned.  

I hate feeling like the only adult in a car full of small children.  Most of our community members are grown.  So, obviously it irks me when I'm transported to some concentric circle of domestic hell where Billy pinches Caitlyn, Caitlyn kicks Billy, and then Billy screams "DAAAAAAD, CAITLYN'S KICKING ME!!!!"  Moderators aren't parents.  Forums aren't life.  We can just straight up throw people out of this moving vehicle to keep the peace.  It's a very appealing option. 
You admitted that your latest bout of topics is an attempt to antagonize other users. That's proof enough that what you're doing is not acceptable.

Im sorry if you're misinterpreting what i meant so ill clarify. my genuine intention isn't to be antagonistic in nature...i got a long track record of not insulting anyone on da onset or initial confrontation..

To Borrow some contemporary political terms from da recent lexicon, "im a counter puncher". Years ago you told me i couldn't clap back if i was provoked and to holla @ ya, thats what i did.

Having a opinion on something that doesn't violate da NT rules of decorum but somehow can be perceived as trolling isn't something im actively trying to consistently do, so if im somehow giving u that aura i apologize u feel that way, but once again it not what im doing.

i promise i won't violate, and im heartened to know free exchanging of ideas is nurtured here hence why my residence on NT has been as long as its been, just as long as ya continue to uphold ya duties to maintain a arena of ideas that can all be challenged, but with da upmost respect.
You admitted that your latest bout of topics is an attempt to antagonize other users. That's proof enough that what you're doing is not acceptable.
Im sorry if you're misinterpreting what i meant so ill clarify. my genuine intention isn't to be antagonistic in nature...i got a long track record of not insulting anyone on da onset or initial confrontation..

To Borrow some contemporary political terms from da recent lexicon, "im a counter puncher". Years ago you told me i couldn't clap back if i was provoked and to holla @ ya, thats what i did.

Having a opinion on something that doesn't violate da NT rules of decorum but somehow can be perceived as trolling isn't something im actively trying to consistently do, so if im somehow giving u that aura i apologize u feel that way, but once again it not what im doing.

i promise i won't violate, and im heartened to know free exchanging of ideas is nurtured here hence why my residence on NT has been as long as its been, just as long as ya continue to uphold ya duties to maintain a arena of ideas that can all be challenged, but with da upmost respect.
We both know you've been taking a victory lap trying to irritate those who disagreed with you in the politics thread.  Not only is that trolling, it's spreading the misery around.  

Not all things politics have to be (or should be) posted in one giant, impossible to follow thread - but posting something with the clear intention of baiting or, to use a term treasured by the racist forum troll, "triggering" someone is just arson.  

Tone matters.  Yours has obviously not been respectful.  If you start a thread with the angle of taunting or insulting those who may have other opinions, you're starting that thread to start a fight - not a discussion.  Discussions are welcome.  Trolls are sentenced to eternal damnation in the roiling sulfur pits of reddit.

Clear enough? 
Where do you even find parking in the heights?
u only gotta start worrying after 7pm
 Do you currently have a car. I thought you didn't because you're in NYC. I could be totally wrong. 

That's why this truck driver thing is pretty hilarious to me. I always thought you didn't drive lol. 
Tone matters. Yours has obviously not been respectful. If you start a thread with the angle of taunting or insulting those who may have other opinions, you're starting that thread to start a fight - not a discussion.

but meth...i been passionate about da cafe standards even before Trump ever went down that escalator, i got Threads from years ago pointing it out...thats not thumbing someone's eye.

ill agree on your assessment when it came to da earthquake thread, but i think you're missing da mark IMO in this thread. with da relaxing of fuel standards, more of da cars i love will continue to be able to be made.. there's no hidden darts here.
Where do you even find parking in the heights?

u only gotta start worrying after 7pm :lol:
:lol:  Do you currently have a car. I thought you didn't because you're in NYC. I could be totally wrong. 

That's why this truck driver thing is pretty hilarious to me. I always thought you didn't drive lol. 
i do have a car, and i drive daily..dont always believe da NT running joke narrative.

i would've already had a muscle car but i opted to purchase my long coveted Jacob Jesus piece first and hold on to da decent hooptie for a lil while longer.
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Do you NEED a car in NY?

Or is it just a luxury/yamb assistant?

I always wondered what cats did when u got alot of groceries and have no car.
Do you NEED a car in NY?

Or is it just a luxury/yamb assistant?

I always wondered what cats did when u got alot of groceries and have no car.

technically you don't need a car in NYC, but its extremely useful if u do have one. and did u forgot about da fact there's bodegas on every other corner?

and yeah, having wheels in a uterus inducer... especially when u out with a ensemble cast and need to be places fast.
Tone matters. Yours has obviously not been respectful. If you start a thread with the angle of taunting or insulting those who may have other opinions, you're starting that thread to start a fight - not a discussion.
but meth...i been passionate about da cafe standards even before Trump ever went down that escalator, i got Threads from years ago pointing it out...thats not thumbing someone's eye.

ill agree on your assessment when it came to da earthquake thread, but i think you're missing da mark IMO in this thread. with da relaxing of fuel standards, more of da cars i love will continue to be able to be made.. there's no hidden darts here.
We're looking at a body of work here.  You've been an antagonist before and since.  We know you've been running a "victory lap" and taunting people you've disagreed with due to the election results.  

As such, I can't look at this thread acontextually.  

I would add that this is something you need to think about if you want to have respectful, constructive conversations on our forums.  The reputation you build for yourself will help or hinder your ability to do so.  In all candor, right now you're operating at a deficit in that respect.  Ted Nugent posting "interestin' article on stop and frisk vol. LAW 'N ORDAR!!!! #MAGA" would not encourage respectful discussion - nor would anyone consider it to have been created in good faith.

It's the responsibility of the moderation team to enforce our standards, not to repair your reputation.  You need to do that all on your own, and right now you're lobbing dynamite rather than building bridges.  If you start doing the latter, you might actually be surprised by the result.
Im sorry if you're misinterpreting what i meant so ill clarify. my genuine intention isn't to be antagonistic in nature...i got a long track record of not insulting anyone on da onset or initial confrontation..

To Borrow some contemporary political terms from da recent lexicon, "im a counter puncher". Years ago you told me i couldn't clap back if i was provoked and to holla @ ya, thats what i did.

Having a opinion on something that doesn't violate da NT rules of decorum but somehow can be perceived as trolling isn't something im actively trying to consistently do, so if im somehow giving u that aura i apologize u feel that way, but once again it not what im doing.

i promise i won't violate, and im heartened to know free exchanging of ideas is nurtured here hence why my residence on NT has been as long as its been, just as long as ya continue to uphold ya duties to maintain a arena of ideas that can all be challenged, but with da upmost respect.
What about the Italy earthquake thread you disgracefully tried to turn into some sort of personal attack against me? Was that not antagonistic?


You tried to turn a damn tragedy in a personal attack and Meth swiftly shut that down
 Originally Posted by Methodical Management

Turning a discussion about an earthquake that cost hundreds of people their lives into a petty personal swipe at other community members is absolutely repugnant.  

This thread will be closed so that a RESPECTFUL version can be created.
Or how about the dozens of times you've told me I don't have the right to post in the political thread because I'm a foreigner?

People do insult your living situation too often, but I was not amongst them. I would only point out the hypocrisy in looking down on others on some form of public assistance. And yet despite having explained to you on numerous occasions that I'm disabled and therefore have a lot of spare time to spend on NT, you still repeatedly question my commitment to my own country and tell me to go mind my own business because I'm foreign.

And that's just insults directed at me. I don't think I've even reported you for doing so.

Think of the countless times you've insulted fellow NT'ers with your systemic racism isn't real shtick. Where is the counter-punching in that? Or that time you tried to generalize the LGBT community as NAMBLA supporters.

The point is; I do agree that people insult your living situation too often but it's disingenous to act like you're only doing counter-punching.
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as usual MR. Colombia late to da party and i stole his talking point...

putting that aside..

As such, I can't look at this thread acontextually.

It's the responsibility of the moderation team to enforce our standards, not to repair your reputation

i aint looking for any reputation rehabilitation, i am who i am..u either gonna love me or hate me, thats been my life motto, and da same is followed here. All i ask is fair treatment. u said i couldn't pop back when i got hit first, well make sure i aint hit in da first place.

every one knows my NT rep is "Ninjahood don't start da wars, he's a good sport"

that don't mean imma be on da business end of a firing squad endlessly cuz i feel my views when their deeply held aint gonna fold or bend towards da will of NT hecklers.

so if u see a Thread i make thats inocuous, take it for face value.
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technically you don't need a car in NYC, but its extremely useful if u do have one. and did u forgot about da fact there's bodegas on every other corner?

and yeah, having wheels in a uterus inducer... especially when u out with a ensemble cast and need to be places fast.

how come in all of the videos you are present in, you don't use more intellectual language? it's kind like how you use da here but use the in other places
technically you don't need a car in NYC, but its extremely useful if u do have one. and did u forgot about da fact there's bodegas on every other corner?

and yeah, having wheels in a uterus inducer... especially when u out with a ensemble cast and need to be places fast.

how come in all of the videos you are present in, you don't use more intellectual language? it's kind like how you use da here but use the in other places

when in Rome, u act like da Romans..99.9% of da in depth intellectual discussions i participate here on NT has no scholastic home in da earthy realm of "da heightz" i occupy.

matter fact, im usually da bridge between ivory tower intellectuals and Hood ****** & hick Dominicans in my immediate hispanic social constituency.
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when in Rome, u act like da Romans..99.9% of da in depth intellectual discussions i participate here on NT has no scholastic home in da earthy realm of "da heightz" i occupy.

matter fact, im usually da bridge between ivory tower intellectuals and Hood ****** & hick Dominicans in my immediate hispanic social constituency.

so therefore you are two faced. you only act the way you want to integrate. you have no self because you are simply a shapeshifter. thanks for confirming that
when in Rome, u act like da Romans..99.9% of da in depth intellectual discussions i participate here on NT has no scholastic home in da earthy realm of "da heightz" i occupy.

matter fact, im usually da bridge between ivory tower intellectuals and Hood ****** & hick Dominicans in my immediate hispanic social constituency.

so therefore you are two faced.

more like im versatile & balanced.

i can school you scholastically, and still recite "dipset athem" word for word. :pimp:
more like im versatile & balanced.

i can school you scholastically, and still recite "dipset athem" word for word. :pimp:

i doubt it. your spanish is horrible at best and your english is laughable if you would try. good luck reaching the top of the ladder the way you speak and type. a person who refuses to believes the climate change because of republican rhetoric :lol:
more like im versatile & balanced.

i can school you scholastically, and still recite "dipset athem" word for word. :pimp:

i doubt it. your spanish is horrible at best and your english is laughable if you would try. good luck reaching the top of the ladder the way you speak and type.

i can already do what i want now, and my ladder steps continue to climb, while u here with your Stan impersonation :lol:
As many insulting words that meth & them have let you get away with about African Americans you should be the last one crying. You mad at the truth papa? :lol: You in here tryna tout some smarts like your rep on this site isn't mainly for being excessively ignorant lol We've seen all your cards you are not nearly qualitied enough intellectually to be debating with :lol:
As many insulting words that meth & them have let you get away with about African Americans you should be the last one crying. You mad at the truth papa? :lol: You in here tryna tout some smarts like your rep on this site isn't mainly for being excessively ignorant lol We've seen all your cards you are not nearly qualitied enough intellectually to be debating with :lol:

says a certain poltroon who's best insult it could conjure up in my return is "pigeonhood"

:lol: intellectually savvy on display is tantamount to adhesive inhalers...

but hey im supposed to not clap back at certain poltroons cerebral sewer runoff cuz i promised meth i would've :wink: [emoji]128133[/emoji]
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