David Fincher: House of Cards( BEWARE OF SPOILERS) (series) starring Kevin Spacey

Damn Claire was with that Him shooting in the gym
And he treating her like that :smh:
Dudes don't know how to treat a good woman

Frank said what needed to be said. Claire was slipping with how the Russians manipulated her. She didn't believe in Francis and was trying to get her own seat at the table for herself.
Damn Claire was with that Him shooting in the gym
And he treating her like that :smh:
Dudes don't know how to treat a good woman

Frank said what needed to be said. Claire was slipping with how the Russians manipulated her. She didn't believe in Francis and was trying to get her own seat at the table for herself.
Hmmmmmm good point
But also they work together for BOTH to achieve something
and he been all about him
Also just like remy said
He ain't been being respectful to his staff
He only seeing it his way and not from all sides
Which is why I think his plans ain't worked this season
You guys are crazy. This is why hollywood regurgitates the same nonsense over and over. Then you guys would have complained about that. I dont get how anyone could complain about this season if they liked the season where the president of the united states was no smarter than a 3rd grader. GW Bush couldve outsmarted that guy 4x over.

"She can go after me all she wants, but if she goes after Claire I will slit her ******* throat in broad daylight"

this was :x :pimp:
but now :rofl:

fave line this season.

you can tell Claire wants something of her own...the look on face when she was sitting at the Presidential desk in the Oval Office...

she'll be plotting for next season, maybe contributing something to the Dunbar campaign?

you also saw Dunbar willing to get dirty after accepting Doug's offer after saying she wouldn't...i now wouldnt put it past Claire to reach out and Dunbar to reciprocate in some form

Christian values imo is key to winning an election (unfortunately). A divorce would ruin any potential candidate. Especially a recent one. If they dont fix their relationship Frank is done. They even said voters liked Claire better.
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But there comes a point where you have to realize that one of the two has the better chance for providing means for the both of them to achieve. Francis is the president. Claire is a failed diplomat who was inexperienced. Clearly Frank is the one that should get the focus of the efforts.
Claire as VP on the ticket.

Season 4/series finale ends with the Claire getting Meechum or someone to assassinate Francis, she becomes prez and the series ends.
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Okay just finished the season and I liked it better than S2. The reason is cause I felt The Underwood's were super villains that were unable to be challenged last season and this season they were humanized a lot more. Nothing went according to plan for them and watching their relationship slowly break was a new dynamic that had me intrigued. Frank and Claire never let personal emotion dictate thier political moves, but that is what got them in so much heat this season.

Also I have a feeling Claire will screw over Frank in the end as well, there were a couple potential foreshawdoing scenes that I thought were interesting. The first was when she chatted with Tom the final time and he told her she should be president. The other was when she was sitting in his chair in the oval office and she spins around and begins her speech about not having any power.

Doug's storyline was, as intriguing if not more, than both Frank and Claire's. When he revealed where his true loyalty lies, that scene was fantastic. I thought he was going to pull a half measure and let Rachel (Cassie) live but he went full measure in the end.
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what happen to hector mendoza i didnt quite understand the shows explanation??

Got caught not claiming paid speeches as income.

He might end up being his running mate tho. He said something like "he is just in storage".

I liked 3 a lot.

People just have unreal expectations.

Not really. Just keep it at the level of season 1. I wasn't surprised tho. I knew where this show was headed after that lazy *** season 2.

Still every enjoyable tho. Just won't reach the level it could've. Sort of like Melo.
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what happen to hector mendoza i didnt quite understand the shows explanation??

Got caught not claiming paid speeches as income.

He might end up being his running mate tho. He said something like "he is just in storage".

I liked 3 a lot.

People just have unreal expectations.

Not really. Just keep it at the level of season 1. I wasn't surprised tho. I knew where this show was headed after that lazy *** season 2.

Still every enjoyable tho. Just won't reach the level it could've. Sort of like Melo.
And that damn wait
They need to switch up the format
Like a season every 6 months
This year thing is ******
Especially For something that releases all the shows at the same time
Thread is impossible to keep up with since we're all at random stages :lol:

Binge watched 5-13 tonight. Season was good but I could have seen the ending a mile away.

I really shouldn't have binged :lol: it's true when they say that this is a show you shouldn't watch in one sitting. Definitely need to watch one or two at a time and process what's going on.

Probably going to rewatch in a month or two to fully process things.

I don't like the way Frank treats Claire as a husband but they're not even a married couple to me. Took us three seasons to actually see them smash. Claire dumb for wanting more. She's the first lady. And a lot of people like her. She's talking about "I'm not doing anything important"

***** you were handed that UN role on a silver platter. I understand that it's a team effort but there's only one chair at the desk at the Oval Office. She expect to be the ******* president? Nahhhh. Shut up, smile and enjoy the ride.
In the last episode at the meeting in the Oval Office. I really thought Claire was gonna ask for VP. She want all these positions she's not qualified for :smh:

Dunbar is the truth. Hate her because she's franks opposition. But she's :pimp:

My mans Doug :pimp: knew he would come to his senses and get rid of the Crimson chin Rachel. The physical therapist>>>>>>. Was dissapointed that Frank didn't kill anyone after they dropped the "we're murderers Francis" line. Guess they gotta keep things realistic.

The dude Freddy :pimp: glad they showed his character a little more and that he wasn't just franks loyal servant. Dude knows his place but he's not stupid with frank. He was just collecting the big tips Frank would offer for those ribs :pimp:

Show had me while uncomfortable. With petrov kissing Claire and Frank getting ayo with Tom. Legit though petrov was gonna demand Claire's yambs as a bargaining chip In the Jordan valley.

I HOWLED when Jackie tried switching to dunbars side and got rejected :rofl: the look of salt on her face
On episode 11, man Doug such a simp.. should of made sure it was her before lifting that ban... doomass.
Damn, Jackie with the face turn.

edit: Remy too?! Son is such a simp. This was supposed to be his season to flourish.
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Damn, Jackie with the face turn.

edit: Remy too?! Son is such a simp. This was supposed to be his season to flourish.

If he was a simp he would've taken her offer. Freddy not even being able to stand FU at times opened up his eyes to the reality of the situation.
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Remy wasn't simpin at all. He got tired of Frank's games.

This season just showed how everyone done with Frank except Doug who needs to come out the closet. No reason he should've been riding frank like that.

Jackie tho. I think she's the finest girl on the show besides Kate Mara. :wow:
Well that ending was built up throughout the whole season and the whole show really. Should be interesting to see where they go from here, I'm just glad Doug finally did it and put an end to the cause of his misery. I definitely enjoyed this season more than Season 2, aside from the hacker storyline in S2 - it was really a slow burn and not as engaging as I wanted it to be. Not to mention Tusk was unbearable as the main adversary. The concentration on the Underwood's troubles and their shortcomings this season made for more of an interesting story and Doug's story kept my interest throughout.

Remy wasn't simpin at all. He got tired of Frank's games.

This season just showed how everyone done with Frank except Doug who needs to come out the closet. No reason he should've been riding frank like that.

Jackie tho. I think she's the finest girl on the show besides Kate Mara. :wow:

Remy's a simp, if he was really tired he would of left before she did.
just finished it up

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