Damn Detroit..you scary.

Originally Posted by Cash is Clay

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by CarlosZilla

good luck in Hell guys

Whats worse isn't that you actually think there is a hell
(made up from literature stemming from catholic canonization of a lot of dante's FICTIONAL texts...and hell is purely a christian thing, few religions actually have a hell or similar entity...another reason why you all should learn about comparative religion...*sigh*) but that you think that I actually deserve to go there.
Threatening someone with hell is the oldest trick in the book. 

Essentially, you can attach that to anything and threaten people to achieve any task you want. 

BTW, since you believe in hell, as a christian, Hitler is in heaven but as a hindu Ghandi and and as a muslim malcolm x are in hell?

You have to assert that someone could do the most heinous and dirty things and all they have to say is "im a christian" and they get to go to heaven...but if someone lives a good life and does right by others they STILL go to hell? 

On top of that, you seem so certain that you're not going to this place called hell...care to tell us why you're so convinced you won't end up where you think everyone else is going? 
dont you know we are all already in hell

 at the big bad NTers trying so hard to point out the fact that they dont believe in god why put it out there if thats your belief ok just keep quiet keep it movin we dont know you why we worried about what you believe. got dudes writing a whole page of nothing just to state theres no god. really who cares if dude exist ok if he doesnt still ok   .


...my point exactly hombre...

Why do the believers get to circle-jerk about saying god exists and THANKING it but when I try to point out flaws in the argument or asking questions then I get shut down?

Why do believers get the only right to be "pro" god?

I'm not pro-god. I'm pro-thank you to doctors, nurses, and cops. 

BTW, I say this and I REPEAT... the "god" believers started this by praising god...not me. That made this a religious argument...bringing god into this instead of expressing gratitude that the kid lived changed the subject. 
Originally Posted by 6 got dem handlez

Originally Posted by PRIME

Originally Posted by 6 got dem handlez

Detroit IS a scary place, and this video is inspirational BUT there's has to be more to this story.
You just don't go into areas of Detroit like that UNLESS you have friends with a PASS. Even still
you'd get merked.

Check the "Post You Car" thread, I almost was robbed and I was blasted at by some low lifes 
who started convo about my Jordans and tried to set me up.

In the D you have to be on your P's and Q's at all time, so this kid had to be messing with low lifes
to even be invited to take a trip across 8mile. Which means there were drugs or some sort of illegal
activity he was mixed up in.
But thats YOUR state of mind. You're talking about posts from the post your car thread, I assume you bought your own whip and you are well over the age of 16 right?
He was young, made a bad decision, the story is what it was. As crazy as the situation is, I doubt he left anything out. Just because you're older with a more responsible mindstate at this point in your life doesn't mean a kid who was just going out of his way to help a friend is going to think the same way. 

He was 17 THEN, I just turned 19 RECENTLY ...We're both from the both from the suburbs and KNOW BETTER about Detroit.
I'm telling you as a DETROITER if he was down there it wasn't simple as driving a friend. TRUST ME.
yep exactly. I use to stay right by that area when I was younger. Thats why he asked his mom when she came to the hospital.."Your not mad at me are you?"
dope story.

let that boy cook though, why does everything need to be a religious debate? we all know it's not going anywhere.
Sillyputty half of your essays I didnt read but I know what your saying. But this needs to end lol.

I get god is all knowing. I get that he can do all. And I get that hes completely good, or perfect morally. If he's can do all, know all, and is perfectly good there shouldnt be evil. There is evil, so its not unreasonable to then think there is no god.


We have free will. Without free will we couldnt love, be courageous, be generous, laugh, show compassion, give forgiveness etc. But with free will comes evil actions. The only way to stop that is if God compromised our free will. Thats not reasonable. If we didnt have free will we would be robots.

I personally dont believe in God, but it all goes both ways. No one friggin knows, now dead all this God talk.
Blah blah no god this blah blah god that.  WHO CARES if we believe in a God or not.   It is what it is, some people believe in a God some dont, get over it. 

  to this guy for surviving 3 POINT BLANK SHOTGUN shots.  
Originally Posted by cartune

Sillyputty (Optimus) and Anton it just seems like yall got a beef with something you dont believe in. Or you got some personal issues that you need to address

I dont get mad when I hear dumb chicks believe in themselves. I dont get mad at 14 year olds who still believe in Santa Claus. I just laugh at them...not argue with them.

Get your inner peace game up
its not that cereal...god bless

The only reason why I got heated in this thread is because somebody tried to project their own ignorance and lack of understanding onto me

"Bet yall can't explain that"


It's like when someone is so stupid that they start believing everyone else around them has their same thought process and can't possibly come up with more logical explanations-

And someone could be at peace with himself and still defy the notion of a God helps some but does not help others
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Crazy thing is y'all religious fanatics are still missing the point, none of you guys are thanking the doctors or the people who helped. I hate to fuel the debate but it really bothers me man. I've gained so much respect for doctors over the years because personally, if I just quarterbacked somebody thru a life saving surgery and the first conscious statement they made was "thank God" I'd really be on some diabolical get-back +*#@. For real. The day I see someone just "trust God" after a terrible accident instead of calling for help is the day I become a full fledged believer, regardless of the outcome.

And to put all this into perspective, my father is a church pastor. I probably have the most religious family/background on this entire board. There is nothing about Christianity or church you can tell me. Religion is just great in my book until people start using it to passive aggressively discount the contribution of others. Some people in this thread are only praising God in their posts to spite the posters asking for recognition for the doctors. That to me is just sickening. No way around it.

word, its disgusting on all accounts if you think about it

1-The presumption that you somehow deserved God's help more than others in your situation who didn't make it

2-Completely ignoring the blood and sweat people like EMTs put into saving a life
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

crazy story...its so colddddd in the D..dude is fortunate to be alive

yeah we should all thank the kid who gave you a little energy to reply to this thread by mentioning your name ....
..nobody cares what you think...

then this clown goes to talk about all the medical terms of what happened to dude like he is explaining something...

It's statements like this that make sillyputty and myself think people who believe in "god" are idiots.

#@$ do you mean "like he is explaining something" ?

You clowns believe that some "angel" lifted this guy from the ground and whispered his dad's number in his ear.

That doesn't sound silly (no putty) ?

You guys put so much weight on this "god" nonsense that it stops you from having common sense.
You cats spend your whole lives praying to these imaginary "gods" and that stops you from seeing how this world really operates.

The whole irony in this is that you guys are against the "devil," yet a devil-like character is the one that created these bibles and korans that you worship so much.
Silly Putty, you try and put up a valid argument but get no logical response and when there is a response, people often choose which questions they want to answer, and dodge the others as if they never read it.
Originally Posted by Cole World 22

You cats spend your whole lives praying to these imaginary "gods" and that stops you from seeing how this world really operates.

The whole irony in this is that you guys are against the "devil," yet a devil-like character is the one that created these bibles and korans that you worship so much.

holy crap...I'm actually agreeing with you...

Originally Posted by Jordan Novice

Silly Putty, you try and put up a valid argument but get no logical response and when there is a response, people often choose which questions they want to answer, and dodge the others as if they never read it.
Yep...indeed my man....indeed. 
Originally Posted by azabweekay

Blah blah no god this blah blah god that.  WHO CARES if we believe in a God or not.   It is what it is, some people believe in a God some dont, get over it. 

seriously does everything have to turn into a religious debate on niketalk general nowadays?

watch a thread about doughnuts turn into a religious debate
I can see tthe drool furiously dripping out of sillyp utty's mouth while he bangs on his keyboard enraged that people actually have faith and appreciate miracles of God

Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

I can see tthe drool furiously dripping out of sillyp utty's mouth while he bangs on his keyboard enraged that people actually have faith and appreciate miracles of God


Personal jabs aside, I'm not angry or even agitated. I'm just asking why "god" gets brought up here.
I can prove that docs, nurses, cops, and lawyers helped this kid.

You can't prove a god was there and thus can't establish that "god" even deserves credit...or ALL of the credit...

This is the problem I have.
Why are these "miracles of God" when clearly this kid should be dead?

Is this really a miracle if people die from equally or even less severe attacks all the time? 

Why is this a miracle if the kid had to go to the hospital AND depend on the justice system in the first place?

I would have been impressed if the some supernatural force allowed the kid to be repaired within 1-3 hours and he just ended up walking home and slept in his bed that night...THATS a miracle to me. 

Why is it so hard for you to THANK the people who actually saved his life and enacted justice against the wrong-doer? 

On top of that, why is it when you all mention god its not a religious argument but when I say that god wasn't involved then it becomes one? 

If thats the case, I can say SPIDERMAN SAVED THIS MANS LIFE UNTIL THE COPS ARRIVED, and I can NEVER be wrong about it just because I can say any and everything. 
We can absolutely thank them. And they get their share of credit but when you work as a manager and successfully increase revenue you think investors are gonna praise you, or the ceo? I'm sure you see where I'm going with this. You're atheist for a reason, you want a magic show for proof, others do not need that.

I also don't understand why Atheists, for such logical people bother with the same circular arguments over and over. There are questions that simply can't be answered by people of faith; as there are with you. You can't prove faith on a calculator. So you ask similar or the same dumb questions over and over to get to a point where you can say "Hah I got you, you can't answer that, or the answer is unacceptable" Just cause it may not be 100% "logical" to you doesn't make it any less true. The origin of life makes zero sense. (e.g. which came first the chicken or the egg) doesn't mean we don't exist. We can answer what of our existence is but not why or how logically. And if you think Santa Clause or the tooth fairy is the reason then feel free to believe.
Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

We can absolutely thank them. And they get their share of credit but when you work as a manager and successfully increase revenue you think investors are gonna praise you, or the ceo? I'm sure you see where I'm going with this. You're atheist for a reason, you want a magic show for proof, others do not need that.

I also don't understand why Atheists, for such logical people bother with the same circular arguments over and over
. There are questions that simply can't be answered by people of faith; as there are with you. You can't prove faith on a calculator. So you ask similar or the same dumb questions over and over to get to a point where you can say "Hah I got you, you can't answer that, or the answer is unacceptable" Just cause it may not be 100% "logical" to you doesn't make it any less true. The origin of life makes zero sense. (e.g. which came first the chicken or the egg) doesn't mean we don't exist. We can answer what of our existence is but not why or how logically. And if you think Santa Clause or the tooth fairy is the reason then feel free to believe.
This is again the problem sir.

What do you mean by fair share? I think they deserve ALL of the credit. 

I can show you the leader of a company, or a military team. 

You can't show me this sort of supernatural leader. Nor can you get off by saying that god is in charge of doctors, nurses and cops. 

In your eyes, isn't god responsible for the actions of ALL of us? So how can that god pick sides and be in charge of only those that save lives? Wouldn't that mean that god isn't in control of the lives of people who do bad things? Doesn't that also mean that god isn't all powerful? 

When you make arguments like this, you expose that your god is neither all knowing, all powerful, or all present. 

The irony...escapes me...

Exact-a-mundo my friend.

Thats why when I don't know something...i don't make stuff up. I just keep it 100 and say, "I don't know, but I'll try to figure it out"

Saying "god did it" is just as much of a guess too because you really don't even know. You just want to say that "god did it" so ultimately your guess is as good as mine. Just admit that you don't know instead of acting like something was a divine act. 

As people we have a desire to explain things all the time and when we cant we feel embarrassed or inadequate. Just keeping it real allows us to be honest.

Saying god did it just prevents us from really getting to the root of the matter because we just blindly accept that NON-answer.

Ok. valid point. 

But in citing this, why aren't you able to support your stance that god was there? I don't understand quantum physics to the degree of a PhD but I can damn sure learn all of it or have it taught to me in increments. 

You can't explain your stance other than "believe me"...Why should I automatically accept your explanation with no substantiation for your claims? Thats intellectually dishonest. Not one shred of evidence suggest anything was present beyond the human hands that helped that boy and stayed by his side. 

Do I know how life began? Ultimately, no I don't. Its all just complex chemistry so theres a chance that it never did begin depending on where you drew that line (mind = blown, right?)... in any case, are their theories? Yes. Do we ultimately know? Not really. 

But does that mean we should stop trying to figure it out? Nope. 

I don't know everything. And thats the point. Accepting a bad answer like some guy came to earth...ONLY earth and say that you did something wrong before you were even born and you have to ask this invisible thing to save you from eternal torture. Just stop it man. 

I don't know everything. I say "i don't know" quite a bit...(and girls love it actually... when you're honest about stuff like that...
) because they know if I don't know something I'm going to try to figure it out and not give BS half-answers instead of real researched ones backed up with consistent and objective evidence and support for my conclusions. 

Now you're playing games...because you KNOW its preposterous to suggest that santa or the tooth fairy saved this kids life but then its somehow unrealistic of me to say that god wasn't responsible for this. 

And since according to you i'm free to believe anything, then I will. I WILL THANK SPIDERMAN FOR SAVING THIS YOUNG MAN'S LIFE....AND YOU CAN NEVER PROVE ME WRONG BECAUSE I JUST BELIEVE IT. 

If god is all knowing and all powerful then it created those situations for the kid to get shot in the face with a shot-gun....unless you have to concede that your god is NOT all knowing and all powerful. Thats my point. 
Originally Posted by NobleKane

seriously does everything have to turn into a religious debate on niketalk general nowadays?

watch a thread about doughnuts turn into a religious debate
so true

Crazy story tho. A random person and you pick someone you know for 10+ years and pay him

Some people in this world are just sick. On top of that its all to join a gang. I guess he's banging in jail

Originally Posted by 6 got dem handlez

Something didn't add up so I asked around and my buddy know's a guy who know's him (Detroit is SO small)

Met a guy two years ago in the ER that survived being shot over a girl on westside. He was still having complications two years later

I guranteed YESTERDAY it wasn't as simple as he put it, self hating white girl had a "gangsta" black kid who was 16 at the time hurt
the guy to prove she was "down".
 I don't want to rain on his parade or discredit his perseverance AFTER THE FACT but this is the COLD TRUTH.
I KNEW he was just "dropping a friend off", as kids were taught to stay from across 8mile unless we have business there.

Well Praise God. 


Is god male or both genders? What would god need with a penis? 
How did I know that once sillyputty was gonna post that this becomes a religious thread...

::exits thread::
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