Dating a woman with children

It's real simple. If the single mother has the qualities that you look for in a relationship then so be it. There is nothing wrong with having a relationship with a single mother.

Not to come at anyone's neck but Ninja you were raised by a single mother correct? Is there anything wrong with her? She takes care of business and held down her responsibilities like a real single mother is suppose to. What I'm getting at is that not all single mothers are hood rats, jump off etc.

Also there is nothing wrong with a man not wanting to deal with a woman that already has kids. Depending on the woman that package could come with a lot of drama and baggage.

It all comes down to the guy. I just feel you shouldn't rule someone out just because of their past.

Umm i was born out of a married couple b.

My father got in trouble and got sent up da river,

I wasnt these "abandoned" kids cuz even with that

Adversity my mother NEVER dated another man

Because she respected me as a son to never bring

Another man around me because she knew da

Strained relationship between her & my father had

NOTHING to do with me and that i SHOULD develop

A strong bond with him, hence why she would take

Me to go see him 3 times a month minimum in da

Feds. There isnt enough thank you's in da world i

Can give my mother for never brining another cat

Around me, and in return i'd NEVER be that guy

In a relationship with a broad wit a kid because

Being a "mother ******" is one of da worst things

In da world you can be(da OG

Meaning) old school like that.

Da only kids i want around me are da ones I fathered.

I want to be da Father my dad never got a chance

To be with me, with my OWN kids.
Why people gotta bring up peoples moms in this argument? Acting like dudes is choosing mates based off what their mom was like :lol:

It's very simple, bro.

How do you talk down on single mothers when a single mother raised you?

Or didn't(as evident from this topic)

You gotta look down on someone that's going through the same struggle your own mother went through?

They're a lot of men that knock chicks up, wait till they have the kid & bounce....happens a lot.

I don't mind getting with a single mother who has her **** together and a lot of potential.

Kids are innocent.... Stop looking at them as inconveniences.
Kids are innocent.... Stop looking at them as inconveniences.
But by definition they ARE inconveniences. Your OWN kids are inconveniences. And folks are saying dealing with someone elses' kids are even more of a inconvenience.

Stop with the Disney talk man. Kids are a inconvenience. ANY honest parent will tell you that. So what if they are innocent.
LOL @ people saying "yeah date single mothers! I was raised by a single mother! ............ AND she wasn't a jump-off; she never dated anybody for 30+ years!" 

I wonder why that is. I'm sure it's because she respected you enough not to go around bringing different guys in your life. Or.... the less honorable alternative... Guys said hmm that chick has a kid... Not gonna do it.
Probably a mix of both.
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And so what if you were raised by a single mother. That shouldn't mean you should have to want to deal with one on your own. That shouldn't mean you should just accept that. I mean you didn't CHOSE to be raised by a single mother so it isn't like it was your preferred living environment.
But by definition they ARE inconveniences. Your OWN kids are inconveniences. And folks are saying dealing with someone elses' kids are even more of a inconvenience.

Stop with the Disney talk man. Kids are a inconvenience. ANY honest parent will tell you that. So what if they are innocent.


You look at it kids and see inconvenience?

Your mother saw you as an inconvenience, right? This why you hate Women so much, DC? You got 33k post, and 90% of that is Woman bashing.

It's a shame your mother didn't love you..and saw you as a mistake & inconvenience...but some of us were bought up by loving mothers.

Why you even in here, b? You don't like Women....
You are being too emotional here.

Kids ARE an inconvenience. You can love them to death and adore them with all of your heart, but they ARE an inconvenience. They prevent ANYONE from doing what they want to do at any given time.

It is a worthwhile inconvenience but they are still inconveniences.

It is what it is man, you aren't looking at this from a non-emotional POV so of course you aren't seeing what I am saying.
Trouble or difficulty caused to one's personal requirements or comfort: "the inconvenience of having to change trains".
Cause such trouble or difficulty to: "traffic would inconvenience residents".
noun. discomfort - trouble - nuisance - bother
verb. trouble - bother - incommode - annoy - disturb - harass

No matter how much you LOVE your child, based on ^ that definition, kids are inconveniences. Not sure what is so hard to udnerstand here.
I have kids and I love them, but they are anything but convenient. :lol:

Dudes are really getting their feelings hurt, but there's so much truth in this thread. Too truthy.
I have kids and I love them, but they are anything but convenient. :lol:

Dudes are really getting their feelings hurt, but there's so much truth in this thread. Too truthy.
I guess in his mind calling someone an inconvenient means you don't really love them or something. I don't even know how he could even argue something like that.

You look at it kids and see inconvenience?

Your mother saw you as an inconvenience, right? This why you hate Women so much, DC? You got 33k post, and 90% of that is Woman bashing.

It's a shame your mother didn't love you..and saw you as a mistake & inconvenience...but some of us were bought up by loving mothers.

Why you even in here, b? You don't like Women....
Single moms never see their kid as an inconvenience.
You'll hear things like: 
"greatest achievement"
"#1 man in their life" (if boy)
"my everything"
"greatest joy"

But kids cost money to raise. Money is a limited resource for most of NT and people in general. That's inconvenient.
I know what you guys wanna say "But wait... she never has me pay for any of the kid stuff"
  • that's cool but that still means she has less money to do things with you
  • eventually that would change
Also it is an emotional stress as the child grows and you have to develop a loving relationship with 2 people instead of one. Just like people say you can't control who you fall for... You can't control what people might think of you. That kid could hate you and make life quite stressful. you just never know. It's a gamble. More variables = an inconvenience.

Bottom line: And I said this early in the thread. If you want a kid RIGHT NOW, JUST DO IT. If you are wary of kids at all, stay away. If you're asking whether or not you should date a woman with kids, you're wary. STAY AWAY.
Regarding the kid being an inconvenience part, to me it all depends where your at in your life maturity wise.

You know before hand that having a child and being a good parent takes alot of time and work and money. In that sense I could see the inconvience part but I see it as more of a responsibility then an inconvience.

Now if your not ready to have children and you still want to live your life and enjoy yourself with no parental responsibilities, which is understandable and you have a kid you weren't ready for I could see how someone could view that as a hassle or inconvience.

That said its too many females I know that have had kids they clearly weren't ready for and I think its funny how people around my way give me crap for telling them good luck instead of congrats when they get pregnant.
There is NO parent in this world that hasn't been inconvenienced by their kid. No matter how mature you are. You will lose sleep. You will have "random" hospital appointments. Things happen. If someone inconveniences you, they are an inconvenience.

But that is what happens when you deal with someone that you love. They are inconveniences at times.

Now if they inconvenience you more than make you feel good, time to get rid of them. (Non-kids)
There is NO parent in this world that hasn't been inconvenienced by their kid. No matter how mature you are. You will lose sleep. You will have "random" hospital appointments. Things happen. If someone inconveniences you, they are an inconvenience.

But that is what happens when you deal with someone that you love. They are inconveniences at times.

Now if they inconvenience you more than make you feel good, time to get rid of them. (Non-kids)

I agree. I consider those necessary inconviences though. I suck at trying to get across what I'm saying lol. When your ready to have kids and make them your priority, yeah stuff like that sucks and is a hassle but its a hassle you don't mind.

I know some people that view kids as an inconvience for all the wrong reasons, ex going out and getting wasted and partying but their kid "getting in the way.
A child is absolutely an inconvenience to everything else going on in your life.

your career.

your relationships.

No point arguing with someone who is really going to deny this.

That's why people take off of work for their children because they need that attention thats why a lot has to stop for your kid.

you can love your kid, they can be the best thing to happen in your life, you can call it a change but really they're inconveniences .
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I agree. I consider those necessary inconviences though. I suck at trying to get across what I'm saying lol. When your ready to have kids and make them your priority, yeah stuff like that sucks and is a hassle but its a hassle you don't mind.

I know some people that view kids as an inconvience for all the wrong reasons, ex going out and getting wasted and partying but their kid "getting in the way.
Yea we are saying the same thing Rex.

Necessary invoncenience. I like that way of saying it.
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