December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

Match was sports entertaining for what IT was. You have an idea of what you're probably getting with that kind of match.

Of course..If anyone goes into watching a War Games match (in modern era) thinking their going to get a Hackenschmidt vs O'Connor match then they're as dumb as a box of Rocks..
:smh: Who ARE you?????
Man, that was a highly sports entertaining match, but I'm also a big fan of everyone that was in it. Made the thizz face a handful of times at some of those spots.

Thanks for the love, y'all!

B Sox B Sox HHH said it should be any time now. Apparently he worked his tail off trying to stay ready.
Poor Beth hardly gets to speak..The main commentator is too busy saying "superstar" every 8 seconds for her to get a word in..
That bum CJ Parker doesn't do anything better than Grimes. Dude sucks. People in here just try to gas him up because he's IN JAPAN.
Man I really need Oregano to lose and be wished well in his future endeavors..His matches and his shtick are just so boring at this point..I'm sure he'll put his face on the bottom rope, while having blank look/look of desperation on his face, at some point during his match..He'll probably huff while having some spittle fly outta his mouth too..
I typically don't get too personal on here, but War Games coming on kinda sucker punched me in the chest, and I wasn't ready for it. My good friend Chris (who was probably my closest friend who watched wrestling IRL) had been battling leukemia and passed away in August. War Games and Royal Rumble were his 2 favorite PPV's. I hadn't thought much about it until tonight's intro started and I picked the phone to text him, then realized I couldn't. Gonna be a tougher night than I expected. Rumble will be another story. I know we all talk our sht to each other, but I just wanted to say I appreciate each and every one of you in this thread and our conversations over the matter how dumb they can get at times.

Thanks for sharing that man, appreciate it.
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