DANK CUSTOMS - Cement Print Supreme Dunk Hi Custom

Originally Posted by s dubl

very dope Jake! Idont rock Dunks, but like a few....and this is def one of the few I like!

Have you ever tried using a wood burner, or soldering iron to burn in the print?
I did try but I dont think my iron gets hot enough... It has a rough time getting through the paint lol I need to get a better one... If I do, I will probably re-do this actual pair...
a little burning detail and these would be one of the few dunks i like
a little burning detail and these would be one of the few dunks i like
a little burning detail and these would be one of the few dunks i like
a little burning detail and these would be one of the few dunks i like
just a question how did you do the print??
just drew it on there o what??
an like everyone said if it had actual print on there these would be so sick!!
just a question how did you do the print??
just drew it on there o what??
an like everyone said if it had actual print on there these would be so sick!!
That box is super cool - the sneakers are good too but the details on the box are great.
That box is super cool - the sneakers are good too but the details on the box are great.
Originally Posted by 23sonmyfeet

just a question how did you do the print??
just drew it on there o what??
an like everyone said if it had actual print on there these would be so sick!!

work OP, I like the tumble leather
Originally Posted by 23sonmyfeet

just a question how did you do the print??
just drew it on there o what??
an like everyone said if it had actual print on there these would be so sick!!

work OP, I like the tumble leather
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